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HTML5 postMessage在HTML5中新增了postMessage方法,postMessage可以实现跨文档消息传输(Cross Document Messaging),Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Chrome 3和 Safari 4都支持postMessage。DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>Communication</title><script>setInterval(function(){window.pare...
很多用户都不知道的10个优秀的HTML5编码工具HTML5 will radically change the way we make websites and web apps. So here are 10 great tools that are amazing for simplifying and enhancing HTML5 coding.HTML5将彻底改变我们建设网站和Web应用程序的方式。HTML5 TestDoes your current browser supports HTML5?HTML5 ResetHTML5 Reset is...
HTML5 CSS3 预研总结文档。Sencha Touch is an application framework (you create your interface programmatically through Javascript) while jQuery Mobile is more of a mobile enhancement library (you write regular HTML for your content, then add jQuery mobile for transitions/animations). jQuery Mobile has an easier learnin...
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