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Net -> curl Devel -> git* (git, git-completion, git-gui, gitk) Libs -> libreadline6, libiconv2 Editors -> vim Python -> python 2. 啟動Cygwin之後,開始安裝Repo[2]git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common.git.git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common cd common 里面是kernel 源码如果...
Windows git和repo下载Android源代码。--[endif]-->然后我们可以开始下载repo脚本了,方法如下:1、cd ~2、mkdir bin3、下载repo文件到bin文件夹里(其实这里你可以指定其他目录):curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo4、让repo脚本有执行权限:chmod a+x ~/bin/repo5 、别忘了将~/bin目录加入到环境变量PATH中:打开H...
Why Google chose the Apache Software License over GPLv2 for Android.Although the underlying Linux kernel is licensed under version 2 of the Free Software Foundation’s General Public License (GPLv2), much of the user-space software infrastructure that will make up the Open Handset Alliance’s platform will be distribu...
编译完Android源码后,会得到两个bionic动态C库,libc.so和libc_debug.so,为了能够检测内存泄漏,我们应该首先在Android的rootfs中用libc_debug.so替换libc.so。在libc_debug.so库中,Android隐藏了两个可以用来检测内存泄漏的API:void free_malloc_leak_info(uint8_t* info);如果你想知道bionic是如何实现这个功能的,可以参考bionic/libc/b...
service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server.int main(int argc, const char* const argv[])argv0 = argv[0];argv++;int i = runtime.addVmArguments(argc, argv);runtime.mParentDir = argv[i++];// Next arg is startup classname or "--zygote"setArgv0(argv0, "zygote&qu...
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