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What are the main advantages and disadvantages of webid compared to browserid?identity verification: certificate signature verification (BrowserId) or subject public key verification (WebId/foaf+ssl)certificate format: JSON (BrowserId) or X509 (foaf+ssl) formats for certificates.The user just needs to click a big butt...
Websites Selling Stolen Cards FoiledWebsites Selling Stolen Cards FoiledSizing Up the Impact on Card FraudBy Tracy Kitten, May 1, 2012.International law enforcement agencies last week touted the takedown of 36 websites that were used to sell stolen debit and credit data for more than 2.5 million accounts.But how much ...
比利时采用电子身份证解决方案加强儿童保护 - 51CTO.COM.【51CTO.com 综合报道】2009年3月26日,金雅拓宣布将大规模推广其电子身份证解决方案,助比利时政府扩展其全国性电子身份证计划。项目包括12岁以下儿童专用的电子身份卡,电子身份卡具有紧急情况下增强儿童安全的特殊功能。除了常用的全国性身份证件功能,比利时公民还将电子 ID 卡用于...
Should the Government Control Internet Standa...Should the Government Control Internet Standards?David Rudin, an attorney in Microsoft''s Interoperability Group, pointed out that if you want to sell your products to governments, some will expect certain interoperability standards to be met and if your organiza...
RSA2009:重视网络身份认证 关注上下文判断_安全子站_IT技术_IT专家网RSA2009:重视网络身份认证 关注上下文判断作者: Britta,  出处:IT专家网, 责任编辑: 张帅, 2009-04-24 09:42  Cisco TrustSec基本上是作为网络身份验证前的"分流"设备,来根据用户角色和用户身份来分配安全措施。Cisco TrustSec实际上是作为网络身份验证前...
FCC Privacy Policy.If any personal information you provide will be maintained in an FCC Privacy Act system of records, you will be notified at the point of collection through a Privacy Act statement, as to whether providing information is mandatory or voluntary, and the effects of not providing all or any part of the ...
Heavy Reading.Modern policy servers and DPI gear are highly adaptable, they suggested, and could be used in ways that are much more sensitive to end users, while still enabling ISPs, both to handle traffic more intelligently, and to add value to subscriber packages (for instance, via customers opting in to the use of ...
导读:安全性断言标记语言SAML2.0是用于联合单点登录的协议,为了能够在Web2.0领域进行敏捷开发,因此,SAML2.0需要瘦身,Sun微系统公司的社群架构师Pat Patterson如是说。开放式单点登录(OpenSSO)提供了一种通过使用SAML2.0并且编写少量代码,来创建身份联邦的方式。Patterson还介绍了,如何在微软的写字板中编程,使得Web站点中包含SAML身份...
我将从SAML背后的目标谈起,然后介绍SAML的体系结构,最后解释SAML的概念。SAML的目标。SAML定义了SAML请求和响应消息在标准通信传输协议上的映射。SAML SOAP绑定描述了SAML请求和响应消息交换如何映射到SOAP消息交换上。SAML规范规定任何遵循SAML规范的实现必须实现基于HTTP的SOAP上的SAML。比如,SAML的SOAP配置文件描述了如何将SAML断言添加...
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