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Broadcast stations and cable systems are not required to broadcast EAS alerts and messages initiated by state and local authorities, but the FCC encourages broadcast licensees and cable operators to transmit emergency alerts as a public service.All EAS broadcasts should be accessible by audio and visual means, or simp...
If the emergency information is being provided in the video portion of programming that is not a regularly scheduled newscast or a newscast that interrupts regular programming (e.g., the programmer provides the emergency information through "crawling" or "scrolling" during regular programming), thi...
伊恩.利利科是澳大利亚的男孩教育专家,他对男孩的52条建议曾被澳大利亚参议院采纳,以下是其中的精选: .无论在家还是在学校,男性成人与女性成人的性别角色不能失衡。.暴力或攻击性强的男孩通常在小时候缺乏拥抱,教师与家长应该重视与男孩的非语言交流,如拍肩、握手等身体接触。.对于那些需要改进自己行为表现的男孩,教师和家长的要...
Next Generation Network (NGN) APIs to SupportEmergency Telecommunications Services (ETS)Next Generation Networks (NGN) must provide support for Emergency Telecommunications Services (ETS) to ensure high probability of call completion during national emergency and disaster situations, just as the Public Switched Teleph...
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