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Google Spanner (中文版)应用可以详细规定,哪些数据中心包含哪些数据,数据距离用户有多远(控制用户读取数据的延迟),不同数据副本之间距离有多远(控制写操作的延迟),以及需要维护多少个副本(控制可用性和读操作性能)。第二,Spanner有两个重要的特性,很难在一个分布式数据库上实现,即Spanner提供了读和写操作的外部一致性,以及在一...
Megastore的副本中除了有日志有Entity数据和索引数据的副本外,还有两种角色,其中一种叫做观察者(Witnesses),它们只写 日志,并且不会让日志生效,也没有数据,但是当副本不足以组成一个quorum的时候,它们就可以加入进来。101日志位置被所有的副本接受了(accepted),102日志位置被Y所获得,103日志位置被A和C副本接受,B副本留下了一个 hole...
The batch layer emits batch views as the result of its functions.The serving layer is a specialized distributed database that loads in batch views, makes them queryable, and continuously swaps in new versions of a batch view as they’re computed by the batch layer. Since the batch layer usually takes at least a few ho...
Lambda Architecture: Design Simpler, Resilient, Maintainable and Scalable Big Data Solutions.Data generator— located in generatedata folder. MapReduce script and batch layer file—the batch folder. Real-time processing system implemented using Storm—the realtime folder. Client application—the query folder.Batch lay...
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