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MSS-rTorrent-ConfigureMSS-rTorrent-Configure 下载分类管理简易流程:1.RTqueue.sh每三分钟运行一次,过程为:检查watch下.torrent文件数量,如果小于max_active_dl就从queue目录中寻找文件,如果有.torrent文件就把它转移到对应的watch(比如!Game)下。
MSSMSS-Configure 优化MLDonkey ------------在DEBIAN下的安装就是apt-get install mldonkey 进入/var/lib/mldonkey/downloads.ini文件,把 allowed_ips 填入你允许访问的地址。http://mss:4080/,就可以访问到mldonkey,通过这里你可以查看到你mldonkey使用的端口- help,sysinfo 里就可以看到mldonkey 使用的端口和下载的路径。
rTorrent MyNotesrTorrent MyNotes 下载分类管理简易流程:1.RTqueue.sh每三分钟运行一次,过程为:检查watch下.torrent文件数量,如果小于max_active_dl就从queue目录中寻找文件,如果有.torrent文件就把它转移到对应的watch(比如!Game)下。2.rTorrent的schdule监测watch各目录(设定为每10秒)只要有.torrent存在时,就将它启动下载任务。
(不推荐,无法分清未完成和已完成)schedule = wd_1,10,10,"load_start=/pub/rtorrent/watch/seeding/*.torrent,d.set_directory=/pub/downloads/seeding"schedule = wd_2,20,10,"load_start=/pub/rtorrent/watch/game/*.torrent,d.set_directory=/pub/downloads/game"schedule = wd_3,30,10,"load_start=/pub/rtorr...
rTorrent CommandsrTorrent Commands 添加和删除 torrents.Common Error MessagesCould not parse bencoded data This message is caused by bad communication with the tracker, often caused by invalid client authentication (passkey, IP address, etc.) Could not create download, the input is not a valid torrent This message is c...
RouterRouter-USB2 USB on Router - 2 Partitions can''t recognise by XP- Set "Removable bit" on USB by "lexar_usb_format - bootit.exe" software.
Serial Pin JP2 Ground -> Black cable Not used Rx [ input from PC] -> Blue Tx [output to PC] -> Yellow Vcc 3.3v (close to the button)115200 , 8N1, No flow control.gpio poll [pin] <- Read (01 open, 00 short/push down)gpio enable [pin] <- LED offgpio disable [pin] <- LED on.pin 1 - OUT - Power LEDpin 3 ...
3、防火墙脚本firewall:#! /bin/bash/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp/sbin/iptables -F -t filter/sbin/iptables -F -t nat/sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP/sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT/sbin/iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT/sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT/sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT/s...
2. 重開機後就可用 putty 這個程式的"SSH"方式 進入nas,一樣使用all、all這組nas使用者帳號密碼登入,進去後會出現 # 字提示符號,叫出"backdoor"來修改,請在 # 後輸入vi /mnt/Share/backdoor要將整個檔案內容改如下:#!/bin/shif [ -d /mnt/debian ]; then/mnt/debian/bin/chroot /mnt/debian /etc/rc3.d/S20ssh restart...
ifconfig $(nvram get wan2_ifname) $(nvram get wan2_ipaddr) netmask $(nvram get wan2_netmask) broadcast $(nvram get wan2_broadcast) up.nvram set wan2_ifname=$interfacenvram set wan2_gateway=$routernvram set wan2_ipaddr=$ipnvram set wan2_netmask=$subnetnvram set wan2_broadcast=$broadcastnvram commitifconfig $(nvram get ...
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