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Your Stream.Your stream is kind of childish,It always plays with a fish;Your stream is a diamond,Like a treasure from the ancients;Your stream makes me mirthless,For those drops are exiled and homeless.Your stream feels like ice.So, do not let it run out of your eyes even one more time.
The Strangest Dream I''ve Ever Had.The strangest dream I''ve had The grinned raindrops hit the ground,They disappear and cannot be found;The dream keeps going strange.The raindrops hide within floods,They kill creatures without seeing blood;The sands are dancing in the feculent air,Terrifically sprea...
Identity.Let them be as diamond.Always innocent, elegant, brilliant, arrogant,But chained to a ring.I''d rather be a giant, adamant rock,Planting on seaside, like a statue.Nailed-standing in front of the cruel, crazy spoondrift.I''d rather be hulky, and if,Than to be invaluable diamond,I''d rat...
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