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But it’s not a big deal, because the clear() and addAll(collection) methods are quite fast, as we saw in our first charts, and they are definitely faster than some other O(n) or O(n x n) operations on some collections. So it’s faster to recreate from scratch the all collection than applying a remove(Object) on an Ar...
While Garbage Collection is executed in the permanent generation, it only happens during a major GC. You might want to read up what a Major GC actually is, as it does not mean a Old Generation GC. Because a major GC does not happen often and mostly nothing happens in the permanent generation, many people think that th...
Hunt recommends using it over -XX:AggressiveHeap. -XX:+UseBiasedLocking, -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch,-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags, and -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal were all also part of the "Other" secton. -XX:+PrintcommandLineFlags shows the ergonomically selected options for a JVM and -XX:+PrintFlagsF...
Pick up performance with generational garbage collectionPick up performance with generational garbage collectionUse the appropriate Java HotSpot VM 1.3.1 parameters to improve throughput.Poorly selected JVM parameters can severely degrade your application performance.The HotSpot JVM''s tunable parameters let y...
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