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为你的右键菜单增加快捷键_Visual C 论坛。
Measuring Element Dimension and LocationMeasuring Element Dimension and Location.Thefollowing section is designed to help Web authors understand how toaccess the dimension and location of elements on the page through theDynamic HTML (DHTML) Object Model.Understanding Properties That Measure Element Dimension and Locat...
offsetHeight Property (IHTMLElement)IHTMLElement::offsetHeight Property.You can determine the location, width, and height of an object by using a combination of the IHTMLElement::offsetLeft, IHTMLElement::offsetTop, IHTMLElement::offsetHeight, and IHTMLElement::offsetWidthproperties.This difference may affect the valu...
VC知识库BLOG-玻璃小屋-从 IHTMLDocument2 获得/写入 HTML 文本 (IPersistStreamInit)= NULL) { CComQIPtr<IPersistStreamInit> spPersistStream = spDisp;if (SUCCEEDED(CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hMemory, TRUE, &spStream))) { spPersistStream->Save(spStream, FALSE);CStr...
想实现他,我们可以这样做:   IE有几个有用的接口,我们可以用他来提取网页所有链接首先是用IHTMLDocument2的get_links,来获取IHTMLElementCollection接口,再通过IHTMLElementCollection来获取IHTMLAnchorElement,而IHTMLAnchorElement接口的get_href就是我们想要的,通过循环获取,我们就可以得到网页的所有链接了!i ++){ IWebBrow...
Browser ExtensionsBrowser Extensions.Introduced in Internet Explorer 4.0, thisfeature enables developers to create Explorer Bars and add entries intothe standard context menus.This tutorial explains how to add an Explorer Bar in Internet Explorer.This guide will help you design Explorer Bars to add to the Internet Exp...
ShowHTMLDialog Function ()ShowHTMLDialog Function.The following example shows the basic steps to load Mshtml.dll, obtain the address of ShowHTMLDialog using GetProcAddress, create a URL moniker, and call ShowHTMLDialog.pfnShowHTMLDialog = (SHOWHTMLDIALOGFN*)GetProcAddress(hinstMSHTML,TEXT("ShowHTMLDialog"));...
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