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每日中华文化专词双译|成人。In the view of the ancient Chinese, a complete man did not just mean that a man reached adulthood.孔子说:“像臧武仲那样有智慧,像孟公绰那样寡欲,像卞庄子那样勇敢,像冉求那样有才艺,再用礼乐加以修饰,也就可以称为‘成人’了。”又说:“现在所说的‘成人’何必一定这样?看到利益考虑是否正当,遇到...
每日中华文化专词双译|参验。韩非子认为,要判断某一认识或言论的正确性,需要从天、地、物、人等多方面进行比较、检验,这就是“参验”。“参验”应注重认识或言论的实际功用。One way to confirm whether one''''''''s assessments and opinions are correct is to verify them through observation and com...
Revere the Fundamental and Dismiss the Specific.In interpreting Laozi, Wang Bi put forth the idea of ''''''''revering the fundamental and dismissing the specific,'''''''' as opposed to the idea of ''''''''revering the funda...
每日中华文化专词双译|大丈夫。Mencius stresses that a great man should have high aspirations to carry out Dao, adhere to moral integrity, stay upright, and his observation of Dao should not be influenced by external matters (as opposed to his inner world).Living in the broad residence under heaven, staying in the prope...
每日中华文化专词双译|非命。“非命”是墨家的基本主张之一。Mozi proposed that poverty and turmoil are brought about by our own acts rather than predetermined by fate.◎执有命者,此天下之厚害也,是故子墨子非也。主张命运决定人事的人,是天下的大害,因此墨子反对他们的主张。For that reason Mozi is opposed to their stand. (Mo...
The motion of Dao is to transform into the opposite or return to the original state.Laozi believed that Dao is the fundamental rule of motion and change of things.One indicates the contrary and opposite, namely, a thing in motion may transform into its opposite.The motion of Dao is transforming into the opposite or re...
The basic meaning of ''''''''rectitude'''''''' is uprightness.More specifically, there are two interpretations of ''''''''rectitude.'''''''' The first interpretation refers to words and deeds...
One Thing in Two Fundamental States.作为统一体的“气”之中包含着对立的两个方面。“气”是完整的统一体,也即“一物”。统一体之中的对立,是“气”及其所构成的事物产生变化的根源。One thing with two states, that is qi, or vital force.As one whole thing, qi has miraculous movements, caused by interaction between the two oppo...
This term refers to two things that are mutually opposite to but complementing each other and that they mutually transform between them.In ''''''''The History of the Han Dynasty'''''''' written by Ban Gu, the idea was first defined as ''''...
Xiang (Semblance)In heaven it is semblance, and on earth it has concrete shape, and this demonstrates change of things. (The Book of Changes)Hexagrams and trigrams described in ''''''''The Book of Changes'''''''' allowed sages to survey the secret of all ...
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