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When the OpenVG paint engine draws an image with opacity, and a projective transformation is in effect, we have to generate a copy of the VGImage and use vgColorMatrix() to adjust the opacity. This isn''t too bad if you are drawing the same image over and over with the same opacity, but it is very inefficient...
QGraphicsScene::render函数会调用QGraphicsScene::drawItems函数。根据在4643行的判断语句if (item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect &&item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect->isEnabled()) {,来确定会调用4662行的 item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect->draw(painter);还是4668行的 draw(item, painter, viewTransfor...
QGraphicsScene size QGraphicsScene sizeHi.#include <QApplication>#include <QGraphicsView>#include <QGraphicsScene>#include <QGraphicsSvgItem>int main(int argc, char* argv[]){QApplication app(argc, argv);QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(view->rect());int main(int argc, char* argv[])...
Qt 4.6, now with improved DirectFB support!As of Qt 4.6 massive improvements have been made to the QWS/DirectFB driver.Second of all, from the following thread, directfb windows are backed by system memory:http://www.mail-archive.com/directfb-users@directfb.org/msg08702.htmlSo directfb windows are not accelerated on p...
发布Qt程序时别忘了带上plugins(codecs等)因为我电脑上装了Qt的SDK,而同事电脑上没有。我想起Qt中带了很多插件(Plugin),于是在Qt目录下的"qt\plugins"下果然发现一个"codecs"的文件夹。注意的是一定要把codecs文件下放在发布程序的同目录下,且不要更改目录名字。plugins文件夹下面还有很多其他的插件:sqldrivers 数据...
还有一个区别就是 QT做出来的图形界面比GTK的好看,因为QT可以生成操作系统原生的界面。那么对于用户来说,如何在 Qt/GTK 中作出选择呢?一般来说,如果用户使用 C++,对库的稳定性,健壮性要求比较高,并且希望跨平台开发的话,那么使用 Qt 是较好的选择, 但是值得注意的是,虽然 Qt 的 Free Edition 采用了 GPL 宣言,但是如果你开发 Windows...
然后找到项目的git地址, 如creator项目,用git clone命令获得最新的代码:git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git.git clone git://gitorious.org/~shiroki/qt-creator/qt-creator-zh_cn.git.Clone this repository (Git / HTTP) : git clone git://gitorious.org/~shiroki/qt-creator/qt-creator-zh_cn.gitPush url: git@g...
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