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#coding=utf8name = ''彬彬'' #name为字节数据类型name2 = u''彬彬'' #name为unicode数据类型print repr(name) print repr(name2)name3 = name.decode(''utf8'') print type(name3)print repr(name3)name4 = name2.encode(''utf8'')print type(name4)print repr(name4)#运行...
1.打开pycharm, 点击File>Open找到mySpider项目导入。2.打开File>Settings>Project 点击Project Interpreter 右边有个Scrapy, 选中确定.1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-2 3 from scrapy import cmdline 4 5 cmdline.execute("scrapy crawl itcast -o itcast1.csv".split())4.选择configuration路径, 如图下拉点击Edit Configurati...
python 3.4 error: Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 is required(Unable to find vcvarsall.bat)VS120COMNTOOLS=D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/Tools/另外,从D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC下面拷贝一个vcvarsal.bat到。D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/T...
彻底解决 error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat1.windows上做Python开发,搭环境还真不比Linux容易。给个例子: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6551724/how-do-i-point-easy-install-to-vcvarsall-bat 这个例子说明 VS2010不适合Python2.6 3.安装VS后该重启的重启,clean一下之前安装Python扩展失败的残留文件,然后 直接下载 pil ...
>>> root.text''''''''root content'''''''' # 注意只是 root 自身的文本,并不包含子节点的文本>>> root.tag''''''''root''''''''>>> root[0].tag'''''&#...
你也许已经掌握了id、class、后台选择器这些基本的css选择器。} <div id="container"> <ul> <li> List Item <ul> <li> Child </li> </ul> </li> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> </ul> </div>li:...
Beautiful Soup 4.4.0 文档Beautiful Soup 4.4.0 文档?soup = BeautifulSoup("<b></b>")original_tag = soup.bnew_tag = soup.new_tag("a", href="http://www.example.com")original_tag.append(new_tag)original_tag# <b><a href="http://www.example.com"></a></b...
解决python3 UnicodeEncodeError: ''''gbk'''' codec can''''t encode character ''''\xXX'''' in position XX.UnicodeEncodeError: ''''''''gbk'''''''' codec can''''&#...
PEP 263 PEP 263 -- Defining Python Source Code Encodings.# coding=<encoding name>Any encoding which allows processing the first two lines in theway indicated above is allowed as source code encoding, thisincludes ASCII compatible encodings as well as certainmulti-byte encodings such as Shift_JIS. It does not inc...
/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: <encoding name> -*-Any encoding which allows processing the first two lines inthe way indicated above is allowed as source code encoding, this includes ASCII compatible encodings as well as certain multi-byte encodings such as Shift_JIS. It does not include ...
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