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来宾道别8. Well, (I''m afraid) I''d better be on my way /leaving.9. I''m sorry, but I''ve got to be on my way.10. I''m afraid I stayed too long.11. I think it''s about time we got going.12. I really have to rush. (我真的得赶快。Let me talk to Mr.You''re going to ...
知道客户把价格压得很低,为了帮助客户尽快下单,也考虑到客户的大订单对公司的重要性。文中,客户提出降低利息,由于谈判已进行一段时间,为了和客户尽快展开合作,最后答应客户提出降低利息的要求,双方最终确认付款方式是L/C60天,客户同意并支付USD1500的利息。Thanks and best regards!由于一些原因推迟回复客户的时候,如果是因为跟进客...
10.1 在合同到期后,接受方可以书面通知许可方终止本合同,并免除其在合同项下的义务。The contract is fit for the law (Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China) and the relevant laws. The contract is a bipartite, and it is effect after the representatives of two parties sign the contract and appends a seal to the c...
生产商发票正本15)DECLARATION OF SHIPMENT:装船通知The seller to advise the Buyer by email,telex or fax after completion of loading,contract number,name of commodity,B/L quantity,vessel''s name,load port,time of departure and ETA discharge port.卖方在货物装船完毕后通过电邮、传真等方式通知买方合同编号,货物名称,...
4.在你判断出你是否能够了解他说的,如果可以继续,如果不可以你就说"我了解您讲的,但是请你再发一封邮件确认一下"I understand what you said,but could you send an email to me to confirm,please?"然后问他是否知道邮箱地址,不知道你就告诉他,请他发过来.(这个其实也是不懂装一下懂,如果你听不懂不要不停的说 NO,I DON'&#...
Pardon me.I don’t think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls. 我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。Let’s get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired. 那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。We’ve expanded the factory twice this year already. 我们新...
实用英语口语:参观工厂之常用英语抵达工厂时说:I HOPE THE NOISE ISN’T BOTHERING YOU. 参观时不能久留时说:WE’RE RUNNING A LITTLE SHORT ON TIME, SO…能够把我们工厂展示给同行的朋友并且与她们交换意见,总是一件非常愉快的事。) we’re expanding our plant.我们的工厂正在扩建。为什么不从工厂开始呢,MR…LET ME TAKE YOU AR...
商务口语:商务英语情景对话(16):接待客户。F:Yeah,Mr Mirson,I just checked with their office manager Ms Terry,she said Mr Smith briefed her on your project,she is just finishing up our meeting now,she should be meet you shortly.would you like me to show you around for your waiting?F:Oh,it is no problem,I can see if a...
商务口语:商务英语情景对话(17):招待客户。You’ll be going along with the driver to pick him up at the airport when his plane comes in from Prague. Remember, he is one of our most important clients. I want you to give him the red-carpet treatment.B: Do you want me to drop him off at the hotel, or do I have to keep h...
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