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“感冒”症状种种表达"感冒"症状种种表达。I''ve got a cold. /I''ve got a bad cold.我感冒了。I''ve got a runny nose. /My nose is running.我流鼻涕。I''ve got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。I''ve got a temperature. /I''m running a high fever.我发烧了。I''ve got a v...
Expo:世博会带来的英语新词Expo:世博会带来的英语新词。上海世博会的全称是The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010,简称为Expo 2010 Shanghai China。类似的例子还有Expo Village(世博村),Expo Site(世博会场),Expo Center(世博中心),Expo Emblem(世博会会徽),Expo Mascot(世博会吉祥物),Expo Souvenir(世博会纪念品)等等...
但迈克尔不知道的是,他的爸爸此刻正紧紧抱着妈妈,放声大哭,哭得那样动情,是迈克尔以前从未见过的。He seemed oblivious of the fact he had just surpassed his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics.When Michael cleared the ba...
milk brainmilk brain.做了妈妈的人真的会变成那种脑子里只会装着那个需要定时定量喂奶的小宝贝,别的一概不理会的milk brain吗?Milk brain can refer to feelings of disorientation and mental sluggishness reported by some mothers of newborn babies or total involvement in the care of a newborn baby, to the exclusion of almost e...
全球最棒七大美差全球最棒七大美差。天堂岛护岛员 Paradise Island Caretaker.豪华床测试员Luxury Bed Tester.Sleeping on the job and having a lie-in will no longer be a problem for a girl,who has been selected to test out luxury beds for a month and get paid for it. Roisin Madigan,22,is earning £1000 to sleep in designe...
涟漪的启示涟漪的启示。虽然不明白大师的想法,但当涟漪接近池边时,年轻人仍把手探入水中,却只激起了更多的涟漪。毕竟他不是大师的弟子,或许无法获得大师的帮助?" "Form the pebble I threw in the pond, Master." "Please reach your hand into the water and stop the ripples," the Master asked.Not understa...
全球最棒七大美差(二)全球最棒七大美差(二)Resort Waterslide Tester 水滑道测试员。出于工作需要,他在2009年已经旅行了2.7万英里(4.35万千米),到世界各地的旅游度假胜地测试水滑道。来自亚特兰大州的哈代.华莱士是第一个申请这份工作的人,也是知名酒庄墨菲.古德酒厂提供的这份工作的最终获得者——这份为期6个月、月薪一万美元连免费...
春意盎然 春风在履春意盎然 春风在履。每个人都如履春风。No one is immune.And there, another sign of spring—— people from Suffolk Wildlife Trust driving posts into the ground, making a fence a mile long, so that when the terns come, they will be able to nest without being trampled on by humans and woofed at by dogs. I ...
卡通环保明星见面会(下)2010 年 4 月 16 日 星期 五Greenest Cartoon Characters卡通环保明星见面会(下)地球超人和地球卫士们。地球超人和他的部下是理所当然的环保明星人选。因此,当面临这些挑战时,地球超人用他一系列的巨大能量来拯救地球。尽管乔恩尽了最大的努力,但在欧迪和加菲设法用水淹了园子,试图将一只恼人的地鼠赶出去时,乔...
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