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When asked what kind of school they are willing to send their children to attend, many parents say they would choose a boarding school rather than day schools for their children. 当问到愿意将孩子送到哪种学校的时候,许多父母认为他们会选择寄宿学校而不是日制学校。There is much discussion over science and technology.A...
It took us all night to lull the baby to sleep.This is just the lull before the storm.
The this-time-it''s-different brigade also points out that the 1990s bubble expanded only after numerous web firms were floated on stockmarkets and naive investors pumped up the price of their shares to insane levels.And it may be China that causes the web bubble eventually to burst.This paper warned about bot...
36.1.unrelenting2.21.compose yourself: 自我镇静 compose = calm.The house is devoid of furniture devoid = absence =nought.32.devoid of all pretence: 好不虚伪, 不做作地。39 deposit money in a bank deposit at call deposit rain.40. dispose disposed products = disposed goods .. disposed...
However, advocates of the broad Fed model have to get to grips with the genuine political economy issues their approach raises.3. genuine gold : 真金, 纯金。4.genuine leather : 真皮。5. genuinely genuine genuineness.That permits people to cite it as a model with a straight face eight decades after it was enac...
To err is human:46. err on the safe/right side :宁可杀一千,不可放一人47.Some of the conspiracy theories that have circulated about Obama are quite imaginative.48.imaginative power 49. rehearsal imaginatively The university imparts information ,but it imparts it imaginatively: 大学传...
《11》JapanSilenced by gamanThe world has admired Japan''s stoic spirit. But there is a worrying side to it.And debate is important, because however much Japan stands to lose without nuclear power, it also needs to settle long-term structural issues, such as where to dispose of nuclear waste, and whether old p...
【economist】North African migrationThe next European crisis: boat people.At today''s meeting of the European Union''s interior ministers in Luxembourg, Italy and Malta called on the EU to activate a 2001 directive to grant temporary protection to migrants in cases of "mass influx" and to sha...
Despite weeks of negotiations the Republicans who run the House of Representatives and the Democrats who run the Senate seemed unable to agree on how much the government should spend, and on what, for the remaining six months of the fiscal year.The deal will involve cutting almost $80 billion from Barack Obama'...
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