用勿龍潛 IP属地:湖北

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Wants:表示 sshd.service 与 sshd-keygen.service 之间存在"弱依赖"关系,即如果"sshd-keygen.service"启动失败或停止运行,不影响 sshd.service 继续执行Requires:表示"强依赖"关系,即如果该服务启动失败或异常退出,那么sshd.service 也必须退出注意:Wants 字段与 Requires 字段只涉及依赖关系,与启动顺...
[grub实现]U盘引导多个linux镜像安装,同时支持BIOS和UEFI模式。如果某个target报错,错误信息类似于grub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/modinfo.sh doesn''''''''t exist. Please specify --target or --directory. 这样的话,就需要安装grub-pc或grub-efi之后再试。bios_grub标记的分区如果按照...
systemctl用法及其语法。# systemctl is-enabled nfs.service。# systemctl status nfs.service。# systemctl restart nfs.service。# systemctl reload nfs.service。# systemctl is-active nfs.service。# systemctl enable nfs.service。# systemctl disable nfs.service。# systemctl unmask nfs.service。# systemctl show -p CPUShares n...
vgcreate命令:vgcreate vg_name /dev/device :创建vg:先指定vg_name,在指定要创建设备。vgextend命令:vgextend VG_NAME /dev/device :添加/dev/device 到VG_NAME.resize2fs /dev/VG_NAME/LV_NAME.创建快照:lvcreate -s -L 1G -p r -n LV_NAME_snapshoot /dev/VG_NAME/LV_NAME 练习:1: 创建一个至少有两个pv组成的大小为20G的名为testv...
[grub实现]U盘引导多个linux镜像安装,同时支持BIOS和UEFI模式。如果某个target报错,错误信息类似于grub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/modinfo.sh doesn''''''''t exist. Please specify --target or --directory. 这样的话,就需要安装grub-pc或grub-efi之后再试。bios_grub标记的分区如果按照...
VSftpd连接错误425 Security: Bad IP connecting解决方法VSftpd连接错误425 Security: Bad IP connecting解决方法VSftpd连接错误425 Security: Bad IP connecting解决方法,故障分析:FTP客户端软件连接VSftpd服务报此错误,大概原因是在连接中变换了IP地址。# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf添加:pasv_promiscuous=YES 保存退出# service vsftpd...
CentOS YUM安装ProFTPd与添加虚拟用户CentOS YUM安装ProFTPd与添加虚拟用户安装EPEL软件包。ProFTPd管理:启动proftpd:service proftpd start停止proftpd:service proftpd stop重启proftpd:service proftpd restart重载proftpd:service proftpd reload配置文件/etc/proftpd.conf,可以通过proftpd -t6指令检测语法是否正确。cd /usr/sbin/wget ...
<Anonymous ~ftp> User ftp Group ftp # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp" UserAlias anonymous ftp# Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins MaxClients 10# We want ''welcome.msg'' displayed at login, and ''.message'' display...
CWD - change working directory 更改目录LIST - list remote files 列目录MKD - make a remote directory 新建文件夹NLST - name list of remote directoryPWD - print working directory 显示当前工作目录RETR - retrieve a remote file 下载文件STOR - store a file on the remote host 上传文件。
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