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How to Use the Theories of Psychotherapy Seri...How to Use the Theories of Psychotherapy Series?Each book in the Theories of Psychotherapy Series?Many DVDs contain six full sessions of therapy over time, giving students a chance to see how clients respond to the application of the theory over the course of several ses...
Q: What happens during a typical therapy session?Then the therapist will make a bridge between the previous therapy session and this week''s therapy session by asking you what seemed important that you discussed during the past session, what self-help assignments you were able to do during the week, and whethe...
Solution Focused Therapy.If they''ve been in couples therapy before, ask things like - "What did the last therapist miss that I should know about?" "What are the mistakes the last therapist made?" "On the way in, what were you most worried I would do? What would ''screw things ...
Problem Solving Therapy.During these sessions the clinician and client collaborate to identify what problems are occurring in the client''s life, and then focus on one or more of these while the therapist/clinician teaches the client a structured approach to solving these problems, as well as focusing on impro...
SessionGoal(s)Cultural Modifications.Increased the amount of time for rapport building due to the participant’s reluctance to disclose personal information.Emphasis on drawing activity instead of dialog focused activity to allow the participant to disclose information indirectly.Use of examples from the participant’...
Describe your concerns related to your child’s behavior.Describe your child’s classroom behavior.How long have you been concerned about your child’s behavior?Describe your classroom behavioral expectations.What strategies have been implemented to improve his classroom behavior?What do your parents do when you do th...
Solution focused therapies are founded on the rationale that there are exceptions to every problem and through examining these exceptions and having a clear vision of a preferred future, client and counsellor, together, can generate ideas for solutions.This is achieved through highlighting exceptions in a client’s li...
In developing this pluralistic approach to psychotherapy and counselling, we have come to find it useful to distinguish between pluralism as a perspective on psychotherapy and counselling, and pluralism as a particular form of therapeutic practice.This article is adapted from Mick Cooper and John McLeod’s Pluralistic...
How often does bullying behaviour occur?Teaching parents the skills of how they can help their child: Rigby (1996) states a number of ways in which parents can be taught through the counselling process how they can play a vital role in reducing the impact of bullying on their child as well as increasing their child’s...
For example, if a client was trying to have the reappraised thought that closing the front door 30 times before going to work will not do anything by way of stopping a personal tragedy but continues to close the front door 30 times each morning, then the behaviour is continually reinforcing the irrational thought that...
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