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Six Successful QualitiesSix Successful Qualities.Usually in life we act or do not act for four reasons: We act because it is painful not to act We act because it is pleasurable to act We do not act because it is pleasuarble not to act We do not act because it is painful to act.While pain and pleasure are easier to ide...
If teachers are going to assess social skills, they need to translate the skills to checklists that students can use to self-evaluate their own progress.Teachers can justify class time to teach and monitor the skills because students need to know the parameters and the expectations of acceptable classroom behavior ear...
Positive Psychology an...Therapist: Hello Cindy.The second part you mentioned was that you were taking it personally – like you were the only person who has had their loved ones leave them?Cindy: Yes, I felt like it was only happening to me.Therapist: But if you really think about it, are you the only one that this h...
二、循环性格缺陷   (一)循环性格缺陷的特征   生活中经常可以发现这种情绪兴奋高涨与忧郁低下的两端性波动的人,即人们常说的"情绪忽高忽低"者,其中有不少人属于本类型的性格缺陷。五、爆发性格缺陷   此种性格又称癫病性格缺陷。六、攻击型性格缺陷   这种性格缺陷常常是青少年和中青年期发生不良行为的重要性格缺陷类型...
Six Thinking HatsSix Thinking HatsLooking at a Decision From All Points of View.Black Hat.Black Hat thinking is one of the real benefits of this technique, as many successful people get so used to thinking positively that often they cannot see problems in advance.Yellow Hat.Six Thinking Hats is a good technique for lo...
Primalworks: The Tyranny of "Should"The Tyranny of "Should"Our heads are often full of "shoulds" that deny the reality of how we feel and what we are.We think "I shouldn''t feel this way." But we do feel this way.How do we free ourselves from the Tyranny of Should?By bei...
Ellis'' Irrational BeliefsIrrational beliefs.One must be quite dependent on others and need them and you cannot mainly run one''s own life.One''s past history is an all-important determiner of one''s present behavior and because something once strongly affected one''s life, it s...
Handling Irrational Beliefs | LIVESTRONG.COMContentWhat Are Irrational Beliefs?Step 2: If you have answered yes to any or all of the questions in Step 1, you are probably facing a problem or situation in which a blocking irrational belief is clouding your thinking.Step 4: Once you have determined that the blocking bel...
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