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#pragma mark 添加加载进度- (void)addLoadProgress{ IWLoadingProgressView *loadProgress = [IWLoadingProgressView progressView]; loadProgress.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, AdaptedWidth(100), AdaptedHeight(100)); loadProgress.progress = 0.0; =; [self.view addSubview:loadProgress];}自定义控...
Creating a Mac Version of Your iPad App | Apple Developer Documentation.With Xcode 11 and later, you can create a Mac version of your iPad app using Mac Catalyst.For information about designing a Mac version of your iPad app, see Mac Catalyst in the Human Interface Guidelines.Xcode only includes this entitlement in th...
macOS Catalyst iPad App移植 笔记0、注意,这个宏很重要,macOS不兼容代码都可以搁这里边#if !TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST// Code to exclude from Mac.#endif另外,也可以这么干,macOS代码可以搁这里边(与上边相比去掉了 !更像macOS App.项目不包含 SceneDelegate.h/SceneDelegate.m的 (老项目不带这俩文件)appDelegate.m 中。项目中包含 Scene...
静态库和动态库如何构建和加载。直到有一天,苹果爸爸的iOS升级到了8,iOS出现了APP Extension,swift编程语言也诞生了,由于iOS主APP需要和Extension共享代码,Swift语言的机制也只能有动态库,于是苹果爸爸尴尬了,不过这难不倒我们的苹果爸爸,毕竟我是爸爸,规则是我来定,我想怎样就怎样,于是提出了一个概念Embedded Framework,这种动态...
CocoaPods私有库创建与使用一、cocoapods的安装。ssh:// 将托管平台的索引库地址添加到本地的repo仓库中去。pod repo add IANSpecs ssh://三、cocoapods私有库创建3.1 利用模板创建私有库3.1.1 模板的初始化。pod ipc spec UtilsDemo.podspec >> UtilsDemo....
//匹配字符串,反回结果, SELF==表示数组中每一个元素 NSString *match1 = @"MnO890"; NSPredicate *predicate1 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF == %@", match1]; NSArray *results1 = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate1];NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"...
iOS 截图的那些事儿。webView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, containerView.bounds.size.width, webView.scrollView.contentSize.height);}- (void)drawContentPage(NSInteger)index maxIndex:(NSInteger)maxIndex completion:(dispatch_block_t)completion{ // 5 CGRect splitFrame = CGRectMake(0, index * CGRectGetHeight(containerView....
[[SGFileManager shareInstance] writeFileAsync:filePath data:data complete:^(BOOL result) { if (result) { NSLog(@"异步写入文件成功"); } }]; [[SGFileManager shareInstance] readFileAsync:filePath complete:^(NSData *data) { if (data) { NSLog(@"异步读取文件成功"); } }];
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