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333. I had appetite for inviting the man who bit me despite I had spite against him.355. I send him the blend calendar and the splendid bent lens he lent to me.讨厌的海盗鸣汽笛放焰火.376. The career carpenter put the cargo on the carbon carpet.职业木匠把货物放到碳质地毯上.377. The married man carried the scarred car a...
The man beyond the bond is fond of the second wonderful diamond.盘子里的巧克力鼓励了儿子进行计算.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 http://www.fineprint.com.cn/120. One of my relatives, a late translator, translated a book relating to public relations.我的一位亲戚,一个已故翻译,翻译了一本有关公共关系...
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