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Roses for RoseRoses for Rose Red roses were her favorites,lineage 2 adena her name was also Rose.Each year he sent her roses, lotro goldand the note would always say, "I love you even more this year, than last year on this day. ""My love for you will always grow, with every passing year. "She knew ...
Thoughts for a New YearThoughts for a New YearMost of us look away when we pass strangers.
The Art of LivingThe Art of Living The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.Here then is the first pole of life'' s paradoxical demands on us : Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life.Hold fast to life...but not so fast that you cannot let go.But then life moves along to conf...
Christmas Day in the MorningChristmas Day in the Morning He woke suddenly and completely.Diesel jeansHe loved his father.He had not known it until one day a few days before Christmas, when he had overheard what his father was saying to his mother.It occurred wedding dressesto him suddenly that it was alive because lon...
Bridge the Cultural GapBridge the Cultural GapOnce, eq2 platduring the course of a conversation with a colleague who was a woman of color, I happened to refer to her as an African American.For instance, the guy from Jamaica with an office next door to an African American may actually have more in common culturally wit...
The Stages of FriendshipThe Stages of Friendship In kindergarten your idea of a good friend Diesel clothingwas the person who let you have the red crayon1 when all that was left was the ugly black one.The summer after twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you back in the good mood when you...
Help for the HelperHelp for the Helper At age eighteen, glue gunI left my home in Brooklyn, New York, and went off to study history at Leeds University in Yorkshire, England.
"麦克里斯愤怒地嚷着.  此刻,只有巴里一声不吭,他想起了他们刚走出的密林里,到处是一堆堆探险者的白骨,他想起了如果没有这只箱子,他们四人或许早就倒下去了......巴里站起来,真空泵对伙伴们大声说道:"你们不要再报怨了.我们得到了比金子还贵重的东西,那就是生命!
平庸是因为没有激发潜能平庸是因为没有激发潜能44岁那年,集成吊顶她下岗了,丈夫一年前也下了岗,儿子正在大学念书,她是家里的顶梁柱,而下岗使她这个家里的顶梁柱遭到了沉重一击。有些时候,我们需要一种危机,腹水 来激发我们自身的潜能,唤醒我们内心深处被掩藏已久的人生激情,来实现人生的最大价值。人的平庸,多数不是因为自身能力不够...
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