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Forrest: (voice-over) Hello, I''m Forrest...Forrest: My name''s Forrest Gump.A DRILL SERGEANT is in Forrest''s face as Forrest stands in line with the.After the Drill Sergeant walks past Bubba, Bubba looks up at Forrest.Man #4 tries to grab Forrest, but Forrest shoves him down too.Dan steps bac...
电影《阿甘正传》英文剧本及台词(一)Forrest Gump Transcript.Forrest: (voice-over) Momma said that the Forrest part was to.Gump and Forrest walk along the Gump Boarding House driveway.Forrest: I''m Forrest Gump.Forrest looks back at JENNY CURRAN, a young girl about Forrest''s age.Young Jenny and Forrest r...
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