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Tomcat - Character Encoding IssuesCharacter Encoding Issues.What is the default character encoding of the request or response body?Most web browsers appear to send a request body using the encoding of the page used to generate the POST (for instance, the <form> element came from a page with a specific encoding.....
Sun开放Java源代码 施瓦茨在赌什么Sun在赌什么?施瓦茨:从核心的ILM战略上来讲,我想有两点是非常重要的:第一,我们推出的是以Solaris操作系统安全认证为基础、具有身份管理的产品,它是我们核心的产品;第二,我们围绕着Solaris进行系统整合。记者还揣有两个秘密:一是专访Sun上任才20多天的CEO 乔纳森·施瓦茨,Sun总部公关经理告诉记者,这...
Apache Threatens to Leave JCP.Through the JSPA, the agreement under which both Oracle and the ASF participate in the JCP, the ASF has been entitled to a license for the test kit for Java SE (the "TCK") that will allow the ASF to test and distribute a release of the Apache Harmony project under the Apache Lic...
sun-apache-ip.And how Sun have managed to use it to block Apache Harmony.A field of use clause not only affects open-source independent implementations of Java SE, but also closed-source independent implementations of the JDK. Such a field of use restriction prevents competitors from licensing a Java SE implementation...
Java Extension MechanismThe Extension Mechanism.The extension mechanism enables the runtime environment to find and load extension classes without the extension classes having to be named on the class path.This section shows you what you need to do to add an extension to your Java platform and how applets can benefit ...
The Endorsed Standards OverrideMechanism may be used to override the Java SE platform packages inthis list, and these packages may be overridden only by versions ofthe Endorsed Standard that are newer than that provided by the Javaplatform as released by Sun.CORBA.portableorg.omg.CORBA_2_3.portableorg.omg.PortableServ...
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