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You must pay attention to the alternation of empty and full, then energy will flow through your whole body without getting stuck anywhere.To clarify [the exercise of playing hands]: Use your mind to move energy.This is the use of intention to move energy, not the use of exertion to force energy.Once spirit is gath...
Brennan Translation。Translations of Chinese martial arts manuals:
“气”与“灵”太极拳之本。武式太极拳是 太极拳术各派中一个重要流派,它对太极拳运动的发展起着重大的推进作用。所谓“以心行气”,就是意到气亦到,心动意生,意动气随,心与意合,意与气合,气与力合的内三合。这里要注意的是“以心行气”时,必须“务令沉着”,才能“收敛入骨”,以气运身气动身亦动,武氏又说:“气以真养而无害”。...
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