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I wish you a happy New Year.With best wishes for a happy New Year!May the season'Season'Please accept my season'To wish you joy at this holy season.Wishing every happiness will always be with you.Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.May the joy and happiness around you today and al...
2009牛年祝福语 牛年搞笑祝福语。
2009春节搞笑祝福语 牛年春节搞笑祝福语。
牛年新春祝福短信 牛年新春祝福词。
信心 .英语词汇(1.13):vanity 自负,虚荣,无益, 无用 .英语词汇(1.12):punish 惩罚; 折磨;浓缩 .英语词汇(1.6):maintain坚持, 维护; 主张, 拥护 .英语词汇(1.5):swear 发誓、宣誓、断言、诅咒 .英语词汇(1.4):lack缺少[需要]的东西 .英语词汇(1.3):wash n. 洗,洗濯;(美国西部)干河床 .英语词汇(1.2):desire愿望,向往,要求,渴望 .英语词...
Do you have a sweet tooth?.英语口语(1.13):他用极少的本钱起家的 .英语口语(1.12):他为面试作好了准备 .英语口语(1.11):我们扯平了We''re square. .英语口语(1.10):我们能指望他们的帮助吗?.英语口语(12.30):She walked back and forth on the path. .英语口语(12.29):I have racked my brain. .英语口语(12.28):我们达成共...
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