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To make testing with PHPUnit easier, we will use the build automation tool phing, which allows us to define a file set of all tests, run PHPUnit tests on each of these files, and gather and aggregate the collected coverage statistics. phing also converts the coverage statistics to a nicely formatted HTML report using ...
In this week‘s issue, we will have a look at profiling. Profiling is a feature that seems to be similar to trace logging at first sight. Profiling logs, however, are not meant for human redability, and are not meant to visualize the program‘s control flow, but provide the data for a statistical analysis of the progr...
The parameter XDEBUG_TRACE_HTML makes xdebug format the trace log as HTML.If you need separate trace logs depending on input data or the application state, for example, it is better to have xdebug automatically pick a name. xdebug can pick a name for your trace log, regardless of wether you use the xdebug.auto_trace s...
This article is the first installment of a five-part series of articles covering xdebug, a free and open source swiss army knife tool for PHP developers.url=xdebug201tar -xzf xdebug-2.0.1.tgzcd xdebug-2.0.1phpize./configure --enable-xdebug --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-configmakecp modules/xdebug.so /usr/lib/apache2/...
2、 memcached 使用入门2.1 memcached的安装 ?<1>memcached服务的安装 先检查linux内核版本,建议将memcached 安装在2.6以上。3) 制定需要应用memcached的规则?经常访问的表user,user_details?合理设定变量在memcached的生存周期?将活跃用户的信息预先导入到memcached?分别在多台机器上启动多个memcached服务?编写脚本监控memcached服...
Why Benchmark?Provides a framework for institutional introspection Supports the development of a fact-based philosophy of decision-making and continuous improvement: Initially, benchmarking and fact-based decision-making stimulate an organization to initiate changes by identifying problems and generating solutions...
JMeter 是 Apache 组织的开放源代码项目,它是功能和性能测试的工具,100%的用java实现,最新的版本是1.9.1。本文中作者将向大家介绍如何使用 JMeter 进行测试。
创建压力模板load templates 用WebLOAD Console创建load templates-将一系列压力事件定义到一个压力会话load session里:I.用webload wizard创建一个简单的压力模板II.用Cruise Control Wizard创建一个预期性能参数的压力测试模板III.用webload console手工创建压力模板说明:打开webload console时提示选择用哪个方式。用webload wizard创建...
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