

 Taylor 2006-02-13




教授(LMM):Is that the Chinese guy?

ME: (我愣)Yeah, this is **.

LMM: Ok. What shall I call you?

ME: My chinese name is **.

LMM: So I will call you **. Nice to talk to you. You know that I have a chinese student ** here and I will let him to talk to you now. (声音转换,一个boy)


, **. Nice to talk to you.

ME: (感觉教授特别nice,让我放松一样,找了一个中国学生和我聊聊)Nice to talk to you too. I saw you on the website.

LMM:(又换成了教授) Okay...You can also contact with him if you have any question about your application and my research work.

ME: I see and I would like to. Thank you very much. (这个完全不在准备之中)

LMM: You shoule not care about your application to the ** program and I will sort it out at this end. (因为教授说我申请错系了)(感觉教授的声音特别随意,好像一边做饭一边聊天,而且,声音时大时小,有好多关键字都听不到,让我非常郁闷)

ME: I am sorry that the phone is really not clear. I wonder why?...

LMM: Now is okay? (这回好一些了)

ME: Yeah, it‘s okay now.

LMM: Maybe it‘s because the Microphone. ............(重复上面的一句话)

ME: I see. You have told me about this in the email. I am not worry about my application now.

LMM: (长叹了一口气,好像是说我终于听懂了) Okay......., that‘s good. ... Do you have any questions about our conversion?

ME: (又是电话不清楚,我只听清question,可能是问我研究经历,感觉这个应该是下一步

了)I have participated in several reseach acitivities...

LMM: (立刻打断)No...no..no..I dont care about your research experience.

(我愣...)Okay, I ask you. What will you do after you finish you phD in the United State?

ME: I will continue to do research work on computational biology. Because I am very interested in it and ...(一些牵强的理由).

LMM: ...university...company...?(没有听清)

ME: I will stay in the university becasue I like the atmosphere of studying in the school.

LMM: Okay...Will you go back to China or still stay in the United State.

ME: I think after finishing my phD I will go back to China...

LMM: I have a chinese colleague who is doing research on computational biology too. And he went back to Taiwan now. I think you can contact with him. It‘s necessary for you to talk to him about this question, although there are differences between the Taiwan and the mainland.

ME: Okay, I will. (感觉有点奇怪,但是又不敢轻易回答这个问题)

LMM: You know that there‘re also many differences between USA and China. Here in the USA, a graduate must study himself and figure out ideas himself. And the ...(这个时候好像教授收到了一个电话)please hold on a moment...

Boy: The professor is on another phone, please wait for a moment.

ME: It doesnt matter.(然后就和他聊了起来,当然还是英文。他介绍了他们实验室的情况,又说,他自己现在在作生物信息学。这个我最感兴趣了。我和这个中国学生了得很愉


LMM: I am back now.

ME: I have had a good talk with **.

LMM: Yeah. I go on with my talk. You know the phd study takes so many years, and it is very hard and ... one‘s interest is very important.

ME: I see. And I am ready for it.

LMM: LOL...nobody is ready for it...LOL...

ME: ...(无语)

LMM: I think it‘s important for you to think of these questions. Becasuse the problem of the phone, you need not to answer me now. You can write to me later.

ME: Okay, I will write to you soon.

LMM: Not soon. You can take a few days.

ME: Okay, I will write to you as soon as I have answers.

LMM: Yeah! Have a good Saturday.....Take care! Bye!






1, What do I want to do as a graduate?

2, What am I interested in?

3, After finishing my phD, what will I do?

4, Will I stay in the United State or go back to China?





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