

 尘埃光年 2012-10-14

*         怪物史莱克Shrek 1 

*         从前有位可爱的公主

*         [Man] "Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.

*         但是她被可怕的魔法控制了

*         "But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort...

*         只有真爱的初吻才可以打破这魔法

*         "which could only be broken by love's first kiss.

*         她被困在一个城堡里

*         "She was locked away in a castle...

*         由一只喷火龙看守着

*         "guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon.

*         有许多勇敢的骑士曾经想过把她从这可怕的监狱中救走

*         "Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison,

*         但是,没有一个成功

*         "but none prevailed.

*         她关在被喷火龙看守着的

*         "She waited in the dragon's keep...

*         城堡里最高的房间里

*         "in the highest room of the tallest tower...

*         等待着真爱的初吻

*         for her true love and true love's first kiss. "

*         那是不会发生的

*         [ Laughing ] Like that's ever gonna happen.

*         -[Paper Rustling, Toilet Flushes] - What a load of--

*         Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

*         I ain 't the sharpest tool in the shed

*         She was lookin' kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb

*         In the shape of an "L " on her forehead

*         The years start comin ' and they don't stop comin'


*         Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin'

*         Did n 't make sense not to live for fun

*         Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

*         So much to do So much to see

*         So what's wrong with takin' the backstreets

*         You'll never know if youd don't go

*         You'll never shine if you don't glow

*         Hey, now You're an all-star

*         Get your game on, go play

*         Hey, now, you're a rockstar Get the show on, get paid

*         And all that glitters is gold

*         Only shootin' stars break the mould

*         It's a cool place and they say it gets colder

*         You'rebund led up now but wait till you get older

*         But the meteor men beg to differ

*         Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

*         The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin

*         The water's getting warm so you might as well swim

*         My world'son fire How 'bout yours

*         That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

-          "Hey, now, you're an all-star" - [ Shouting ]

*         Get your game on, goplay

*         Hey, now, you're a rockstar Get the show on, get paid

*         And all that glitters is gold

*         Only shootin' stars break the mould

*         [ Belches ]

-          Go! - Go!

-          "[RecordScratching]" - "Go. Go.

*         Hey, now You're an all-star

*         Get your game on, go play

*         Hey, now, you're a rockstar Get the show on, get paid

*         And all that glitters is gold

*         Only shootin' stars break the mould

*         我想它在里面吧?好的,我们去吧!

-          Think it's in there? - AII right. Let's get it!

*         慢着!你知道有什么后果吗?

*         Whoa. HoId on. Do you know what that thing can do to you?

*         ,它会把你的骨头当面包吃

*         Yeah, it'll grind your bones for its bread.

*         哈哈,实际上那会是一个巨人

*         [Laughs] Yes, well, actually, that would be agiant.

*         不过,青怪可能更糟糕

*         Now, ogres-- They're much worse.

*         它们会用你们的鲜皮做汤

*         They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin.

*         挖出你的心肝

-          No! - They'll shave your liver.

*         用你们的眼睛榨果汁

*         Squeeze the jelly from your eyes!

*         这样吃吐司面包会很好味道!退后,退后,怪物!

-          Actually, it's quite good on toast. - "Back! Back, beast!"

*         我警告你

*         Back! I warn ya!

*         好的

-          [ Gasping ] - Right.

*         [ Roaring ]

-          [ Shouting ] - [ Roaring ]

*         [ Roaring Continues ]

*         [ Shouting Continues ]

*         你们还不快走就没有机会了

*         [ Whispers ] This is the part where you run away.

-          [ Gasping ] - [ Laughs ]

*         [Laughing]


*         And stay out!

*         通缉 神话之物

*         "Wanted. Fairy tale creatures."

*         [ Sighs ]

*         好的,这个满了

*         [Man's Voice] All right. This one's full.

*         拉走

-          "Take it away!" - [ Gasps ]

*         ,快点,快点.下一个

-          Move it along. Come on! Get up! - Next!

*         给我.你飞行的日子要结束了

*         Give me that! Your flying days are over.

*         这是给女巫的20块银子.下一个!

*         That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next!

*         起来,快点.20

-          Get up! Come on! - Twenty pieces.

*         在这里坐下

-          "[Thudding]" - "Sit down there!"

*         安静!

-          Keep quiet! - "[Crying]"

*         笼子太小了

*         This cage is too small.

*         请不要让我进去.我不再固执了

*         Please don't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again.

*         我会改的.给我多一次机会.

*         I can change. Please! Give me another chance!

*         闭嘴.下一个

-          Oh, shut up. - Oh! - "Next!"

*         什么东西?这是一个小木偶

-          What have you got? - This little wooden puppet.

*         我不是木偶,我是一个真正的男孩

*         I'm not a puppet. I'm a real boy.

*         5先令给这个疯狂的玩具

*         Five shillings for the possessed toy.

*         拿走,越远越好!

-          Take it away. - Father, please! Don't let them do this!

*         下一个.什么东西?

-          Help me! - Next. What have you got?

*         我有一个会说话的驴子

-          Well, I've got a talking donkey. - [ Grunts ]

*         好的,这个值10个先令.你可以证明一下吗?

*         Right. Well, that's good for ten shillings, if you can prove it.

*         好的.说吧,伙计

*         Oh, go ahead, little fella.

*         ?

*         Well?

*         ,它只是有点紧张

*         Oh, oh, he's just-- He'sjust a little nervous.

*         它真的是一个话匣子.?阏飧霰康?

*         He's really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you bone headed dolt--

*         好了.我听够了.守卫!,,它能说话.

*         -That's it. I've heard enough. Guards! - "No, no, he talks!"

*         我能说话,我爱说话

*         He does. I can talk. I Iove to talk.

*         我是你见过的最能说话的驴子

*         I'm the talkingest damn thing you ever saw.

*         把她带走.,不要

-          Get her out of my sight. - "No, no!"

*         我发誓,它能说话

*         I swear! Oh! He can talk!

*         [ Gasps ]

*         ,我会飞!

*         Hey! I can fly!

*         它会飞,会飞!

-          He can fly! - He can fly!

*         它说话了.对了,笨蛋.

-          He can talk! - Ha, ha! That's right, fool!

*         ,现在我是会飞会说话的驴子

*         Now I'm a flying, talking donkey.

*         你可能看过蝇子,而且是一个很大的蝇子

*         You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a super fly,

*         不过你肯定没有看过会飞的驴子

*         but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly.

*         哈哈

*         Ha, ha!


*         Uh-oh.

*         [ Grunts ]

*         捉住它

*         Seize him!

*         它要逃了

*         After him! He's getting away!

*         [ Grunts, Gasps ]

*         这边.转过来.

*         [Man] Gethim! This way! Turn!

*         是你,青怪

*         You there. Ogre!

*         什么事?

*         Aye?

*         奉弗瓜王之命,授权我逮捕你们两个

*         By the order of Lord Farquaad, I am authorized to place you both under arrest...

*         送到一个指定地...

*         and transport you to a designated... resettlement facility.

*         是吗?你们是什么军队?

*         Oh, really? You and what army?

*         [ Gasps, Whimpering ]

*         [ Chuckles ]

*         我可以跟你说话吗?

*         Can I say something to you?

*         听着,你的确有些本领.了不起!

*         Listen, you was really, really somethin' back there. Incredible!

*         你在跟我说话吗?

*         Are you talkin' to-- me? Whoa!

*         是的,我在跟你说话.你刚才在侍卫那里真的很厉害.

*         Yes, I was talkin' to you. Can I tell you that you was great back there? Those guards!

*         那些侍卫以为他们很棒.然后你一出现,!

*         They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam!

*         都跑光了

*         They was trippin' over themselves llke babes in the woods.

*         看到这样确实使我感觉很好

*         That really made me feel good to see that.

*         很棒,真的.朋友,自由是很好的

-          Oh, that's great. Really. - Man, it's good to be free.

*         现在跟你的朋友去庆祝你的自由,好吗?

*         Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm?

*         但是,我没有朋友

*         But, uh, I don't have any friends.

*         我也不会自己一个人出去.

*         And I'm not goin' out there by myseIf.

*         ,等等.我有一个很好的提议,我跟你一起.

*         Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I'll stick with you.

*         你是一个令人惧怕青怪

*         You're a mean, green, fightin' machine.

*         我们一起会吓跑经过我们的人

*         Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us.

*         [ Roaring ]

*         ,真吓人

*         Oh, wow! That was really scary.

*         这很可怕,如果这不起作用,你的呼吸会起作用的

*         If you don't mind me sayin ', if that don't work, your breath certainly will get the job done,

*         你需要些口香糖,你喘气太臭了!

*         'cause you definiteIy need some Tic Tacs or something, 'cause your breath stinks!

*         你几乎把我的鼻毛都烧着了

*         You almost burned the hair outta my nose,

*         就像那次…

*         just llke the time-- [ Mumbling ]

*         …烂草莓,我那天放了很多屁

*         Then I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking out ofmy butt that day.

*         你为什么跟着我?

*         Why are you following me?

*         我告诉你为什么

*         I'll tell you why.

*         'Cause I'm all alone

*         'Cause I'm all aIone 

*         There's no one here beside me

*         There's no one here beside me 

*         My problems have all gone

*         My problems have all gone

*         There's no one to deride me

*         There's no one to deride me 

*         But you gotta have friends--

*         But you gotta have friends-- 

*         别唱了!

*         Stop singing!

*         怪不得你没有朋友

*         It's no wonder you don't have any friends.

*         ,只有真正的朋友才会这么诚实

*         Wow. Only a true friend would be that truly honest.

*         听着,驴子,看看我,我是谁?

*         Listen, little donkey. Take a look at me. What am I?

*         嗯-

*         Uh--

-          真高? - ! 我是个妖怪

-          Really tall? - No! I'm an ogre.

*         你想一下:“拿着你的火把和草杈!

*         You know. "Grab your torch and pitchforks."

*         这不让你烦恼吗?

*         Doesn't that bother you?


*         Nope.

-          真的? - 真的,真的

-          Really? - Really, really.

*         -噢. - 我喜欢你,你叫什么?

-          Oh. - Man, I like you. What's your name?

*         史莱克

*         Uh, Shrek.

*         史莱克? 知道我喜欢你什么?

*         Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek?

*         “我不在乎别人怎么看我”

*         You got that kind of I-don't-care-what-nobody- thinks-of-me thing.

*         我喜欢这个,我敬佩这个,史莱克

*         I like that. I respect that, Shrek. You all right.

*         瞧那里! 谁想住在那里?

*         Whoo! Look at that. Who'd want to Iive in a place like that?

*         那是我的家

*         That would be my home.

*         很好! 很漂亮!

*         Oh! And it is lovely! Just beautiful.

*         你是个相当不错的装饰设计家.在预算有限的情况下,你所干的令人惊叹!

*         You are quite a decorator. It's amazing whatyou've done with such a modest budget.

*         我喜欢那块石头,那是块不错的石头

*         I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.

*         我猜想你不常有客人

*         I guess you don't entertain much, do you?

*         我喜欢一个人呆着

*         I like my privacy.

*         我也是一样,这是我们的另一个共同点

*         You know, I do too. That's another thing we have in common.

*         我讨厌有人来

*         Like, I hate it when you got somebody in your face.

*         来了就不肯走,尴尬的沉默

*         You're trying to give them a hint, and they won't leave. There's that awkward silence.

-          我跟你住可以吗? - 什么?  

-          Can I stay with you? - Uh, what?

*         让我跟你一起住,好吗?

*         Can I stay with you, please?

*         -当然! -真的?

-          Of course! - Really?

-          ! - 我不想回去!

-          No. - Please! I don't wanna go back there!

*         你不知道怪物的生活是什么样的,也许你知道

*         You don't know what it's like to be considered a freak. Well, maybeyou do.

*         这就是为什么我们要在一起,让我留下吧!

*         But that's why we gotta stick together. You gotta Iet me stay!

-          求求你! - 好的

-          Please! Please! - Okay! Okay!

*         -但只能呆一晚上 - 谢谢! 

-          But one night only. - Ah! Thankyou!

*         这将会很有趣!

-          What areyou-- No! No! - This is gonna be fun!

*         我们晚点儿睡,一起讲故事

*         We can stay up Iate, swappin' manIy stories,

*         早上我做华夫饼

*         and in the mornin' I'm makin' waffles.

*         我在哪里睡?

-          Oh! - Where do, uh, I sIeep?

*         外头!   

*         Outside!

*         ,那很酷

*         Oh, well, I guess that's cooI.

*         我的意思是我不了解你,你也不了解我

*         I mean, I don't knowyou, and you don't know me,

*         因此我想外头最好

*         so I guess outside is best, you know.

*         我出去了

*         [ Sniffles ] Here I go.

*         晚安

*         Good night. [ Sighs ]

*         我确实喜欢在外头,我是驴,生来就喜欢外头

*         I mean, I do like the outdoors. I'm a donkey. I was born outside.

*         只有我一个人在外头

*         I'll just be sitting by myself outside, I guess, you know.

*         一个人,在外头

*         By myself, outside.

*         只有我一个人,这里除了我没有别人

*         I'm all alone There's no one here beside me

*         [ Bubbling ]

*         [ Sighs ]

*         [Creaking]

*         我不是告诉你呆在外头吗?

*         [ Sighs ] I thought I toId you to stay outside.

*         我是在外头

-          I am outside. - "[Clattering]"

*         [Clattering]

*         老头,这比农场差远了,不过还有什么办法呢?

*         Well, gents, it's a farcry from the farm, but what choice do we have?

*         这不是家,但还算不错

*         It's not home, but it'll dojust fine.

*         多好的床

*         What a loveIy bed.

-          抓到了 - 我找到了些奶酪

-          Gotya. - [ Sniffs ] I found some cheese.

*         真恶心!

-          Ow! [ Grunts ] - Biah! Awful stuff.

*         - 是你吗,戈德?   - 你怎么知道是我?

-          Is that you, Gorder? - How did you know?

*         够了! 你在我的房子里干嘛?

*         Enough! What are you doing in my house?


*         [ Grunts ] Hey!

*         ,,!

-          [ Snickers ] - Oh, no, no, no.

*         -死女人不能放在桌子上 - 但床已经被占了!

-          Dead broad offthe tabIe. - Where are we supposed to put her? The bed's taken.

*         ?

*         Huh? [ Gasps ]

*         什么?

*         [ MaIe Voice ] What?

*         我住在沼泽地里,我出告示,,我是个可怕的妖怪!

*         I Iive in a swamp. I put up signs. I'm a terrifying ogre!

*         我怎么才能有点儿隐私呢?

*         What do I have to do to get a little privacy?

*         !

-          "Aah!" - Oh, no.

*         ,不要.

*         Oh, no.

*         不…不!

-          No! No! - [ CackIing ]

*         什么?

-          [ CackIing Continues ] - What?

*         停下,别推

-          Quit it. - Don't push.

-          [ Squeaking ] - [ Lows ]

*         你们在我的沼泽地里干什么?

*         What are you doing in my swamp?

*         [Echoing] Swamp! Swamp! Swamp!

-          [ Gasping ] - Oh, dear!

*         Whoa!

*         ,出去,你们都出去,都走开!

*         All right, get out ofhere. All ofyou, move it!

*         快点儿,! 

*         Come on! Let's go! Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey!

*         - 快点儿,!      -

-          QuickIy. Come on! - No, no!

*         不是那里,不是那里

*         No, no. Not there. Not there.

-          Oh! - [ Sighs ]

*         别看我,我没有邀请他们

*         Hey, don't look at me. I didn't invite them.

-          天哪,没人邀请我们     

*         Oh, gosh, no one invited us.

*         - 什么?  -我们被迫来到这里

-          What? - We were forced to come here.

-          谁强迫你们? - 弗瓜王

-          By who? - "Lord Farquaad."

*         他连吹带唬,签署了搬迁布告

*         He huffed "und" he puffed "und" he... signed an eviction notice.

*         [ Sighs ] All right.

*         听着,有人知道弗瓜王现在在哪里吗?

*         Who knows where this Farquaad guy is?

*         我知道他在哪里

-          [ Murmuring ] - Oh, I do. I know where he is.

*         还有人知道在哪里能找到他吗?

*         Does anyone eIse know where to find him?

-          没人知道? - 我知道! 

-          "Any one at all?" - Me! Me!

-          谁知道? - 选择我!

-          Anyone? - Oh! Oh, pick me!

*         我知道! 我知道! !

*         Oh, I know! I know! Me, me!


*         [ Sighs ] Okay, fine.

*         注意,所有的神话故事人物

*         Attention, all fairy tale things.

*         别再享受了,欢迎已经正式结束了

*         Do not get comfortabIe. Your welcome is officially worn out.

*         实际上,我马上就要去见弗瓜王这个家伙

*         In fact, I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now...

*         把你们从我的地里赶走,哪来哪去!

*         and get you all off my Iand and back where you came from!

*         [ Cheering ]

-          [ Twittering ] - [ Cheering Continues ]

*         !

*         Oh! You!

*         你跟我来

*         You're comin' with me.

*         这正是我喜欢听到的

*         All right, that's what I like to hear, man.

*         史莱克和驴,两个朋友一起去冒大险

*         Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure.

*         我喜欢

*         I Iove it!

-          又上路了...史莱克,跟我唱歌 - ,

-          On the road again  Sing it with me, Shrek. - Hey. Oh, oh!

*         我急不可待要上路了…

*         I can't wait to get on the road again 

*         我刚才没说什么

*         What did I say about singing?

-          我可以吹口哨儿吗? -

-          Can I whistIe? - No.

-          哼歌吗? - ,哼吧        

-          Can I hum it? - All right, hum it.

*         [ Humming ]

*         [ Grunts ]

*         [Whimpering]

*         够了,他要开口了

*         That's enough. He's ready to talk.

*         [Coughing]

*         [ Laughing ]

*         [ CIears Throat ]

*         ,,赶快跑

*         Run, run, run, as fast asyou can.

*         你抓不到我,我是个姜饼人!

*         You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man!

*         - 你是个魔鬼   - 我不是,你是 

-          You're a monster. - I'm not the monster here. You are.

*         你和其他的神话故事垃圾毒坏了我完美的世界

*         You and the rest ofthat fairy taIe trash, poisoning my perfect worId.

*         他们都到哪里去了?

*         Now, tell me! Where are the others?

*         吃我!      

-          Eat me! - [ Grunts ]

*         我设法公平地对待你们这些东西

*         I've tried to be fair toyou creatures.

*         现在,我的耐心消失了! 告诉我,不然…

*         Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or I'll--

*         ,别动我的糖浆扣子!

*         No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons.

*         谁把他们藏起来了?  

*         All right then. Who's hiding them?

*         ,我告诉你,你知道松饼人吗?

*         Okay, I'll tell you. Doyou know the muffin man?

*         - 松饼人?  - 松饼人  

-          The muffin man? - The muffin man.

*         ,我知道松饼人,她住在特鲁里街?

*         Yes, I know the muffin man, who Iives on Drury Lane?

*         她跟松饼人结婚了

*         Well, she's married to the muffin man.

-          松饼人? - 松饼人!

-          The muffin man? - The muffin man!

-          她跟松饼人结婚了  

-          She's married to the muffin man. - "[DoorOpens]"

*         主人! 我们找到了? 

*         My Iord! We found it.

*         你还等什么? 把它拿进来

*         Then what areyou waiting for? Bring it in.

*         [Man Grunting]

-          [ Gasping ] - Oh!

*         - 魔镜…     - 别告诉他!

-          Magic mirror-- - Don't tell him anything!

*         !

*         No!

*         晚安

-          "[GingerbreadMan Whimpers]" - Evening.

*         镜子,镜子,墙上的镜子

*         Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

*         这不是最完美的王国吗?

*         Is this not the most perfect kingdom ofthem all?

*         严格地讲你不是国王

*         Well, technically you're not a king.

*         西龙涅斯

*         Uh, TheIonius.

*         - 你说什么?     - 我说你还不是国王

-          You were saying? - What I mean is, you're not a kingyet.

*         但你可以成为国王,你只要和公主结婚就行了

*         Butyou can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess.

*         接着说

-          Go on. - [ ChuckIes ]

*         那么,放松坐下吧,我的主人

*         So,just sit back and reIax, my Iord,

*         因为你就要会见当今最合格的未婚女子了

*         because it's time foryou to meet today's eIigibIe bacheIorettes.

*         她们来了!

*         And here they are!

*         一号倍受精神折磨,她被关在遥远的王国

*         Bachelorettenumberone isa mentallyabusedshut-in from a kingdom far, faraway.

*         她喜欢吃寿司和洗热水浴

*         Shelikessushi andhot tubbinganytime.

*         她的爱好还包括为她的两个坏姐姐清理卫生

*         Her hobbies include cooking andcleaning forhertwo evilsisters.

*         请大家欢迎灰姑娘!

*         Please welcome Cinderella.

*         二号是位身穿斗篷的姑娘,她来自奇妙的国土

*         Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of fancy.

*         她与七个男人一起生活,但她很不简单

*         Although shelives with seven othermen, she'snot easy.

*         吻她冰凉的嘴唇,看看她的激情有多么强烈

*         Just kiss her dead, frozen lips andfindout whata live wire sheis.

*         快来为白雪公主鼓掌吧!

*         Come on. Give it up forSnow White!

*         最后,但当然不是最差的

*         And last, but certainly not least,

*         一位来自火山岩浆围绕城堡,

*         Bachelorette number three is a fiery red head...

*         被龙看守的红发姑娘

*         from a dragon-guardedcastle surroundedbyhotboiling lava!

*         但别因此而灰心

*         But don't let that cool you off.

*         她是个上了膛的手枪,喜欢喝皮钠-可拉达

*         She's a loadedpistol who likespina coladas andgettingcaughtin therain.

*         你去救她,菲奥纳公主

*         Yours fortherescuing, Princess Fiona!

*         是一号?

*         So willitbe bachelorettenumberone,

*         还是三号?

*         bachelorettenumbertwo orbachelorettenumberthree?

-          二号! 三号! - 三号!   

-          Two! Two! - Three! Three!

-          二号! 三号! - 三号!   

-          Two! Two! - Three!

*         ? ? ?

*         Three? One? [ Shudders ] Three?

-          选三号吧,主人!

*         Three! Pick number three, my Iord!

-          ,,三号!  

*         Okay, okay, uh, number three!

*         弗瓜王,你挑选了菲奥纳公主

*         Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona.

*         If you like pina coladas

*         Ifyoulovepina coladas

-          And getting caught in the rain - 菲奥纳公主          

-          "Andgettingcaughtin therain" - Princess Fiona.

-          If you're not into yoga - 她是十全十美的     

-          "Ifyou'renotintoyoga" - She's perfect.

*         我只想找一个能够…

*         All I have to do is just find someone who can go--

*         我应该说一下儿晚上的事…

*         But I probabIy shouId mention the little thing that happens at night.

-          我会跟她结婚的 - 日落后…   

-          I'll do it. - Yes, but after sunset--

*         安静! 我要让菲奥纳公主成为王后

*         SiIence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen,

*         杜洛克最终将有一个十全十美的国王

*         andDuLoc willfinally have theperfectking!

*         队长,集合你最好的士兵

*         Captain, assembIe your finest men.

*         我们就要举行比武大会了

*         We're going to have a tournament.

*         就在那里,那是杜洛克

*         But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc.

*         我说过我会找到的

*         I toId ya I'd find it.

*         那么,那一定是弗瓜王的城堡了

*         So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castIe.

*         就是那里

*         [Donkey] Uh-huh. That'stheplace.

*         你看他是不是在弥补什么?

*         Doyou think maybe he's compensating for something?

*         [ Laughs ]

*         [ Groans ]

*         等等! 等一下儿,史莱克

*         Hey, wait. Wait up, Shrek.

*         快点儿,宝贝儿,我们晚了

*         Hurry, darIing. We're Iate. Hurry.

-          Hey, you! - [ Screams ]

*         等等,我不会吃掉你的

*         Waitasecond. Look, I'm notgonna eatya.

*         我只是…我只…

-          I just-- I just-- - [ Whimpering ]

*         [ Sighs ]

*         [ Whimpering, Groans ]

*         [Turnstile Clatters]

*         [ ChuckIes ]

*         [ Sighs ]

*         [ InstrumentaI Muzak ]

*         很安静

*         It's quiet.

*         太安静了

*         Too quiet.

*         [ Creaking ]

-          人都到哪里去了? - 你看看这个!  

-          Where is everybody? - Hey, look at this!

*         [Clattering, Whirring, Clicking]

*         [Clicking]

*         [Clicking Quickens]

*         Welcome to DuLoc such a perfect town

*         WeIcome to DuLoc such a perfect town 

*         Here we have some rules. Let us lay them down

*         Here we have some ruIes Let us Iay them down 

*         Don't make waves, stay in line and we'll get along fine

*         Don'tmake waves, stay in line andwe'llgetalong fine

*         DuLoc is a perfect place

*         DuLoc is a perfect place 

*         Please keep off of the grass. Shine your shoes, wipe your... face

*         Please keep offofthe grass Shineyour shoes, wipeyour... face 

*         DuLoc is, DuLoc is

*         DuLoc is, DuLoc is 

*         DuLoc is a perfect

*         DuLoc is a perfect 

*         Place

-          Place  - "[Camera ShutterClicks]"

*         [ Whirring ]

*         我们再来一遍!

*         Wow! Let's do that again!

*         ,,,!  

*         No. No. No, no, no! No.

*         [TrumpetFanfare]

-          "[Crowd Cheering]" - "[Farquaad] Brave knights."

*         勇敢的骑士,你们是世界上最优秀、最聪明的人

-          "You are the best and brightest" in all the land. - "[Donkey Humming]"

*         今天,你们中的一个将证明…

*         Today one of you shall prove himself--

*         你想挨揍?

*         All right. You're going the right way for a smacked bottom.

*         对不起  

-          Sorry about that. - "[Cheering]"

*         冠军将得到荣誉,,特权

*         That champion shall have the honour-- no, no-- the privilege...

*         去从龙严密的看守中

*         to go forth and rescue the lovely Princess Fiona...

*         救出可爱的菲奥纳公主

*         from the fiery keep oft he dragon.

*         如果由于什么原因冠军没有成功

*         If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful,

*         亚军将接着去完成

*         the first runner-up will take his place...

*         如此类推…

*         and so on and so forth.

*         你们中间有些人可能会死,但这是我愿意做出的牺牲

*         Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.

*         [Cheering]

*         比武现在开始!

*         Let the tournament begin!

-          [ Gasps ] - Oh!

*         那是什么?

-          What is that? - [ Gasping ]

*         - 真丑死人了!   - 这可不怎么样 

-          It's hideous! - Ah, that's not very nice.

-          不过是头驴 - ?

-          It's just a donkey. - Huh?

*         骑士们,新计划!

*         Indeed. Knights, new plan!

*         杀死那个妖怪的人将被授予冠军! 进攻!

*         The one who kills the ogre will be named champion! Have at him!

*         - 抓住他!     - 现在,! 等等…

-          "Gethim!" - Oh, hey! Now come on! Hang on now.

*         ! 抓住他!

*         [ Woman ] Go ahead! Get him!

*         我们可以喝酒解决吗?

*         Can't wejust settle this over a pint?

*         杀死这个野兽!

*         [Man] Kill the beast!

*         ? 那么,好吧

*         No? All right then.

*         来吧!

*         Come on!

*         I don't give a damn about my reputation

*         I don't givea damn about my reputation

*         You're living in the past. It's a new generation

-          You're living in the past It's a new generation - Damn!

*         A girl can do what she wants to do

-          [ Whinnying ] - "A girl can do" what she wants to do

*         And that's what. I'm gonna do

*         And that's what I'm gonna do

*         And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

*         And I don't givea damn about my bad reputation

*         Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me

*         Oh, no, no, no, no, no Not me

*         - Me, me, me         - ,史莱克,让我来! 让我来!

*         -Me, me, me - Hey, Shrek, tag me! Tag me!

*         And I don't give a damn about my reputation

*         And I don't givea damn about my reputation

*         Never said I wanted to improve my station

*         Never said I wanted to improve my station

*         Ah! [ Laughs ]

*         And I'm always feelin'good when I'm having fun

-          "And I'm always feelin' good" when I'm having fun - Yeah!

*         And I don't have to please no one

*         And I don't have to please no one

*         给他坐电椅!

*         The chair! Give him the chair!

*         And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

*         And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

*         Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me

*         Oh, no, no, no, no, no Not me

*         Me, me, me

*         Me, me, me

*         Oh, no, no, no, no

*         Oh, no, no, no, no

*         Not me, not me

*         Not me, not me

*         Not me

-          "Not me" - "[Bell Dings]"

-          [ Cheering ] - [ Laughs ]

*         Oh, yeah! Ah! Ah!

*         谢谢! 十分感谢!

*         Thank you! Thank you very much!

*         我一直呆到周四,尝尝牛肉!

*         I'm here till Thursday. Try the veal! Ha, ha!

*         -[Shrek Laughs] -[Crowd Gasping, Murmuring]

*         我可以下命令吗,主人? 

*         Shall I give the order, sir?

*         ,我有个更好的主意

*         No, I have a better idea.

*         杜洛克的人们,他就是我们的冠军!

*         People of DuLoc, I give you our champion!

*         - 什么?    - 祝贺你,青怪

-          What? - "Congratulations, ogre."

*         你赢得了从事一个伟大、高尚的任务荣誉

*         You've won the honour of embarking on a great and nobIe quest.

*         任务? 我的任务就是要寻求归还我的沼泽地

*         Quest? I'm already on a quest, a quest to get my swamp back.

*         - 你的沼泽地?   - ,我的沼泽地!

-          Your swamp? - Yeah, my swamp!

*         你把那些家伙扔在那里!

*         Where you dumped those fairy tale creatures!

-          "[Crowd Murmuring]" - Indeed.

*         是的,妖怪,我们做个交易

*         All right, ogre, I'll make you a deaI.

*         你为我完成任务,我就把沼泽地还给你

*         Go on this quest for me, and I'll giveyou your swamp back.

*         恢复原状?

*         Exactly the way it was?

*         恢复到粘泥覆盖的原始模样

*         Down to the Iast slime-covered toad stool.

-          那些擅自占据者呢? - 全部搬走     

-          And the squatters? - As good as gone.

*         什么样的任务?

*         What kind of quest?

*         你要去跟龙作战

*         [ Donkey ] Let me get this straight. You're gonna go fight a dragon...

*         救出公主,然后回到沼泽地去

*         and rescue a princessjust so Farquaad will giveyou back a swamp...

*         你现在没有沼泽地了,因为弗瓜王塞了些怪物进去

*         which you only don't have because he filled it full of freaks in the first place.

*         也许驴不会讲话是有道理的

-          Is that about right? - Maybe there's a good reason donkeys shouldn't talk.

*         你为什么不把你的魔力都用在他身上?

*         I don't get it. Why don'tyoujust pull some of that ogre stuffon him?

*         包围他的堡垒

*         Throttle him, lay siege to his fortress,

*         碾碎他的骨头夹面包吃,妖怪所有的本事

*         grind his bones to makeyour bread, the whoIe ogre trip.

*         我知道

*         Oh, I know what.

*         也许我可以砍掉全村人的头

*         Maybe I couId have decapitated an entire village...

*         把他们挂在长矛上

*         and put their heads on a pike,

*         拿把刀,割开他们的脾,喝他们的脾液

*         gotten a knife, cut open their spleen and drink their fluids.

*         你看怎么样?

*         Does that sound good toyou?

*         ,真的,不怎么样

*         Uh, no, not really, no.

*         告诉你,妖怪比你想像的复杂

*         For your information, there's a Iot more to ogres than peopIe think.

*         - 举个例子  - 例子?

-          ExampIe? - ExampIe?

*         好…妖怪就像洋葱. - 它们辣臭?

-          Okay, um, ogres are like onions. - [ Sniffs ] They stink?

-          - 让你流泪? - !      

-          Yes-- No! - They makeyou cry? - No!

*         你把它们放在阳光下,它们都会变黄?

*         You leave them out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs.

*         是层!

*         No! Layers!

*         洋葱有很多多层

*         Onions have layers.

*         妖怪多层! 洋葱多层

*         Ogres have layers! Onions have Ilayers.

*         你明白吗? 我们都有好多层

*         You get it? We both have layers. [ Sighs ]

*         你们都有好多层.

*         Oh, you both have "layers." Oh.

*         可并不是人人都喜欢洋葱

*         [ Sniffs ] You know, not everybody likes onions.

*         蛋糕! 大家都喜欢蛋糕!

*         Cake! Everybody Ioves cakes! Cakes have layers.

*         我不管…大家喜欢什么  

*         I don't care... what everyone likes.

*         妖怪不像蛋糕

*         Ogres are not like cakes.

*         你知道大家还喜欢什么? 冻糕

*         You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits.

*         你试过问别人:"吃冻糕"

*         Haveyou ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait,"

*         他回答:“不,我不喜欢冻糕?

*         they say, "No, I don't like no parfait"?

-          冻糕味道好极了. - 没有!

-          Parfaits are delicious. - No!

*         你这个愚蠢讨厌的驴

*         You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden!

*         妖怪像洋葱!行了吧.

*         Ogres are like onions! End of story.

*         再见,回头见

*         Bye-bye. See ya later.

*         冻糕也许是这个星球上最可口的东西

*         Parfaits may be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet.

*         我想我宁愿听你哼歌

*         You know, I think I preferred your humming.

*         你有餐巾纸吗? 我这里一塌糊涂

*         Do you have a tissue or something? I'm makinga mess.

*         冻糕这个词让我流口水了

*         Just the word parfait make me start slobbering.

*         I'm on my way from misery to happiness today

*         I'm on my way from misery to happiness today

*         Uh-huh, uh-huh, Uh-huh, uh-huh

*         Uh-huh, uh-huh Uh-huh, uh-huh

*         I'm on my way from misery to happiness today

*         I'm on my way from misery to happiness today

*         Uh-huh, uh-huh, Uh-huh, uh-huh

*         Uh-huh, uh-huh Uh-huh, uh-huh

*         And everything that you receive up yonder

*         And everything that you receive up yonder

*         Is what you give to me the day I wander

*         Is what you give to me the day I wander

*         I'm on my way

*         I'm on my way

*         I'm on my way

*         I'm on my way

*         I'm on my way

*         I'm on my way

*         史莱克! 是你干的吗?

*         Ooh! Shrek! Did you do that?

*         你放屁之前得通知一声

*         You gotta warn somebody before you just crack one off. My mouth was open.

*         相信我,,如果是我,你早就薰死了

*         Believe me, Donkey, if it was me, you'd be dead.

*         是硫磺石.

*         [ Sniffs ] It's brimstone.

-          我们一定快到了 - ,硫磺石…   

-          We must be getting cIose. - Yeah, right, brimstone.

*         别告诉我硫磺石,我知道我闻到了什么,不可能是硫磺石.

*         Don't be talking about it's the brimstone. I know what I smell. It wasn't no brimstone.

*         也没有什么石头

*         It didn't come off no stone neither.

*         [Rumbling]

*         确实,够大的了,但看一下位置

*         Sure, it's big enough, but look at the location.

*         [ Laughing ]

*         史莱克? 记得你说过妖怪有好多层吗?

*         Uh, Shrek? Uh, rememberwhen you said ogres have layers?

*         没错

*         Oh, aye.

*         我有点儿事要坦白

*         Well, I have a bit ofa confession to make.

*         驴没有好多层,我们的恐惧都表现在袖子上

*         Donkeys don't have layers. We wear our fear right out there on our sIeeves.

-          等等! 驴没有袖子 - 你明白我的意思 

-          Wait a second. Donkeys don't have sIeeves. - You know what I mean.

*         你不能对我说你怕高

*         You can't tell me you're afraid ofheights.

*         在沸腾岩浆湖摇晃的桥上走我不舒服

*         I'm just a little uncomfortabIe about being on a rickety bridge over a boiling lake of lava!

*         别怕,,我就在你身边

*         Come on, Donkey. I'm right here beside ya, okay?

*         帮助和鼓励你

*         For emotionaI support,

*         我们一起来通过,一次迈一婴儿小步

*         we'll just tackIe this thing together one little baby step at a time.

*         - 真的?   - 真的,真的

-          Really? - Really, really.

-          这样我感觉好多了 - 往前走     

-          Okay, that makes me feeI so much better. -Just keep moving.

*         - 别往下看…     - 别往下看,别往下看

-          And don't look down. - Okay, don't look down. Don't look down.

*         别往下看,往前走,别往下看

*         Don't look down. Keep on moving. Don't look down.

*         史莱克! 我在往下看!

*         [ Gasps ] Shrek! I'm lookin' down!

*         我过不去了! 请放了我吧!

*         Oh, God, I can't do this! Just Iet me off, please!

-          你已经走了一半了! - 我知道那部分安全!

-          But you're already half way. - But I know "that" half is safe!

*         ,我没有时间,你回去吧

*         Okay, fine. I don't have time for this. You go back.

*         史莱克! 等等!

-          Shrek, no! Wait! -Just, Donkey--

-          我们交换一下儿位置 - 别这样!      

-          Let's have a dance then, shall we? - Don't do that!

*         对不起,别哪样?

*         Oh, I'm sorry. Do what?

-          这样? - ,那样       

-          Oh, this? - Yes, that!

*         怎么了? 就这样,

*         Yes? Yes, do it. Okay.

*         ,史莱克

*         [ Screams ] No, Shrek!

*         - ! 停下!         - 你说就这样! 我在这样做啊

-          No! Stop it! - You said do it! I'm doin' it.

*         史莱克,我要死了,我要死了

*         I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Shrek, I'm gonna die.

*         Oh!

*         这就行了,,这就行了

*         That'll do, Donkey. That'll do.


*         CooI.

*         那么喷火的家伙在哪里?

*         [ Donkey ] So where is this fire-breathing pain-in-the-neck anyway?

*         在里面,等我们来救她

*         Inside, waiting for us to rescue her.

*         我说的是那条龙,史莱克

*         [ ChuckIes ] I was talkin' about the dragon, Shrek.

*         [WaterDripping]

*         [WindHowling]

*         你怕吗?

*         [ Donkey Whispering ] You afraid?

*         不怕,但…

*         No, but-- Shh.

*         ,我也不怕

*         Oh, good. Me neither. [ Gasps ]

*         害怕并不是过错

*         'Cause there's nothin' wrong with bein' afraid.

*         害怕是对陌生环境的敏感反应

*         Fear's a sensibIe response to an unfamiIiar situation.

*         陌生的危险环境

*         UnfamiIiar dangerous situation, I might add.

*         有一条喷火的龙

*         With a dragon that breathes fire and eats knights and breathes fire,

*         害怕并不意味着你是胆小鬼

*         it sure doesn't mean you're a coward ifyou're a little scared.

*         我确信史莱克不是胆小鬼

*         I sure as heck ain't no coward. I know that. [ Gasps ]

*         ,两件事,好吗?

*         Donkey, two things, okay?

*         ....

*         Shut... up.

*         闭嘴,去看看能不能找到楼梯

*         Now go over there and see ifyou can find any stairs.

*         楼梯?我以为我们在找公主

*         Stairs? I thought we was lookin' for the princess.

*         她在楼上在最高塔内最高的房间里

*         The princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower.

-          你怎么知道她在那里? - 我从书上看到的   

-          What makesyou think she'll be there? - I read it in a book once.

*         ,你对付龙,我来找楼梯

*         CooI. You handIe the dragon. I'll handIe the stairs.

*         等我找到楼梯,我也要抽它们的屁股

*         I'll find those stairs. I'll whip their butt too.

*         它们并不知道该去哪里

*         Those stairs won't know which way they're goin'.

*         [ Creaking ]

*         我要走难走的路

*         I'm gonna take drastic steps.

*         别打扰我,我是爬楼梯老手

*         Kick it to the kerb. Don't mess with me. I'm the stair master.

*         我已经征服楼梯了,踏上一步就没有问题了

*         I've mastered the stairs. I wish I had a step right here. I'd step all over it.

*         至少我们知道公主在哪里,但哪里…

*         Well, at Ieast we know where the princess is, but where's the--

*         喷火龙!

*         Dragon! [ Screams ]

*         [ Gasps ]

*         [ Roars ]

*         ,当心!

*         Donkey, look out! [ Screams ]

*         [ Screams ]

*         [ Whimpering ]

*         抓住你了!

-          Gotya! - [ Roars ]

*         [ Gasps ]

*         [ Shouts ] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

*         [ Screaming ]

*         [ Gasps ]

*         Oh! Aah! Aah!

*         [ Gasping ]

*         [ GrowIs ]

*         No. Oh, no. No! [ Screams ]

*         你的牙齿真大

-          Oh, what Iarge teeth you have. - [ GrowIs ]

*         我是说,闪亮的牙齿,你也许经常听人这么夸奖

*         I mean, white, sparkIing teeth. I knowyou probabIy hear this all the time from your food,

*         但你一定漂白了,因为你的笑很耀眼

*         butyou must bIeach, 'cause that is one dazzIing smiIeyou got there.

*         我闻到了,是薄荷味吗?

*         Do I detect a hint ofminty freshness?

*         你知道吗? 你是条雌龙!

*         And you know what eIse? You're-- You're a girI dragon!

*         当然! 我是说,当然你是雌龙

*         Oh, sure! I mean, ofcourseyou're a girI dragon.

*         你散发着女性的美

*         You'rejust reeking offeminine beauty.

*         你怎么了? 眼里掉进东西了?

*         What's the matterwith you? You got something in your eye?


*         Ooh. Oh. Oh.

*         我真的愿意留下,但…

*         Man, I'd really Iove to stay, but, you know, I'm, uh-- [ Coughs ]

*         我有气喘病,如果你吐烟圈我会受不了的

*         I'm an asthmatic, and I don't know ifit'd work out if you're gonna bIow smoke rings.

*         史莱克!

*         Shrek! [ Gasps ]

*         ,史莱克! 史莱克!

*         [ Whimpering ] No! Shrek! Shrek!

*         Shrek!

*         [ Groans, Sighs ]

*         [Chorus Vocalizing]

*         [Vocalizing Continues]

*         [Vocalizing Continues]

*         Oh! Oh!

-          醒醒! - 什么?

-          Wake up! - What?

*         你是菲奥纳公主吗?

*         Areyou Princess Fiona?

*         ,我在等待一个勇敢的骑士来救我

*         I am, awaiting a knight so boId as to rescue me.

*         很好,我们走吧!

*         Oh, that's nice. Now Iet's go!

*         等等,骑士先生

*         But wait, Sir Knight.

*         这是我们第一次见面

*         This be-ith our first meeting.

*         这不该是一个非常浪漫的时刻吗?

*         ShouId it not be a wonderfuI, romantic moment?

-          ,对不起,女士,没时间 - 你在干什么?     

-          Yeah, sorry, Iady. There's no time. - "Hey, wait. Whatareyoudoing?"

*         你应该抱起我

*         You shouId sweep me offmy feet...

*         冲出远处的窗户,落在你勇敢的马上

*         outyonderwindow and down a rope ontoyourvaIiant steed.

*         你有很多时间计划这些,是不是?

*         You've had a Iot oftime to pIan this, haven'tyou?


*         Mm-hmm. [ Screams, Grunts ]

*         但我们得品尝这个时刻!

*         But we have to savour this moment!

*         你该给我背段壮丽的诗

*         You couId recite an epic poem for me.

*         叙事史诗? 14行诗!

*         A ballad? A sonnet!

-          5行打油诗? 或是别的! - 我并不这样认为   

-          A Iimerick? Or something! - I don't think so.

*         至少我该知道英雄的名字吧?

*         Can I at Ieast know the name ofmy champion?

*         我叫史莱克

*         Um, Shrek.

*         史莱克先生

*         Sir Shrek. [ CIears Throat ]

*         我祈求你把这个手帕当作我感谢的象征

*         I pray thatyou take this favour as a token ofmy gratitude.

*         谢谢

*         Thanks!

*         [Roaring]

-          你没有杀死龙?

*         You didn't slay the dragon?

-          这在我们的计划内,!

-          It's on my to-do Iist. Now come on! - [ Screams ]

*         但不该这样!

*         But this isn't right!

*         你应该像其他骑士一样,在他们被烧死前, 冲锋陷阵,挥剑拔刀

*         You were meant to charge in, sword drawn, banner flying.

*         所有的骑士都应该这样

*         That's what all the other knights did.

*         Yeah, rightbefore theyburstinto flame.

*         这不是问题所在

*         That's not the point. Oh!

*         你去哪里? 出口在那边儿

*         Wait. Where areyou going? The exit's over there.

*         我要救我的驴

*         Well, I have to save my ass.

*         你是什么骑士?

*         What kind ofknight areyou?

*         独一无二的骑士

*         One of a kind.

*         慢点儿,慢点儿,宝贝儿

*         [Donkey] Slowdown. Slowdown, baby, please.

*         时间久了才能全面了解一个人

*         Ibelieve it'shealthytoget to knowsomeone overa longperiodoftime.

*         就叫我老古板吧

*         Just callme old-fashioned. [Laughs]

*         我不想仓促拥有肉体关系

*         I don't want to rush into a physicaI reIationship.

*         我感情上还没有投入这…

*         I'm not emotionally ready for a commitment of, uh, this--

*         伟大是我要找的字

*         Magnitude really is the word I'm looking for.

*         伟大,这是不想要的肉体关系

*         Magnitude-- Hey, that is unwanted physicaI contact.

*         你在干什么?

*         Hey, what areyou doing?

*         让我们回头一步一步地来

*         Okay, okay. Let'sjustbackup a little andtake thisonestep ata time.

*         我们真的应该先做个朋友或者笔友

*         We really should get to know each other first as friends or pen pals.

*         我经常在路上旅行,但我喜欢接收明信片…

*         I'm on theroada lot, butIjustlove receivingcards--

*         我确实想留下,但…

*         I'd really Iove to stay, but--

*         别这样! 这是我私人的尾巴

*         Don't do that! That's my taiI! That's my personaI taiI.

*         你要去掉? 你要用它做什么?

*         You're gonna tear it off. I don't give permission-- What areyou gonna do with that?

*         现在! 不行,!

*         Hey, now. No way. No! No!

*         No, no! No. No, no, no! No! Oh!

*         [ GrowIs ]

*         [ Roars ]

-          "[Roaring]" - [ Gasps ]

*         - ,公主!   - 它会说话! 

-          Hi, Princess! - It talks!

*         ,让他闭嘴得用窍门

*         Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick.

*         [ Screams ]

*         [ Screaming ]

*         Oh!

-          "[Thuds]" - [ Groans ]

*         [ Shrek Groans ]

*         [ Roars ]

*         [ Roars ]

*         [ Roaring ]

*         [ Roars ]

*         ,你们俩,朝出口前进!

*         Okay, you two, head for the exit!

*         我来对付龙

*         I'll take care ofthe dragon.

*         快跑

*         [ Echoing ] Run!

*         [ Gasping ]

*         [ Screaming ]

*         [ Roaring ]

-          [ Screams ] - [ Roars ]

*         [ Panting, Sighs ]

*         [ Whimpers ]

*         [ Roars ]

*         [ Roars, Whimpers ]

*         你成功了! 你救了我!

-          "[Dragon Growling In TheDistance]" - You did it!

*         真令人惊叹,你…

*         You rescued me! You're amazing. You're--

*         你太伟大了,你是…

*         You're wonderfuI. You're...

*         我得承认,有点儿怪

*         a little unorthodox I'll admit.

*         但你的行为伟大,心底纯洁

*         But thy deed is great, and thine heart is pure.

*         我将永远感激你

-          I am eternally in your debt. - [ CIears Throat ]

*         没有高贵的马,哪里有勇敢的骑士?

*         And where would a brave knight be without his nobIe steed?

*         我希望你听到了这些话,她说我是高贵的马!

*         I hopeyou heard that. She called me a nobIe steed. She think I'm a steed.

*         战斗打赢了

*         [Fiona Laughs] Thebattle is won.

*         你可以摘掉头盔了,好骑士先生

*         You may removeyour heImet, good Sir Knight.

*         - ?    - 为什么不?

-          Uh, no. - Why not?

*         我的头发被压扁了

*         I have heImet hair.

*         求你,我想看看救我人的脸

*         Please. I would'st look upon the face ofmy rescuer.

*         ,,你不想… 

*         No, no, you wouldn't-- 'st.

*         可你怎么吻我?

*         But how will you kiss me?

*         什么?这不在工作的要求里

*         What? That wasn't in thejob description.

*         也许是个奖赏  

*         Maybe it's a perk.

*         ,是命运,你一定要知道是怎么回事

*         No, it's destiny. Oh, you must know how it goes.

*         一个被关在塔楼里,由龙看守的公主

*         A princess Iocked in a tower and beset by a dragon...

*         被一个勇敢的骑士搭救了

*         is rescued by a brave knight,

*         然后他们分享了真爱的第一个吻

*         and then they share true Iove's first kiss.

*         和史莱克? 你想…等等

*         Hmm? With Shrek? You think-- Wait.

*         你以为他是你的真爱?

*         Wait. You think that Shrek isyour true Iove?

*         是啊!

*         Well, yes.

-          [ Laughing ] - [ Laughing ]

*         你以为史莱克是你的真爱!?

*         You think Shrek isyour true Iove!

*         这有什么好笑的?

*         What is so funny?

*         Let'sjust say I'm notyour type, okay?

*         我不是你喜欢的类型

*         Ofcourse, you are. You're my rescuer.

*         你是,你救了我 

*         Now-- Now removeyour heImet.

*         现在,摘掉你的头盔

*         Look. I really don't think this is a good idea.

*         这不是个好主意  

*         -Just take offthe heImet. - I'm not going to.

-          就把头盔摘掉 - 不     

-          Take it off. - No!

-          摘掉,现在! - !    

-          Now! - Okay!

-          现在! - ! 

*         Easy. Asyou command, Your Highness.

*         别发火,听从你的命令,阁下

*         You-- You'rea-- an ogre.

*         你…你是个青怪

*         Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming.

*         你以为我像王子一样漂亮?

*         Well, yes, actually.

*         ,,是这样的     

*         Oh, no. This is all wrong.

*         ,都搞错了

*         You're not supposed to be an ogre.

*         你不应该是个青怪

*         [ Sighs ] Princess, I was sent to rescueyou by Lord Farquaad, okay?

*         公主,我是被弗瓜王派来救你的

*         He's the one who wants to marryyou.

*         是他想跟你结婚

*         Then why didn't he come rescue me?

*         那他为什么不来救我?

*         Good question. You shouId ask him that when we get there.

*         好问题,到那里后你去问他

*         But I have to be rescued by my true Iove,

*         但我该被真爱的人搭救

*         not by some ogre and his-- his pet.

*         而不是被妖怪和他的宠物搭救

*         So much for nobIe steed.

*         再也不是高贵的马了

*         You're not making myjob any easier.

*         你使我的工作更麻烦了

*         I'm sorry, butyourjob is not my probIem.

*         对不起,你的工作不是我的问题

*         You can tell Lord Farquaad that ifhe wants to rescue me properIy,

*         你去告诉弗瓜王,如果他想体面地救我

*         I'll be waiting for him right here.

*         我就在这里等他

*         Hey! I'm no one's messenger boy, all right? I'm a delivery boy.

*         我不是个送信的,我是个送货的

*         You wouldn't dare.

*         你不敢

-          Put me down! - Ya comin', Donkey?

-          把我放下! - 你来吗,?

*         I'm right behind ya.

*         我就在你后面

*         Put me down, oryou will suffer the consequences!

*         放下我,不然你将自食其果!

*         This is not dignified! Put me down! [ Screams ]

*         这太没有尊严了! 放下我!

*         Okay, so here's anotherquestion.

*         现在又有个问题

*         Say there's a woman that digsyou, right, butyou don't really like her "that" way.

*         有个女人她喜欢你,但你不喜欢她

*         How doyou Iet her down reaI easy so her feeIings aren't hurt,

*         怎么才能容易地摆脱她而不让她受伤害呢?

*         butyou don't get burned to a crisp and eaten?

*         而你也不会她所伤害或吃掉?

*         Youjust tell her she's notyour true Iove.

*         就告诉她,她不是你真爱的人

*         Everyone knowest what happens when you find your--

*         当发现了真爱时,每个人都明白会…

*         Hey! [ Sighs ]


*         The soonerwe get to DuLoc the better.

*         越早赶到杜洛克越好

*         You're gonna Iove it there, Princess. It's beautifuI!

*         你会喜欢那里的,那里很美丽!

*         And what ofmy groom-to-be? Lord Farquaad? What's he like?

*         我的未婚夫弗瓜王怎么样? 他长得什么样?

*         Let me put it this way, Princess.

*         我这样来说吧,公主

*         Men of Farquaad's stature are in "short" suppIy.

*         像弗瓜王那样的人很少

*         [ Laughs ]

*         I don't know. There are those who think "little" ofhim.

*         我不知道,有人很少瞧见他

*         [ Both Laughing ]

*         Stop it. Stop it, both ofyou.

*         停下,你俩都停下

*         You'rejustjeaIousyou can never measure up to a great ruIer like Lord Farquaad.

*         你们是在嫉妒,你们没法跟弗瓜王比

*         Yeah, well, maybe you're right, Princess.

*         ,也许你说得对,公主

*         But I'll Ietyou do the "measuring" when you see him tomorrow.

*         但明天见到他时,你最好亲自量量他

*         Tomorrow? It'll take that Iong?

*         明天? 要等那么久啊?

-          ShouIdn't we stop to make camp? - No, that'll take Ionger.

-          我们停下露营吧? - ,那会更久  

-          We can keep going. - But there's robbers in the woods.

*         - 我们接着走吧    - 但树林里可能有强盗

*         Whoa! Time out, Shrek! Camping's starting to sound good.

*         停下! 露营现在听起来不错!

*         Hey, come on. I'm scarier than anything we're going to see in this forest.

*         我比这个森林里任何的东西都更可怕

*         I need to find somewhere to camp now!

*         我要找个地方露营!

*         [Bird Wings Fluttering]

*         [ Grunting ]

-          Hey! Over here. - Shrek, we can do better than that.

*         哎!过来  史莱克,我们可以找个更好的地方

*         I don't think this is fit for a princess.

*         我认为这对一位公主并不合适

*         No, no, it's perfect. Itjust needs a few homey touches.

*         不,不,太完美了 它只不过需要一点家的气氛

-          Homey touches? Like what? - "[Crashing]"

*         家的气氛?像什么?

*         A door? Well, gentIemen, I bid thee good night.

*         一扇门?好吧,绅士,晚安

*         You want me to read you a bedtime story? I will.

*         睡前我跟你讲个故事吧,我会讲

*         Isaidgoodnight!

*         我说晚安!

*         Shrek, what areyou doing?

*         史莱克,你在做什么?

*         [ Laughs ] I just-- You know-- Oh, come on.

*         我只是.....你知道.....哦,别担心

*         I wasjust kidding.

*         我只是开玩笑的

*         [Fire Crackling]

*         And, uh, that one, that's Throwback,

*         呃,那个,那是斯洛白克

*         the only ogre to everspit overthree wheatfields.

*         是唯一一个吐过三个麦地的妖怪

*         Right. Yeah.

*         对,好

*         Hey, can you tell my future from these stars?

*         哎,你能看星象说出我的未来吗?

*         The stars don't tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories.

*         星象不能告诉我们未来,它们告诉我们故事

*         Look, there's BIoodnut, the FIatuIent.

*         看,布拉纳特臭气

-          You can guess what he's famous for. - I knowyou're making this up.

*         你可以猜出为什么它很出名  你在编造

*         No, look. There he is,

*         不,看,它在那里

*         and there's the group ofhunters running away from his stench.

*         猎人都被它臭跑了

*         That ain't nothin' but a bunch oflittle dots.

*         它们只是一群小星星

*         Sometimes things are more than they appear.

*         有时候事情不像表面上看起来那么简单

*         Hmm?

*         呃?

*         Forget it.

*         算了吧

*         [ Sighs ]

*         Hey, Shrek, what we gonna do when we get our swamp anyway?

*         哎,史莱克,回到沼泽地之后我们做什么?

*         Our swamp?

*         我们的沼泽地?

*         You know, when we're through rescuing the princess.

*         你知道,我们救了公主

*         We? Donkey, there's no "we." There's no "our."

*         我们?驴,不是我们 没有我们

*         There'sjust me and my swamp.

*         那是我的沼泽地

*         The first thing I'm gonna do is buiId a ten-foot wall around my Iand.

*         我要做的第一件事就是在我的领土建一个十英尺高的围墙

*         You cut me deep, Shrek.

*         你伤害了我,史莱克

*         You cut me reaI deepjust now.

*         你刚才深深的伤害了我

*         You know what I think?

*         你知道我在想什么吗?

*         I think this whoIe wall thing isjust a way to keep somebody out.

*         我想围墙只是为了堵人

-          No, doya think? - Areyou hidin' something?

*         不,你怎么想?  你在隐瞒什么吗?

*         Never mind, Donkey.

*         别介意,驴

*         Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't it?

*         哦,这是另一个洋葱的问题,不是吗?

*         No, this is one ofthose drop-it and leave-it-aIone things.

*         不,这是一个不该谈的事情

-          Why don'tyou want to talk about it? - Why doyou want to?

*         为什么你不想说这个?  为什么你想?

-          Why areyou bIocking? - I'm not bIocking.

*         为什么你要封闭你自己?  我没有

-          Oh, yes, you are. - Donkey, I'm warningyou.

*         哦,是的,你有  驴,我警告你

-          Whoyou trying to keep out? - Everyone! Okay?

*         你想堵住谁?  所有人!行了吧?

*         Oh, now we're gettin' somewhere.

*         哦,我们现在有所进展了

*         Oh! For the Iove of Pete!

*         哦,看在圣彼得的面上

*         What'syour probIem? Whatyou got against the whoIe worId?

*         你的问题是什么? 你对世界有什么不满吗?

*         I'm not the one with the probIem, okay?

*         不是我有什么不满,知道吗?

*         It's the worId that seems to have a probIem with me.

*         是世界遗弃了我

*         PeopIe take one look at me and go, "Aah! HeIp! Run!

*         人们看见我就会说:“啊,救命,快跑”

*         A big, stupid, ugly ogre!"

*         一个愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物

*         [ Sighs ] Theyjudge me before they even know me.

*         他们不了解我就下了结论

*         That's why I'm better offaIone.

*         这就是为什么我最好离开

*         You know what?

*         你知道什么?

*         When we met, I didn't thinkyou was just a big, stupid, ugly ogre.

*         当我们见面是,我不认为你是一个“愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物”

*         Yeah, I know.

*         是的,我知道

*         So, uh, are there any donkeys up there?

*         那,呃,天上有驴吗?

*         Well, there's, um, Gabby,

*         是的,那里有,是个多嘴

*         the Small and Annoying.

*         麻烦的小驴

*         Okay, I see it now. The big shiny one, right there. That one there?

*         好的,我现在看到了 那个大的闪闪发光的,就在那里 那里的那个吗?

-          That's the moon. - Oh, okay.

*         那是月亮  哦,是的

*         [Orchestra]

*         [Dulcimer]

*         [Farquaad] Again. Showmeagain.

*         再让我看看

*         [Music Stops, Rewinds]

*         Mirror, mirror, show her to me. Show me the princess.

*         镜子,镜子,让我再看看她 让我看到公主

-          Hmph. -  [ Rewinds, Resumes ]

*         Ah. Perfect. [ InhaIes ]

*         啊,十全十美

*         [Snoring]

*         [ VocaIizing ]

*         [Vocalizing Continues]

*         [ WhistIing ]

*         [Whistling Continues]

-          [ VocaIizes ] -  [ WhistIes ]

-          [ VocaIizes ] -  [ WhistIes ]

-          [ VocaIizing ] -  [ WhistIing ]

-          [ VocaIizing, High-pitched ] -  [ WhistIing, High-pitched ]

*         [Continues]

*         [ SizzIing ]

*         [ Sniffs, Yawns ]

*         Mmm, yeah, youknow Ilikeit like that.

*         嗯,你知道,我喜欢这样

-          Come on, baby. I said I like it. - Donkey, wake up.

*         对,宝贝,我说过我喜欢这样  驴,醒醒

-          Huh? What? - "Wake up."

*         呃,什么?  起来了

-          What? - "Goodmorning."

*         什么?  早上好

*         How do you like your eggs?

*         你喜欢吃什么样的蛋?

-          Good morning, Princess! - What's all this about?

*         早安,公主!  这是怎么回事?

*         We kind of got off to a bad start yesterday.

*         我们昨天相处的不怎么样

*         I wanted to make it up to you.

*         我想今天补偿给你

*         After all, you did rescue me.

*         毕竟,是你救了我

-          Uh, thanks. - [ Sniffs ]

*         呃,谢谢

*         Well, eat up. We've got a big day ahead of us.

*         好吧,快吃 我们今天会很忙

-          [ Belches ] - Shrek!

*         史莱克!

*         What? It's a compliment.

*         什么?这是赞美

*         Better out than in, I aIways say. [ Laughs ]

*         我总是说,奉献比得到好

-          Well, it's no way to behave in front of a princess. - [ Belches ]

*         在公主面前不要这样

-          Thanks. - She's as nasty asyou are.

*         谢谢  她和你一样粗鲁

*         [ Laughs ] You know, you're not exactly what I expected.

*         你知道,你并不清楚我想要什么

*         Maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them.

*         也许你在了解一个人之前最好不要下结论

*         [Vocalizing]

*         [Man] La Iiberte! "Hey!"

*         自由了!万岁!

*         Princess!

*         公主!

-          [ Laughs ] - What areyou doing?

*         你要干什么?

*         Be still, "mon cherie," for I am your saviour!

*         别动,亲爱的,我是你的救星

*         And I am rescuingyou from this green-- [ Kissing Sounds ]

*         是我从这个绿.....魔兽中救出了你

-          beast. - "Hey!"

*         怪兽  哎!

*         That's my princess! Go find your own!

*         那是我的公主! 去找你的吧!

*         Please, monster! Can't you see I'm a little busy here?

*         怪兽,你没有看见我正在忙吗?

*         Look, pal, I don't know who you think you are!

*         看,伙计,你以为你是谁!

*         Oh! Of course! Oh, how rude.

*         哦,当然! 真是粗鲁

*         Please let me introduce myseIf.

*         请让我自我介绍

*         Oh, Merry Men! [ Laughs ]

*         哦,伙计们!

*         [Accordion]

*         Ta, dah, dah, dah, whoo 

*         I steal from the rich and give to the needy 

*         我劫富济贫

-          He takes a wee percentage  -  But I'm not greedy 

*         他只拿了一小部分  我并不贪婪

*         I rescue pretty dam sels Man, I'm good 

*         我救了美丽的公主 我是一个好人

-          What a guy, Monsieur Hood  - Break it down.

*         多么讽刺,先生  跳起来吧

*         I like an honest fight and a saucy little maid 

*         我喜欢一场公平的决斗和一个可爱的女仆

-          What he's basically saying is he likes to get--  -  Paid 

*         他想说的是他喜欢----不欠别人的

-          So  -  When an ogre in the bush grabs a lady by the tush 

*         是的  当一个怪兽抓住了一位公主

-          That's bad  - That's bad 

*         很糟糕  很糟糕

*         When a beauty's with a beast it makes me awfully mad

*         当我想到美女与野兽,那就使我疯掉

*         He's mad He's really, really mad 

*         他是的疯子,他是个真正的疯子

*         I'll take my blade and ram it through your heart 

*         我要将我的剑插入你的心脏

*         Keep your eyes on me, boys 'cause I'm about to start 

*         看着我,因为我要开始了

*         [ Grunts, Groans ]

-          [ Karate Yell ] - [ Merry Men Gasping ]

*         [Panting] Man, that was annoying!

*         伙计,真烦人!

*         Oh, you little--

*         哦,你这个小.....

*         [ Karate Yell ]

*         [ Accordion ]

*         [ Shouting, Groaning ]

*         [ Groaning ]

*         [ Chuckles ] Um, shall we?

*         呃,我们可以走了吗?

-          HoId the phone. - [ Grunts ]

*         等一会

*         Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now.

*         哦,现在先等等

-          Where did that come from? - What?

*         你从哪里学来的?  什么?

*         That! Back there. That was amazing!

*         那个!就是刚才那个 真令人惊奇!

*         Where did you learn that?

*         你从哪里学来的?

*         Well-- [ ChuckIes ] When one lives alone,

*         当一个人住时

*         uh, one has to learn these things in case there's a--

*         你就要学一些东西来以防万一

-          There's an arrow in your butt! - What?

*         你屁股上有根箭!  什么?

-          Oh, would you look at that? - Oh, no. This is all my fauIt.

*         哦,你看看好吗?  噢,不,这都是我的错

-          I'm so sorry. - Why? What's wrong?

*         抱歉  为什么?怎么了?

-          Shrek's hurt. - Shrek's hurt. Shrek's hurt? Oh, no, Shrek's gonna die.

*         史莱克受伤了  史莱克受伤了 他受伤了吗? 哦,不,他要死了

-          Donkey, I'm okay. - You can't do this to me. I'm too young for you to die.

*         驴,我很好  你不能死 我还很年青,你不能死

*         Keep your legs elevated. Turn your head and cough.

*         把你的脚抬起来 转过你的头去咳嗽

-          Does anyone know the HeimIich? - Donkey! CaIm down.

*         有人会海姆利克疗法吗?  镇静,驴

*         Ifyou want to help Shrek, run into the woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns.

*         如果你想帮助史莱克,快去森林找一朵蓝色的花,花上有红色的刺

*         Blue flower, red thorns. Okay, I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns.

*         蓝色的花,红色的刺 好的,我就去  蓝色的花,红色的刺

*         Don't die, Shrek. If you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light!

*         别死,史莱克 如果你看到长隧道,躲开光

-          [ Both ] Donkey! - Oh, yeah. Right. Blue flower, red thorns.

*         驴!  是的,很好 蓝色的花,红色的刺

-          "Blue flower, red thorns." - What are the flowers for?

*         蓝色的花,红色的刺  那花是干吗用的?

-          For getting rid of Donkey. - Ah.

*         是为了让驴走开 

*         Now you hold still, and I'll yank this thing out.

*         现在你先别动,让后我要把刺拔出来

*         Ow! Hey! Easy with the yankin'.

*         喔!轻点

-          I'm sorry, but it has to come out. - No, it's tender.

*         抱歉,但是一定要拔出来  不,轻点儿

*         Now, hoId on.

*         现在,坚持住

-          What you're doing is the opposite of help. - Don't move.

*         没什么用  别动

-          Look, time out. - Would you--

*         看,停下  你能.....

*         [ Grunts ] Okay. What do you propose we do?

*         好的,你希望我怎么做?

*         Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns.

*         蓝色的花,红色的刺 蓝色的花,红色的刺 蓝色的花,红色的刺

*         This would be so much easier if I wasn't colour-blind!

*         如果我不是色盲的话做这个应该不难

-          BIue flower, red thorns. - "[Shrek] Ow!"

*         蓝色的花,红色的刺  喔!

*         HoId on, Shrek! I'm comin'!

*         坚持,史莱克!我来了!

*         Ow! Not good.

*         太难受了

*         -Okay. Okay, I can nearly see the head. -[ Grunts ]

*         好的,好的,我可以看得见头了

-          It's just about-- - Ow! Ohh!

*         就要.....

*         Ahem.


*         Nothing happened. We werejust, uh--

*         什么也没有发生 我们正准备.....

*         Look, if you wanted to be alone, all you had to do was ask.

*         看,如果你希望一个人呆着,你只要说声就可以了

*         Oh, come on! That's the last thing on my mind.

*         哦,别傻了 这是我最不希望的事

*         The princess here was just-- Ugh!

*         公主正要.....

-          Ow! - Hey, what's that?

*         哦!  哎!那是什么?

*         [ Nervous ChuckIe ] That's-- Is that blood?

*         那是....是血吗?

*         [ Sighs ]

*         [Bird Chirping]

*         [ Grunts ]

*         My beloved monster and me

*         我喜欢的怪兽和我

*         Wego everywhere together

*         我们一起去任何地方

*         Wearin'a raincoat that has four sleeves

*         一起穿一件有四个袖子的雨衣

-          " Gets us through all kinds" of weather - Aah!

*         不管什么天气都一起渡过  啊!

*         She will always be the only thing

*         她是我的唯一

*         That comes between me and the awful sting

*         是在我和糟糕的事情之间

*         That comes from living in a world that's so damn mean

*         这是我生命的意义,这是一个严肃的话题

*         [ Croaks ]

*         Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

*         Hey!

-          "La-la, la-la, la-la-la-la" - [ Both Laughing ]

*         La-la, la-la, la-la

*         There it is, Princess.

*         在这里,公主

*         Your future awaits you.

*         你的未来在等你

-          That's DuLoc? - Yeah, I know.

*         那是杜洛克吗?  是的,我知道

*         You know, Shrek thinks Lord Farquaad's compensating for something,

*         你知道,史莱克认为弗瓜王在弥补什么

*         which I think means he has a really-- Ow!

*         我想说的是他有一个.....

*         Um, I, uh--

*         呃,我,呃.....

-          I guess we better move on. - Sure.

*         我猜我们最好上路吧  好的

*         But, Shrek?

*         但是,史莱克?

-          I'm-- I'm worried about Donkey. - [ BIubbering ]

*         我,我很担心驴

-          What? - I mean, look at him.

*         什么?  我说,你看他

-          He doesn't look so good. - What are you talking about? I'm fine.

*         他看起来很不好  你在说什么?我很好

*         That's what they always say, and then next thing you know, you're on your back.

*         他们总是这么说,然后他们就倒下了

-          Dead. - You know, she's right.

*         死去  你知道,她是对的

*         You look awful. Do you want to sit down?

*         你看起来气色不好 你想坐下休息一会吗?

-          I'll make you some tea. - I didn't want to say nothin',

*         给你来点茶  我原来不想说

*         but I got this twinge in my neck, and when I turn my head like this, look.

*         我的脖子很疼,而且我要是像这样转头,瞧

-          [ Bones Crunch ] - Ow! See?

*         哦!看见了?

*         -Who's hungry? I'll find us some dinner. -I'll get the firewood.

*         谁饿了吗?我要去找点吃的  我去找材火

*         Hey, where you goin'? Oh, man, I can't feeI my toes!

*         你去哪里?伙计,我的脚趾失去感觉了!

*         I don't have any toes!

*         我没有感觉了!

*         I think I need a hug.

*         我想我需要一个拥抱

*         Mmm.


*         Mmm. This is good. This is "really" good.

*         很好吃,真的

-          What is this? - Uh, weedrat.

*         这是什么?  草老鼠

*         Rotisserie style.

*         是烧烤的

*         No kidding.

*         别开玩笑了

*         Well, this is delicious.

*         真的,很美味

*         Well, they're also great in stews.

*         炖着吃也很香

*         Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean weedrat stew.

*         我不是吹牛,我做的炖草老鼠一流

*         [ Chuckling ]

*         [Sighs] I guess I'll bedining a little differently tomorrow night.

*         我想明天的晚餐应该会有点不同吧

*         [ Gulps ] Maybeyou can come visit me in the swamp sometime.

*         也许,你可以来沼泽看我

*         I'll cook all kinds ofstuff foryou.

*         我会做各种美味给你

*         Swamp toad soup, fish eye tartare-- you name it.

*         沼泽蛤蟆汤,生鱼眼饼,你就说吧…

*         [ Chuckles ] I'd like that.

*         我想我会喜欢的

*         [ Slurps, Laughs ]

*         See the pyramids along the Nile

*         去看埃及的金字塔

*         Um, Princess?

*         呃,公主?

-          " Watch the sun rise" from a tropic isle - Yes, Shrek?

*         在岛上看日出  是的,史莱克

-          I, um, I was wondering. - "Just remember, darling" all the while

*         我,我想  记住每一个瞬间

*         Areyou--

*         .....

*         You belong to me

*         你属于我

*         [ Sighs ] Are you gonna eat that?

*         你吃吗?

*         [ Chuckles ]

-          Man, isn't this romantic? Just look at that sunset. - Sunset?

*         伙计,很浪漫,不是吗?看日出  日出?

*         Oh, no! I mean, it's late.

*         哦,不! 我是说,太晚了

-          I-It's very late. - What?

*         太,太晚了  什么?

*         Wait a minute. I see what's goin' on here.

*         等一下 我明白是怎么回事了

-          You're afraid of the dark, aren't you? - Yes!

*         你害怕黑夜,是吗?  是的!

*         Yes, that's it. I'm terrified. You know, I'd better go inside.

*         是的,是这样  我怕 你知道,我最好进去

*         Don't feel bad, Princess. I used to be afraid of the dark, too, until--

*         没什么,公主 我以前也怕黑

*         Hey, no, wait. I'm still afraid ofthe dark.

*         不,等等,我还是怕黑

-          "[ShrekSighs]" - Good night.

*         晚安

*         Good night.

*         晚安

-          [ Door Creaks ] - "[Donkey] Ohh!"

*         哦!

*         Now I really see what's goin' on here.

*         现在我知道发生了什么

*         Oh, what areyou talkin' about?

*         你知道什么?

*         I don't even wanna hear it. Look, I'm an animal, and I got instincts.

*         我什么也没有听见  但是我是动物,我有直觉

*         I knowyou two were diggin' on each other. I could feel it.

*         我知道,你们互相爱慕对方 我能感觉的到

*         You're crazy. I'm just bringing her back to Farquaad.

*         你疯了 我只是把她带给弗瓜王

*         Oh, come on, Shrek. Wake up and smell the pheromones.

*         别,史莱克 清醒点吧

*         -Just go on in and tell her howyou feeI. - I--

*         没什么好说的,告诉她你的感觉

*         There's nothing to tell. Besides, even if I did tell her that,

*         没什么好说的 还有,即使我要跟她去说

*         well, you know--

*         你知道.....

*         and I'm not sayin' I do 'cause I don't--

*         我还是不会去的,因为.....

*         she's a princess, and I'm--

*         她是一位公主,而我是.....

*         An ogre?

*         一个妖怪?

*         Yeah. An ogre.

*         是的,一个妖怪

-          Hey, whereyou goin'? - To get... more firewood.

*         你去哪里?  去找些柴火

*         [ Sighs ]

*         Princess?

*         公主?

*         Princess Fiona?

*         菲奥娜公主吗?

*         Princess, where areyou?

*         公主,你在哪里?

*         [Wings Fluttering]

*         Princess?

*         公主?

-          "[Creaking]" - [ Gasps ]

*         It's very spooky in here. I ain't pIaying no games.

*         这里不好玩 我不是在玩游戏

*         [ Screams ]

-          Aah! - Oh, no! - No, heIp!

*         啊! 哦,不! 不,救命!

-          Shh! - Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! - No, it's okay. It's okay.

*         嘘!  史莱克,史莱克,史莱克  不,没什么事了,没事了

-          What did you do with the princess? - Donkey, I'm the princess.

*         公主在哪里?  驴,我就事公主

-          "Aah!" - It's me, in this body.

*         啊!  是我,在这个身体里

*         Oh, my God! You ate the princess!

*         哦,我的上帝! 你吃了公主

-          Can you hear me? - Donkey!

*         你能听到我吗?  驴!

-          Listen, keep breathing! I'll get you out ofthere! - No!

*         听着,保持呼吸! 我会把你弄出来的  不!

-          Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! - Shh.

*         史莱克,史莱克,史莱克 

-          Shrek! - This is me.

*         史莱克  是我

*         [ Muffled MumbIing ]

*         Princess?

*         公主?

*         What happened to you? You're, uh, uh,

*         发生什么事了?你怎么.....

*         uh, different.

*         变样了

-          I'm ugly, okay? - Well, yeah!

*         我变丑了,对吧?  哦,是的

*         Was it something you ate? 'Cause I toId Shrek those rats was a bad idea.

*         是因为你吃的东西吗?我知道不该吃那些东西

-          You are whatyou eat, I said. Now-- - No.

*         我说是因为你吃的东西 

*         I-- I've been this way as Iong as I can remember.

*         我,我从记事起就这个样了

*         What do you mean? Look, I ain't never seen you like this before.

*         你什么意思?我从未见过你这个样子

*         It only happens when the sun goes down.

*         日落后才会这样

*         "By night one way, by day another.

*         白天一个样,晚上一个样

*         "This shall be the norm...

*         这是一个规律

*         "untiI you find true Iove's first kiss...

*         知道得到真爱人的吻

*         and then take Iove's true form."

*         然后变成他的模样

*         Ah, that's beautifuI. I didn't know you wrote poetry.

*         啊,真美 我还不知道你会写诗

*         It's a spell.

*         这是诅咒

*         [ Sighs ] When I was a little girl,

*         我小的时候

*         a witch cast a spell on me.

*         一个巫婆诅咒了我

*         Every night I become "this."

*         每天晚上我就会变成这个样

*         This horribIe, ugly beast!

*         一个可怕而又丑陋的怪兽

*         I was placed in a tower to await the day my true love would rescue me.

*         我被放进一间高塔,等待真爱来救我

*         That's why I have to marry Lord Farquaad tomorrow...

*         这就是为什么明天日落前要跟弗瓜王结婚

*         before the sun sets and he sees me...

*         在他见到我以前

*         like this. [ Sobs ]

*         像这样

*         All right, all right. CaIm down. Look, it's not that bad.

*         好的,好的 镇静 看,这一点也不坏

*         You're not that ugly. Well, I ain't gonna lie. You are ugly.

*         我不会撒谎 你是丑,但不会太丑

*         But you only look like this at night. Shrek's ugly 24-7.

*         你只是夜晚丑,但是史莱克却时刻如此

*         But, Donkey, I'm a princess,

*         但是,驴,我是一位公主

*         and this is not how a princess is meant to look.

*         这不是一位公主该有的长相

*         Princess, how 'bout ifyou don't marry Farquaad?

*         公主,你不跟弗瓜王结婚怎么样?

*         I have to.

*         我必须

*         Only my true Iove's kiss can break the spell.

*         只有真爱的人的吻才能解除咒语

*         But, you know, um, you're kind ofan ogre,

*         但是,你是一个善良的怪兽

*         and Shrek-- well, you got a Iot in common.

*         而且,史莱克,你们有很多共同点

*         Shrek?

*         史莱克?

*         Princess, I-- Uh, how's it going, first ofall?

*         公主,我.....首先,你好吗?

*         Good? Um, good for me too.

*         好?我很好

*         I'm okay.

*         我很好

*         I saw this flower and thought ofyou because it's pretty and--

*         我看到这些花想到你,因为花很漂亮.....

*         well, I don't really like it, but I thoughtyou might like it 'causeyou're pretty.

*         我不怎么喜欢,但是我想你会喜欢,因为你很漂亮

*         But I likeyou anyway. I'd-- uh, uh--

*         但是我任然很喜欢,我.....

*         [ Sighs ]

*         I'm in troubIe. Okay, here we go.

*         我遇到麻烦了,好的,我们走吧

*         [Fiona] Ican'tjustmarry whoeverI want.

*         我不能随便嫁人的

*         Takeagoodlook atme, Donkey.

*         看着我,驴

*         Imean, really,

*         我是说,真的

*         who couldeverlovea beast so hideousandugly?

*         谁会爱上一个丑八怪?

*         "Princess"and "ugly" don'tgo together.

*         公主和丑八怪不能在一起

-          "That's whyIcan't" stayhere withShrek. - [ Gasps ]

*         这就是为什么我不能跟史莱克在一起

*         Myonlychance to livehappily everafteristo marry mytruelove.

*         我唯一的机会就是跟我真爱的人结婚

-          [ Deep Sigh ] - "Don'tyousee, Donkey?"

*         你不明白吗,驴?

*         That'sjusthow ithasto be.

*         我必须这么做

*         It'sthe only way to breakthespell.

*         这是解除咒语的唯一办法

-          You at Ieast gotta tell Shrek the truth. - No!

*         你至少告诉史莱克真相吧  不!

*         You can't breathe a word. No one must ever know.

*         你不能说一个字 没有人知道这个秘密

*         What's the point ofbeing abIe to talk ifyou gotta keep secrets?

*         如果要保密为什么要告诉我?

*         Promiseyou won't tell. Promise!

*         答应我不说  发誓

*         All right, all right. I won't tell him. Butyou shouId.

*         好的,好的 我不会告诉他 但是你可以说

*         I just know before this is over, I'm gonna need a whoIe Iot ofserious therapy.

*         我知道在此结束之前,我需要接受治疗

-          Look at my eye twitchin'. - "[DoorOpens]"

*         瞧,我的眼睛在抽搐

*         [ Snoring ]

*         [Fiona] Itellhim, Itellhim not.

*         告诉他,不告诉他

*         I tell him, I tell him not.

*         告诉他,不告诉他

*         I tell him.

*         告诉他

*         Shrek!

*         史莱克!

*         Shrek, there's something I want--

*         史莱克,有些事,我想.....

*         [ Snoring ]

*         Shrek.

*         史莱克

-          Areyou all right? - Perfect!

*         你还好吧?  非常好!

*         Never been better.

*         空前良好

*         I-- I don't-- There's something I have to tell you.

*         我,我不.....有些事情我要告诉你

*         You don't have to tell me anything, Princess.

*         你不用告诉我任何事情,公主

-          I heard enough Iast night. - You heard what I said?

*         我昨晚听的够多的了  什么,你听见我的谈话了?

*         Every word.

*         每一个字

*         I thoughtyou'd understand.

*         我想你能理解

*         Oh, I understand.

*         我理解

*         Likeyou said, "Who couId Iove a hideous, ugly beast?"

*         就像你说的,谁会爱上一个丑八怪?

*         But I thought that wouldn't matter toyou.

*         但是我以为这对你不重要

*         Yeah? Well, it does.

*         是吗?重要

*         [ Gasps, Sighs ]

-          Ah, right on time. - "[Horse Whinnies]"

*         准时到达

*         Princess, I've broughtyou a little something.

*         公主,我给你带来个小玩意

*         [Fanfare]

*         [ Yawns ] What'd I miss? What'd I miss?

*         我错过了什么吗?我错过了什么吗?

*         [ Muffled ] Who said that? CouIdn't have been a donkey.

*         是谁说的?不可能事驴

*         Princess Fiona.

*         公主

*         As promised. Now hand it over.

*         按照承诺,给我地契

*         Very well, ogre. Thedeed toyourswamp, clearedout, asagreed.

*         好的,妖怪,你沼泽地的地契已经写好了

*         Take it and go before I change my mind.

*         在我改变主意之前拿走吧

*         Forgiveme, Princess, forstartlingyou,

*         原谅我,公主,让你吃惊了

*         butyou startIed me,

*         但是你也让我吃惊了

*         for I have never seen such a radiant beauty before.

*         我从没有见过这么耀眼的美丽

*         I am Lord Farquaad.

*         我是弗瓜王

*         Lord Farquaad? Oh, no, no.

*         弗瓜王?哦,不,不,不

-          [ Snaps Fingers ] - Forgive me, my Iord, for I wasjust saying...

*         原谅我,王,我正要.....

*         a short... farewell.

*         简短的告别

*         That is so sweet. You don't have to waste good manners on the ogre.

*         真善良,你不必对那个妖怪那么客气

*         It's not like it has feeIings.

*         它不懂什么是感情

*         No, you're right. It doesn't.

*         你是对的,它不懂

*         Princess Fiona, beautifuI, fair, flawIess Fiona.

*         公主,美丽、洁白无暇的公主

-          I askyour hand in marriage. - [ Gasps ]

*         我向你求婚

*         Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom?

*         你愿意做我的新娘吗?

*         Lord Farquaad, I accept. Nothing would make--

*         王,我愿意 没有什么.....

*         Excellent! I'll start the pIans, for tomorrow we wed!

*         我来计划,我们明天就举行婚礼!

*         No! I mean, uh,

*         不,我是说

*         why wait?

*         为什么要等?

*         Let's get married today before the sun sets.

*         让我们在今天日落以前就结婚

*         Oh, anxious, are we? You're right.

*         哦,着急了,是吧? 你是对的

*         The sooner, the better. There's so much to do!

*         越快越好 有很多事情要做

*         There's the caterer, the cake, the band, the guest Iist.

*         酒宴,乐队,客人名单

*         Captain, round up some guests!

*         队长,列出客人名单!

*         [ Fiona ] Fare-thee-well, ogre.

*         再见,妖怪

*         Shrek, what areyou doing? You're Ietting her get away.

*         史莱克,你在干什么?是你让她走得

-          Yeah? So what? - Shrek, there's something about heryou don't know.

*         是吗?那又怎么样呢?  史莱克,有些事你应该知道

*         Look, I talked to her Iast night. She's--

*         我昨晚跟她谈了一夜,她是.....

*         I knowyou talked to her Iast night. You're great paIs, aren'tya?

*         我知道你跟她昨晚谈了一夜 你们事好朋友,不是吗?

*         Now, ifyou two are such good friends, why don'tyou follow "her" home?

*         如果你们那么要好,你为什么不跟着她走?

*         Shrek, I-- I wanna go with you.

*         史莱克,我想跟着你

*         I toId you, didn't I? You're not coming home with me.

*         我告诉过你,你不能跟我回家,我没有说过吗?

*         I Iive aIone! My swamp! Me! Nobody eIse!

*         我要一个人!我的沼泽!我的!没有其它人!

*         Understand? Nobody!

*         明白吗?没有其它人!

*         Especially useIess, pathetic, annoying, talking donkeys!

*         特别不要无用、可怜、烦人的和会说话的驴

-          But I thought-- - Yeah. You know what?

*         但是,我想知道.....  你想知道什么?

*         You thought wrong!

*         你的想法错了

*         Shrek.

*         史莱克

*         Iheardthere was asecret chord

*         我听见一个秘密

*         ThatDavidplayed anditpleasedtheLord

*         是戴维说的,来让王高兴

*         Butyoudon't really care formusic, doya

*         但是你不是真正想要音乐

*         Itgoes like this thefourth, thefifth

*         就像第四,第五

*         Theminorfall themajorlift

*         镜子倒下,主人离开

*         Thebaffledking composinghallelujah

*         困惑的国王

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Baby, I'vebeen herebefore

*         亲爱的,我很早就在那里

*         Iknowthis room I've walkedthis floor

*         我知道我走过的每一个房间

*         Iusedto livealone beforeIknewyou

*         我过去常常一个人住,在认识你之前

*         I'veseenyourflag on themarblearch

*         我看到你的旗帜

*         Butlove isnot a victorymarch

*         但是爱情不是胜利的标志

*         It'sa cold andit'sa broken hallelujah

*         他是冷酷的和毁灭的

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         AndallIever learnedfrom love

*         我在爱情学会的东西

*         Ishowtoshootatsomeone

*         就是如何射中别人

-          " Who outdrewyou" - "[Moaning]"

*         射中青睐你的人

*         Andit'snota cry you can hearatnight

*         这就是你今晚听到的喊叫

*         It'snotsomebody who'sseen thelight

*         是见不了光的某个人

-          "It'sa cold" andit'sa broken hallelujah - [ Moaning ]

*         他是残酷的和毁灭的

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         Hallelujah

*         [Thumping Sound]

*         Donkey?

*         驴?

-          [ Grunts ] - What are you doing?

*         你在干什么?

*         I would think, of all peopIe, you would recognize a wall when you see one.

*         我想,对每一个人,你要学会认识墙

*         Well, yeah.


*         But the wall's supposed to go around my swamp, not through it.

*         但是墙应该围绕着我的沼泽,而不是穿过

*         It is around your haIf. See, that'syour haIf, and this is my haIf.

*         是这样的,这是你的一半,那是我的一半

*         Oh! Your haIf. Hmm.

*         哦,你的一半

*         Yes, my haIf. I heIped rescue the princess.

*         对,我的一半 我帮助你救了公主

*         I did haIfthe work, I get haIfthe booty.

*         我做了一半的工作,我应该得到一半的战利品

*         Now hand me that big oId rock, the one that looks likeyour head.

*         现在把那个大石头给我,就是像你脑袋的那个

-          Back off! - No, you back off.

*         退后!  不,你后退

-          This is my swamp! - Our swamp.

*         这是我的沼泽  我的

-          Let go, Donkey! - You Iet go.

*         松手,驴!  不,你松

-          Stubbornjackass! - Smelly ogre.

*         蠢驴!  臭妖怪!

*         Fine!

*         好吧!

-          Hey, come back here. I'm not through with you yet. - Well, I'm through with you.

*         回来,我还没有说完  但是我已经跟你说完了

*         Uh-uh. You know, with you it's aIways, "Me, me, me!"

*         跟你在一起,你总是,“我,我,我”

*         Well, guess what! Now it's my turn!

*         猜是什么! 该我了!

*         Soyoujust shut up and pay attention!

*         闭上嘴,听我说!

*         You are mean to me.

*         你对我总是很刻薄

*         You insuIt me and you don't appreciate anything that I do!

*         你侮辱我而且我做的事你不领情

*         You're aIways pushing me around or pushing me away.

*         你总是把我推来推去

*         Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you so bad, how comeyou came back?

*         是吗,如果我对你这么坏,你为什么还要会来?

*         Because that's what friends do! They forgive each other!

*         因为我们是朋友 朋友是会原谅彼此的

*         Oh, yeah. You're right, Donkey.

*         也许你是对的,驴

*         I forgiveyou... for stabbin' me in the back!

*         我原谅你背叛了我

*         Ohh! You're so wrapped up in layers, onion boy, you're afraid ofyour own feeIings.

*         你把自己包裹了好几层,你害怕你自己的感觉

-          Go away! - Thereyou are, doing it again just likeyou did to Fiona.

*         走开!  你又那么做了

*         All she ever do was likeyou, maybe even Ioveyou.

*         就像对公主一样,她喜欢你,也许是爱你

*         Loveme? ShesaidI wasugly, a hideouscreature.

*         爱我?她说我是一个丑八怪

*         Iheardthe two ofyou talking.

*         我听见你们两个的谈话了

*         She wasn't talkin' aboutyou.

*         她不是说你

*         She was talkin' about, uh, somebody eIse.

*         她不是说你,还有别人

*         She wasn't talking about me?

*         她不是说我?

*         Well, then who was she talking about?

*         那她说的是谁?

*         Uh-uh, no way. I ain't saying anything. You don't wanna Iisten to me.

*         我不会说一个字,反正你也没有兴趣听

-          Right? Right? - Donkey!

*         真的吗?真的吗?  驴!

-          No! - Okay, look.

*         不!  好吧

*         I'm sorry, all right?

*         抱歉,还好吗?

*         Hmph.


*         [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.

*         抱歉

*         I guess I amjust a big, stupid, ugly ogre.

*         好吧,我是一个愚蠢而又丑陋的妖怪

*         Can you forgive me?

*         你能原谅我吗?

*         Hey, that's what friends are for, right?

*         这就是作为朋友应该的,对吗?

*         Right. Friends?

*         正确,朋友?

*         Friends.

*         朋友

*         So, um,

*         这样啊

*         what did Fiona say about me?

*         公主是怎么说我的

*         What areyou asking me for? Why don'tyoujust go ask her?

*         你为什么问我,你应该去问她

*         The wedding! We'll never make it in time.

*         婚礼!我们别错过这个

*         Ha-ha-ha! Never fear, forwhere there's a will, there's a way,

*         别急,有志者事竟成

*         and I have a way. [ WhistIes ]

*         我有办法

-          Donkey? - [ Donkey Laughing ]

*         驴?

*         Iguess it'sjust myanimalmagnetism.

*         我猜这是我动物的魅力

*         [ Laughing ] Aw, come here, you.

*         你,过来

*         All right, all right. Don't get all sIobbery. No one likes a kiss ass.

*         别这样,没有人喜欢拍驴屁的

*         All right, hop on and hoId on tight.

*         好,上来,抓紧

*         I haven't had a chance to install the seat beItsyet.

*         还没来得及寄安全带

*         [ Donkey Laughing ] Whoo!


*         [Bells Tolling]

*         [ All Gasping ]

*         PeopIe of DuLoc,

*         杜洛克的人们

*         we gather here today...

*         我们今天到这来

*         to bearwitness...

*         来见证

-          to the union... - Um--

*         我们王国的联合

-          ofour new king-- - Excuse me.

*         为我们的新国王  打扰一下

-          CouId wejust skip ahead to the "I do's"? - [ ChuckIing ]

*         我们能不能跳到“我愿意”?

*         Go on.

*         继续

*         Go ahead, have some fun. Ifwe need you, I'll whistIe. How about that?

*         走吧,高兴点,需要你时我会吹口哨的

*         Shrek, wait, wait! Wait a minute!

*         史莱克,等等,等等!

-          You wanna do this right, don'tyou? - What areyou talking about?

*         你要做那件事,对吗?  你在说什么?

*         There's a Iineyou gotta wait for.

*         你在等待一句台词

*         The preacher's gonna say, "Speak now or forever hoId your peace."

*         等待牧师说,现在说否则永远保持沉默

-          That's when you say, "I object!" - I don't have time for this!

*         这时你说,我反对  我没有时间听你说

*         Wait. What areyou doing? Listen to me!

*         等等 你等我说完

-          Look, you Iove this woman, don'tyou? - Yes.

*         你爱那个女人吗?  是的

-          You wanna hoId her? - Yes.

*         你想牵她的手,对吗?  是的

-          Please her? - Yes!

*         让她高兴?  是的

*         Then you got to, got to try a little tenderness 

*         那你就要去,去,尝试一种温柔

-          The chicks Iove that romantic crap! - All right! Cut it out.

*         女人都喜欢这种浪漫!  是的,完全正确

-          When does this guy say the Iine? - We gotta check it out.

*         这家伙什么时候会说这个了?  我们得查一下

-          [ Donkey Grunting ] - And so, by the powervested in me,

*         以我的权力

*         -[Shrek] Whatdoyousee? - The whoIe town's in there.

*         你看见什么了?  全城的人都在

-          "Inowpronounceyouhusbandandwife," - They're at the aItar.

*         我宣布你们为夫妻  他们在祭坛上

-          "kingandqueen." - Mother FIetcher! He aIready said it.

*         国王和王后  他已经说了

-          Oh, for the Iove of Pete! - [ Grunts ]

*         看在圣彼得的面上

*         I object!

*         我反对!

-          Shrek? - [ Gasps ]

*         史莱克?

*         Oh, now what does he want?

*         现在他会做什么?

*         [ Crowd CIamouring ]

*         Hi, everyone. Havin' a good time, areya?

*         大家,过得很愉快,是吗?

*         I Iove DuLoc, first ofall.

*         我喜欢杜洛克,首先

-          Very cIean. - What areyou doing here?

*         这里很干净  你来这里干什么?

*         Really, it's rude enough being aIive when no one wantsyou,

*         没有人想要你来参加婚礼

*         -but showing up uninvited to a wedding-- -Fiona!

*         你来这里已经很无礼了   公主

-          I need to talk toyou. - Oh, nowyou wanna talk?

*         我想跟你谈谈  你想说什么?

*         It's a little Iate for that, so ifyou'll excuse me--

*         有一点晚,但是如果你原谅我.....

-          Butyou can't marry him. - And why not?

*         但是你不能嫁给他  为什么呢?

*         Because-- Because he'sjust marryingyou so he can be king.

*         因为,因为他娶你只是为了当上国王

*         Outrageous! Fiona, don't Iisten to him.

*         愤怒!公主,别听他的

-          He's notyour true Iove. - And what doyou know about true Iove?

*         他不是你的真爱  你懂爱吗?

*         Well, I-- Uh--

*         嗯,我,我.....

-          "Imean--" - "Oh, this isprecious."

*         我是说.....   这真是有意思

*         [ ChuckIing ] The ogre has fallen in Iove with the princess!

*         妖怪爱上了公主

-          "Oh, goodLord." - "[CrowdLaughing]"

*         哦,神啊

*         An ogreandaprincess!

*         公主和妖怪

*         [Laughing Continues]

*         Shrek, is this true?

*         史莱克,这是真的吗?

*         Who cares? It'spreposterous!

*         谁管呢?真有趣!

*         Fiona, my Iove, we're but a kiss away from our "happiIy ever after."

*         公主,我的爱人,吻完后我们就能得到永远的幸福

*         Now kiss me! Mmmm!

*         吻我!

*         "Bynight one way, by dayanother. "

*         白天一个样,晚上一个样

*         I wanted to showyou before.

*         我想给你看我晚上的样子

-          [ Whimpers ] -[CrowdGasping]

*         Well, uh,


*         that expIains a Iot.

*         这能解释一切

*         [Farquaad] Ugh! It's disgusting!

*         真恶心

*         Guards! Guards!

*         士兵,士兵

*         Iorderyou toget that out ofmysightnow! Get them!

*         我命令你们把他们赶走

-          Get them both! - No, no!

*         把他们两个都赶走  不,不

*         Thishocus-pocusaltersnothing. Thismarriageisbinding, andthatmakesmeking!

*         这不会改变任何事情,这个婚姻任然有效,我任然是国王

-          See? See? - No, Iet go ofme! Shrek!

*         瞧,瞧  不,放开我,史莱克!

-          No! - "[Farquaad] Don'tjust" standthere, youmorons.

*         不!  别光站在那里,一群笨蛋

*         Get out ofmy way! Fiona!

*         躲开!公主!

*         Arrgh!

*         啊!

*         I'llmakeyouregret theday wemet. I'llseeyoudrawn andquartered!

*         我要让你后悔和我见面 我要让你受尽折磨

-          You'll beg for death to saveyou! - No! Shrek!

*         到时候你会求我杀了你  不,史莱克!

-          And as foryou, my wife, - Fiona!

*         至于你,我的妻子  公主!

*         I'll haveyou Iocked back in that tower for the rest ofyour days!

*         我会把你锁到高塔中来渡过你的余生

-          "Iam king!" - [ WhistIes ]

*         我是国王

*         I will have order! I will have perfection! I will have--

*         我有权命令 我至高无上,我至.....

*         Aaah!

*         啊!

-          Aah! - All right. Nobody move.

*         啊!  好吧,任何人别动

*         I got a dragon here, and I'm not afraid to use it.

*         我有一条龙,而且会毫不犹豫的使用

*         -[Dragon Roars] - I'm a donkey on the edge!

*         我是头发怒的驴

-          [ Belches ] -[DonkeyLaughs]

*         CeIebrity marriages. They never Iast, do they?

*         盛大的婚礼,他们不会持久,对吗?

*         [ Cheering ]

*         Go ahead, Shrek.

*         去把,史莱克

*         Uh, Fiona?

*         呃,公主?

*         Yes, Shrek?

*         是的,史莱克?

*         I-- I Ioveyou.

*         我,我爱你

*         Really?

*         真的吗?

*         Really, really.

*         真的,真的

*         I Ioveyou too.

*         我也爱你

*         [ All ] Aawww!

*         啊!

*         [Fiona's Voice] "Untilyou findtruelove's firstkiss...

*         直到你找到真爱并得到他的吻

*         [Echoing] andthen takelove'strueform. "

*         然后变成他的模样

*         [Echoing Continues] "Takelove's trueform. Takelove'strueform. "

*         变成他的模样,变成他的模样

*         Fiona?

*         公主?

*         Fiona.

*         公主

*         Areyou all right?

*         你还好吗?

*         Well, yes.

*         是的,很好

*         But I don't understand.

*         但我不明白

*         I'm supposed to be beautifuI.

*         你应该更漂亮

*         Butyou are beautifuI.

*         你很漂亮

*         [ ChuckIes ]

*         I was hoping this would be a happy ending.

*         我希望是一个幸福的结局

*         Ithoughtlove wasonlytrue in fairytales

*         我想爱情是神话故事中唯一真实的东西

*         [ All ] Oy!

*         Meantforsomeone else butnotforme

*         对别人有意义,但是对我没有

*         Love wasout togetme

*         爱情不会光顾我

*         That'sthe way itseemed

*         好像是这样

*         Disappointment hauntedallmy dreams

*         失望袭击着我的梦想

*         Andthen Isawherface

*         但是当我看到她的脸

*         NowI'm a believer

*         现在我是一个信徒

*         Andnota trace

*         不仅是个踪迹

*         Ofdoubtin mymind

*         从不怀疑

-          "I'm in love" - " Ooh-ahh"

*         我恋爱了

*         I'm a believer Icouldn 't leaveher

*         我是一个信徒,我离不开她

*         IfItried

*         如果我试了

*         God bIess us, every one.

*         神会保佑我, 保佑每一个人

*         Come on,y'all! Then Isawherface Ha-ha!

*         一起来吧  当我看见她的脸

*         Now I'm a beIiever Listen!

*         现在我是一个信徒  听!

*         Nota trace

*         不是踪迹

*         Of doubtin mymind

*         从不怀疑

*         I'm in love Ooh-ahh 

*         我恋爱了

*         I'm a believer I couIdn't leave her if I tried 

*         我是个信徒

-          Ooh! - Uh!


*         Then I saw her face 

*         当我看见她的脸

*         Now I'm a believer Hey!

*         我是一个信徒

*         Not a trace Uhh! Yeah.

*         不是踪迹

*         Of doubtin my mind One more time!

*         从不怀疑  再来一次

*         I'm in love I'm a believer

*         我恋爱了

*         Come on!

*         大家一起来

*         I believe, I believe I believe, I believe 

*         我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信

*         believe, I believe I believe, I believe, I believe, hey 

*         我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信,

*         Y'all sing it with me! I

*         跟我一起唱

*         Believe

*         相信

*         I believe  People in the back!

*         后面的人

-          I believe  - "I'm a believer"

*         相信

*         I believe

*          [ HystericaI Laughing ]

*         Oh, that's funny. Oh. Oh.

*         哦,非常有趣

*         I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

*         我不能呼吸,我不能呼吸了

*         I believe in self-assertion

*         我相信自我感觉

*         Destiny or as light diversion

*         命运有时会改变

*         Now it seems I've got my head on straight

*         现在好像青睐我了

*         I'm a freak an apparition

*         我是一个丑八怪,一个妖怪

*         Seems I've made the right decision

*         To try to turn back now it might be too late

-          "I want to stay home today" - "Don't wanna go out"

-          "If anyone comes to play" - " Gonna get thrown out"

-          "I wanna stay home today" - "Don't want no company"

*         No way

*         Yeah, yeah, yeah

*         I wanna be a millionaire some day

*         But know what it feels like to give it away

*         Watch memarch to the beat of my own drum

*         And it's off to the moon and then back again

*         Same old day Same situation

*         My happiness rears back as if to say

-          "I wanna stay home today" - "Don't wanna go out"

-          "If anyone comes my way" - " Gonna get thrown out"

-          "I wanna stay home today" - "Don't want no company"

*         No way

*         Yeah, yeah, yeah

*         I wanna stay home stay home, stay home

-          "I wanna stay home today" - "Don't wanna go out"

-          "If anyone comes to play" - " Gonna get thrown out"

*         I wanna stay home today

*         Don't want no company No way

*         Yeah, yeah, yeah

*         I get such a thrill when you lookin my eyes

*         My heart skips a beat Girl, I feel so alive

*         Please tell me, baby if all this is true

*         'Cause deep down inside all I wanted was you

*         Oh-oh-oh Makes me wanna dance

*         Oh-oh-oh It's a new romance

*         Oh-oh-oh I look into your eyes

*         Oh-oh-oh The best years of our lives

*         When we first met I could hardly believe

*         The things that would happen and we could achieve

*         So let's be together for all of our time

*         Oh, girl, I'm so thankful that you are still mine

*         You always consider me like an ugly duckling

*         And treat me like a Nostradamus was why I had to get my shine on

*         I break a little something to keep my mind on

*         'Cause you had my mind gone Eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh

*         Turn the lights on, Come on, baby Let's just rewind the song

*         'Cause all I want to do is make the rest years the best years

*         All night long

-          " Oh-oh-oh, makes me wanna dance" - "Makes me wanna dance"

-          " Oh-oh-oh, it's a new romance" - "It's a new romance"

-          " Oh-oh-oh, I look into your eyes" - " Oh, yeah, yeah"

-          "Look into your eyes" - " Oh-oh-oh"

-          " The best years of our lives" - " Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"

-          " Oh-oh-oh, makes me wanna dance" - " Whoa-oh-oh, dance, yeah"

*         Oh-oh-oh It's a new romance

-          " Oh-oh-oh, I look into your eyes" - "Look into your eyes, yeah"

*         Oh-oh-oh The best years of our lives

*         Everything looks bright

*      Standing in your light

*      Everything feels right

*      What's left is out of sight

*      What's a girl to do I'm telling you You're on my mind

*      I wanna be with you

*      'Cause when you're standin'next to me

*      It's like wow

*      And all your kisses seem to set me free

*      It's like wow

*      And when we touch it's such a rush I can't get enough

*      It's like-- It's like Ooh-ooh

*      Hey, what

*      It's like wow Ooh-ooh, hey

*      Hey, yeah It's like wow

*      Everything is looking right now, right now

-         "It's like wow" - "And I got this feeling"

*      This feeling it's just like wow

*      It's just like wow

-         "You are all I'm thinking of." - "Like wow"

*      Everything feels right Everything feels right

-         "Like wow" - "Everything looks bright"

*      All my senses are right.

-         "Like wow" - "Everything feels right"

*      Baby, baby, baby the way I'm feeling you

*      Is like wow

*      [Instrumental]

*      There is something that I see

*      In the way you look at me

*      There's a smile There's a truth

*      In your eyes

*      What an unexpected way

*      On this unexpected day

*      Could it be

*      This is where I belong

*      It is you I have loved

*      All along

*      There's no more mystery

*      It is finallyclearto me

*      You're the home my heart's searched for

*      So long

*      It is you I have loved

*      Allalong

*      Whoa, over and over

*      I'm filled with emotion

*      As I look

*      Into your perfect face


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