

 zhangyanjuzi 2006-10-21
自 我评 价 诚实、勤劳、有责任感、适应能力强、时间观念强,有很强的集体荣誉感及团队合作精神。
求职意向 英语、商务及管理的相关职业。 2自我评价  爱学习,勤思考, 学习能力极强,能快速适应新环境,能够接受挑战;具有正直诚实的道德品质,积极向上的人生态度,扎实深厚的专业知识,脚踏实地的工作作风及勇于创新的钻研精神和良好的团队合作能力。做事主动、有进取心和责任心,能够自觉服从纪律,具有良好的沟通、协调及创新能力。热爱本职工作,具有奉献精神。

所 学课 程 基础英语(精读 泛读 听力 口语 写作) 翻译 英美文学 教育学 心理学 教师技能 日语 语言学 社会语言学 中外小说对比

自我评价 l 热爱学习,乐于助人,勤学好问,积极向上,具有团队精神

个人爱好 旅游,学习,体育运动,读书,交朋友,计算机

Dear Sir:

Your advertisement shows that you have some vacancies for English teacher. I am writing to apply for a post.

I am 22 years old and will graduate from the English Education, HeBei Normal University of Science and Technology, at the end of June.

I want to be a teacher and I find that teaching is a great occupation. Teachers impart knowledge to students and at the same time they enrich their own knowledge. Besides, teachers have more time at their disposal and more opportunities for pursuing further studies. So l have a long-cherished desire to be a teacher.

During my four-year study, l have been studying very hard and have got very good points in all subjects‘. I have learned some courses related to language teaching, such as Linguistics, Social linguistics and Teaching Methodology, and Psychology. My supervisors will prove that I am competent in the use of English for communication. The foreign teachers who have taught me say that my pronunciation and intonation are OK.

I have a harmonious relationship with others. Please telephone me when I should come for an interview. My number is 13731341514.

Sincerely yours,

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