

 雅未 2009-12-22

The Research of Science and Engineering Course Undergraduates" Behavioral Charcteristic Under Anxiety
论文作者 王静
论文导师 王斌华,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 教育
论文单位 华东师范大学,点击次数 47,论文页数 71页File Size4543k
2003-11-01论文网 http://www./lunwen_343432812/ 学习动机;外语学习动机
learning motivation;foreign language motivation
学习动机对学生的英语学习起着重要的作用,新英语课程标准也特别强调要不断激发和强化学生的学习兴趣,引导学生将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,并将学习动机作为英语教学的情感态度目标之一。作为一名中学英语教师,我在教学中经常会遇到一些对英语学习不感兴趣、缺乏英语学习动机的学生,如何激发这类学生的英语学习动机,是广大教师面临的一个普遍问题,也是我想对学习动机进行深入探讨的目的所在。本文共分为五大部分:第一部分介绍了学习动机的重要性,并通过调查了解到中学教师和学生在英语学习动机问题上的认识不足,指出了选题意义,介绍了研究方法。第二部分介绍了当前的学习动机理论和外语学习动机理论的研究现状。研究人类行为的心理学家们提出了各种各样的动机理论。其中对教学有重要意义的学习动机理论有期望—价值理论(expectancy-value theories)、目标理论(goal theories)和自我决定理论(self-determination theory)。随着二十出纪八十年代以来学习动机理论的发展,研究者开始重视外语学习动机理论与学校教育、课堂教学的紧密结合,并由此出现了一些与课堂教学紧密结合的动机理论及模式,其中有影响力的外语学习动机理论主要有:Gardner&Tremblay扩展动机理论、Crookes&Schmidt的动机理论、Dornyei的外语学习动机理论和Williams&Burden的社会建构主义动机模式。第三部分是对铜陵市第一中学学生英语学习动机特点的调查研究。本文采用调查问卷来了解学生英语学习动机中相对稳定的静态特征,采用课堂观察法来了解学生英语学习动机在具体教学过程中的动态变化。第四部分分析了影响铜陵市第一中学高二学生英语学习动机的各种因素。第五部分加强了理论与实践的紧密联系,在对高中生的英语学习动机及影响因素的调查研究的基础上,在学习动机理论和外语学习动机理论的指导下,根据目前英语教学现状,从课堂教中环境、教学任务、教学过程及教学评价这四个方面考虑,提出一些具体的操作方法,来激发学生的英语学习动机。论文最后指出,这些方法还需广大教师进行系统的实证研究,在教学过程中得到丰富和完善,才能最终起到激发和保持学生英语学习动机的作用。
Motivation is considered by many to be one of the main determining factors in success in developing a second or foreign language. The new English curriculum puts great emphasis on language motivation and takes it as one of the goals of English teaching. In my class, I find some unmotivated students who are insufficiently involved and therefore unable to develop their language skills. How to motivate these students is the common issue met by all English teachers and it is also the main cause that I do research into the students" language learning motivation.There are five parts in this paper. The first part introduces the purpose of the research, points out the importance of learning motivation and the misunderstanding of learning motivation by teachers and students. The second part introduces some currently prevalent learning motivation theories and foreign language learning motivation theories such as expectancy-value theories, goal theories, self-determination theory, Gardner"s expanding theories etc. The third part is the investigation. In this part, through investigating and observing some students in a senior school in TongLing, Anhui Province, I get some features of the students" English learning motivation. In the fourth part I analyze some factors which influence the students" English learning motivation. Then in the fifth part, according to the currently prevalent learning motivation theories, I provide some concrete methods in four aspects of teaching: the class environment, tasks, teaching process and evaluation. Though these methods still need to be discussed and modified in teaching, I hope it can benefit the teachers and students eventually.


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