

 飞翔的O(∩_∩)O~梦 2011-03-29

增加英语词汇量的方法之一:Vocabulary and Movement

So many students waste time trying to memorize English vocabulary.  They study long lists of vocabulary.  They repeat the lists many times, trying to memorize the English words and their translated meanings.



Research shows that 80% of vocabulary learned in this way is forgotten in less than a year.  That’s a lot of wasted time and effort.



There’s another problem with this vocabulary learning method– it’s boring and therefore it kills long term motivation.  Students must be very careful– killing your motivation is the worst thing you can do.  Learning English is a marathon, it’s a long run.   It requires high levels of motivation that are sustained for many years.

这种记忆英语词汇的方法的另一个问题是--- 太无聊因此将磨灭学习的积极性。学生们必须注意--- 磨灭你们学英语的积极性是你们所做的最蠢的事情。英语学习是一场马拉松,是长跑。这就要求保持多年高度的学习积极性。


Using boring vocabulary learning methods, therefore, is doubly bad:  it is inefficient and it weakens motivation.



There is a better way– as participants in my Seminar .  It is possible to learn new vocabulary in a way that is far more powerful and is a lot of fun.  When you learn in this way, you will remember 80% one year later!  That’s powerful.

有一种较好的方法--- 参加我的讲座,你将学会很多新词汇,更加有效和有趣。如果你参加我的讲座,一年后你将记住百分之八十的词汇!非常有效。


The key to deep, powerful, long term vocabulary learning is movement.  When we combine strong physical movements with understandable new vocabulary, we create deep connections in our brains and bodies.  These connections are long term.  They last!



In the seminar, I taught a number of new words using strong actions.  The students shouted the new words with me, while simultaneously using the strong actions I showed them.  By the end of the lesson, they knew those words well.




But that’s not all.  I will repeated those new words again– this time in a Mini-Story.  Each time I used one of the new words in the story, I used the same physical movement we had been practicing.   Through the Mini-Story, the students got even more repetition of the vocabulary, with emotion and strong movements.



Finally, I gave the students homework:  download the audio of the same Mini-Story lesson, and listen to that audio every day for one week.



If the students do this, they will learn these new vocabulary words very deeply, and will remember them forever.  


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