
About the fate 、关于命运

 昵称685266 2010-01-03

Repeatedly frustrated a young man came all the way in a remote small town to find out who has been attracted a respectable old gentleman.

When it comes to destiny, the young man asked: "Is there in the end the fate of the world?" The old man said: "Of course there ah." Youth asked: "how the fate of what is going on? Since predestined, and that struggle has What's the use? "the old man did not directly answer his question, but smiled and grabbed his left hand for young people, may wish to take a look at the Prime Minister, to the fortune-telling you, operator. He talked about giving young people a lifeline, love line, business line, and many other such words, and then on the young people said: "The open hand, as I like to do an action."

His action is: raised left hand, and slowly more and more tight and clenched fists. Old man asked: "step up yet?" Some young people confused, replied: "pay close attention to the." Old man asked: "Where are the fate of line?" The young machines replied: "in my hands." closely questioned by the President: "I would like to ask, Where is the fate?" young man came to: "the fate of the hands in their own hands."

Foreign language thing: Some people complain about the fate of poor, the blame on others, or totally forgotten that the masters of their own destiny. The fate of a person to build on their own, abandoned the years, it is equivalent to neglect of their fate, only the accumulated bit by bit, the fate will be wonderful.




事外人语: 有的人总埋怨命运不好,怨天尤人,或自怨自艾,全然忘了命运的主人就是自己。一个人的命运靠自己打造,荒废了岁月,就相当于荒废了命运,只有一点一点的积累,命运才会精彩。

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