

 lima8 2010-03-30

中国青年谈世界格局重建 中国MBA发展论坛发起人朱雷







我很荣幸地介绍中国就有一批有此胸怀的青年,正在身体力行推进新价值观企业,譬如说:通过工学扶贫行动,我们已经帮助1千多 名无钱上学的农村青少年以半工半读的模式接受了学历教育;我们发起了中国MBA发展论坛,十届以来,汇聚了1万多位中国100余所商学院的各届MBA团体学生领袖们,正在各行业企业中逐渐形成新价值观的声音;我们建立了全国最大的家政服务连锁企业华夏中青公司,数年来已经解决了30万低劳动技能妇女的就业问题;我们利用云计算技术已在中国5个贫困地区和县建立起了全民健康医疗服务系统,系统已能为超过200万人提供医疗健康信息服务。我们还在推动中国农民大学的建设,探索高科技生态人文社区建设模型并培训新农村建设人才;我们还在四川德阳汉旺筹备建设世界减灾论坛,以达沃斯的模式探索在未来世界性的灾害中各国守望相助的合作交流机制。在政府的鼓励和支持下这些新价值观企业正在摸索中快步前行。


Human beings have never had such wealth.more knowledge.or greater potential.Yet … looking at the current world situation does not inspire confidence,We faceClimate Change,the financial crisis,millions of people who lack education, jobs, or basic healthcare.We read in the News … of Terrorism, Religious Conflict and War

Why is our world this way?It is now legal for individuals to amass as much wealth as possible … and for the majority of people all over the world … this has become an accepted aim and often the most powerful motivation in their lives.

It may be legal but it is not necessarily right.Our Children’s future is threatened by our greed.I believe that the Age of Unbridled Greed … is in its last days. It cannot survive.We need to design a sustainable future for humanity and the planet.

I think that this requires us to fundamentally change the way our enterprises are motivated.

The purpose of Work is not simply to amass wealth.It is also to build a resilient, sustainable and fair society based at the center on a strong moral understanding.Our WORK must be designed to reflect this robust moral code.

A Group of young Chinese who share this vision are personally involved in building enterprises with these core values.We have helped more than One Thousand poor rural young people get college education through work and study programs.

Ten years ago we created the China MBA development forum … gathering more than Ten Thousand MBA student leaders from One Hundred Business Schools, who are carrying these values into Corporations throughout China.

We have created the largest household service company providing employment for Three Hundred Thousand unskilled women.We are using Cloud Computing to provide basic healthcare to over two million people in five of the poorest counties in China.

Currently we are working on other initiatives farmer Universities,merging high technology and ecological principles to design ecologically sound modern communities … And planning a disaster prevention and relief forum based on the World Economic Forum model at the site of the devastating 2008 Earthquake in Sichuan Province.

China and Chinese People - have much to learn and much to share with the world. We believe that this is a time of CRISIS. In Chinese characters a CRISIS is written with two characters – Danger and Opportunity.

If the world community continues on the path it is on there is terrible danger ahead.But this is also a time of tremendous opportunity to work together to build a harmonious future for everyone.In this, China has a role to play and Chinese young people are preparing to participate and when necessary to lead.

But we live in a Global Village. Everyone has something to contribute. We need to combine the experiences of all people from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the Americas … our enterprises must care for the welfare of the people by leading with core moral values.

We believe that in this way human society can not only overcome current difficulties but advance to a completely new civilization, one which is based on greater-love and high-tech intelligence. An equal, just, healthy, ecological harmonious world!


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