

 双弦灵音 2010-07-09
第二十四课:Parting Friends

You ready for the next problem? 你准备好做下一道题亮寺
You know what? 知道吗
I can't look at another number. 我简直一个数字也看膊 进去了。
How about a lemonade break? 休息一下喝点柠檬水汉寐
Sure. 当然可以。
Oh, by the way, 噢 顺便问一下
when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens? 飞Athens订的是什鼢 时候的班机
Sunday. Why? 星期天。为什麽问这
Would you be able to come over Saturday night? 星期六晚上能过来
Yes. 能。
I should be finished packing by then. 到那时候我应该已经照 理好行李了。
My folks are giving me a little graduation party. 我的亲人要为我办一父 小小的毕业派对。
Terrific! 太棒了
I'll pick you up. 我去接 。
That isn't necessary. 这倒不必。
My dad's letting me borrow the car. 我爸爸借我用汽车。
Oh, well, that would be very nice. 噢 好吧 那倒很好
About eight o'clock? 差不多八点钟好吗
Eight o'clock is fine. 八点钟可以。
Great! It's a date. 太好了 就说定了。
Who's going to be there? 有谁要参加
Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school. 只有我的朋友Mike和蜒 的几个 伙。
I'm going to miss all of you. 我会想念你们大家的
You've been like a second family to me. 你们就像我的第二个技乙 样。
We're going to miss you. 我们也会想念 的。
Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? 也许你可以到希腊来靠次
I'm counting on it. 我有这种打算。
Wonderful! 太棒了
Are you excited about graduating from high school? 你从高中毕业会不会父 到很兴奋呢
Sure ... and a little scared. 当然……还有一点紧照拧
Scared? Why? 紧张 为什麽
Aren't you a little scared? 不会感到有点紧张
I was when I first came to the United States. 当我刚到美国来的时汉 是感到有点紧张。
I'd never been away from home, 我从来没有离开过家
and I didn't know what it would be like. 而且我也不知道会是栽 麽一个样子。
But then I found out that people are the same everywhere 但是後来我发现 哪 的人都是一样的
once you get to know them. 一旦认识了周围的人乙 後。
I'm glad I got to know you. 我很高兴能够认识
I'm glad I got to know you. 我很高兴能够认识
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I'm glad I got to know you--and your family. 我也很高兴能够认识哪 和你的一家人。
Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations 要是我们可以略过考适 那岂不是很好
and get right to the graduation party? 直接就是毕业派对。
It would be very nice. 那当然是很好。
But that isn't the way it works. 但是现实不是如此。
So ... back to work. 因此……用功吧。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安 Robbie。
Good night, Mrs. Stewart. 晚安 Stewart太太。
Thank you for dinner. 谢谢 的晚餐。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安 Alexandra。
Will you be all right? 不会有问题吧
Yes. The Molinas are waiting for me. 不会。Molina一家人照 等著我呢。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安 Alexandra。
I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK? 我星期六晚上去接
Yes. 好的。
Eight o'clock. 八点钟。
I have to run. 我得赶紧走了。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安 Robbie。
She's really a good friend, isn't she? 她真是个好朋友 不适锹
Yeah. 是的。
You are going to miss her. 你会想念她的。
Am I going to miss her? 我会想念她吗
That's what I said! 我正是这麽说的
You are going to miss her! 你会想念她的
I'm going to miss her, 我会想念她
and my math teacher's going to miss her. 而我的数学老师也会舷 念她。
Well, you can write to her. 嗯 你可以写信给她
It's not the same. 那可不一样。
How does that look, Rob? 看起来怎麽样 Rob
Great! Pass me the hammer. 很好 把钉 给我。
You got it! 给你啦
You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised? 你确定Alexandra会很很惊讶
Absolutely. 绝对。
She has no idea that the party is in her honor. 她不知道这个派对是挝 她办的。
Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing? Millie 带来了跳挝 的录音带吗
They're in my bag. 在我袋子 。
What did you bring? 带的什麽带子
Some rock 'n' roll. 一些摇滚乐。
Perfect! Alexandra will love it! 太好了 Alexandra会会喜欢
I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight. 我迫不及待想看到她浇裢碜呓 时脸上的表情。
What about the cake? 蛋糕怎麽样
My mom's decorating it right now. 我妈妈正在淋奶油。
Robbie, there's a phone call for you. Robbie 有你的电话
It's Alexandra. 是Alexandra。
She sounds upset. 她听起来有点不对劲
OK. 好。
Thanks, Mom. 妈 谢谢 。
I'll take it in there. 我在那 接。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨 Alexandra。
What? You what? 什麽 怎样
Oh no! 噢 糟糕


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