

 笑熬浆糊糊 2010-09-01


8 Ways to Get Started Running



For many, running has never quite been their forte. They may have never been introduced to the world of running or running just seemed like a boring activity. Regardless of the reason, running can definitely be a great way to get fit and stay healthy and it’s all about getting the ball rolling.


Getting started is extremely difficult. There are so many activities many would rather be doing than running. Running can be tedious at times, but the impact on your body and mind is well worth that struggle of just getting up and running.


1. One Step at a Time –
Dean Karnazes, one of the legends of Ultramarathon running, said something to the idea of just taking one step at a time in his book Ultramarathon Man. This is a powerful approach to take towards running.

1. 循序渐进 —— 超马拉松赛事的传奇人物之一Dean Karnazes在他的著作《超马拉松中的铁人》一书中谈到一个观点:循序渐进。这对决定开始跑步来说是个强而有力的好办法。

2. Join a Group –
Every major and many smaller cities have running communities. If you do a Google search for “
City Name
Running”, you are bound to find a community/group of runners that are quite organized and willing to help. Running groups are phenomenal for those who have many highs and lows when it comes to running. They will keep you committed to seeing your running goals through.

2. 加入团队 —— 每个大城市以及很多小点的城市都有跑步社团。如果你去google一下“城市名 跑步”,一定能找到组织完善而且乐于相助的跑步爱好者社团或者组织。跑步团队里藏龙卧虎,一到跑步的时候就能发现很多跑步健将,当然也有一些初学新手。大家在一起你会亲历自己不断突破曾经定下的目标。

3. Start with Short Distances –
Though the running community would love to have a million new marathoners tomorrow, the reality is that will not happen overnight. So, addressing the need for focus on shorter distances is a great way to build up to your one day goal of a half marathon, marathon, or further. Try jogging/running 1 mile every day for the next 3 weeks. After that, bump it to 2 miles and so on and so forth. Shorter distances are a step to longer and more successful runs.

3. 从跑短途起步 —— 尽管跑步爱好者社团希望明天一下子就能有一百多万马拉松运动的新生力量,但现实是不可能一蹴而就。因此,应该强调需要从跑短途开始,这是一种逐步建立起每天跑步目标的好办法。开始跑半马拉松,逐渐能跑全程马拉松,甚至更远的距离。开始3周每天慢跑一英里,再往后增加到2英里,依此类推。这样从跑短途开始,进而才能越跑越远,越跑越有成就感。

4. Sign Up for a Race –
The best thing anyone can do in most life aspects is committing to a specific event/responsibility. By signing up for a race in the near future, you will focus on a goal and be motivated to keep practicing for that event. I suggest signing up for a 5k that will occur within 1 month. Most major metropolitan areas have at least three 5k’s/month so most of you will have no problem finding a great race.

4. 参加比赛 —— 在生活大多时候,人一旦参与到某项具体事情或者承担某项责任时就会表现出最好的一面。报名参加最近的一项跑步比赛之后,你就会因此受到激励,紧盯目标坚持不懈地去训练。我建议可以参加1个月内就举行的5千米比赛。绝大多数大城市一个月内至少会有5千米的跑步比赛,所以你想要参加一次比赛绝对不是什么难事儿。

5. Drag a Friend Along –
Motivation is a major factor towards running success. By bringing a friend along to push you through the times and motivate them in their own, you will weather the high’s and low’s that come with the emotional and physical strains of running.

5. 与朋友一起 —— 要想跑出好成绩必须要有动力。拉上一个朋友一起跑,会帮你度过艰难的时候,彼此之间可以鼓劲打气,你会经历跑步给精神和身体带来的辛酸和快乐。

6. Go Shopping –
Some of the most enthusiastic shoppers are runners. Looking good makes you feel good when you are dressed like the veteran runners. Most running stores have well-educated sales people that know what’s good, what’s bad and what’s going to help you survive. Of all types of sales people I have ever met, running store clerks have been the most honest and straight forward individuals. Shopping for new running attire may just push you to show off your new threads.

6. 购物 —— 购物最疯狂的一些人往往都是跑步爱好者。将运动服装备到位会让你看起来像个老将,你的感觉也会超好。大多数跑步用品商店的售货员都有较强的专业知识,他们知道哪些是好的,哪些是差的,哪些有助于跑步。在我所遇到各种类型的售货员中,跑步用品商店的店员最为真诚直率。去买一套新的跑步运动服,到大家面前秀一下吧!

7. Read motivational running sites –
Obviously, there is RunnersWorld, but if you look a bit further you will find hundreds of other great blogs with writers sharing their thoughts too. There are sites for any and every level and some even have forums where you can build bonds with other runner or form your own running group.

7. 浏览鼓舞人心的跑步网站 —— RunnersWorld当然是其中之一了。如果你的视野再开阔一些,就会发现有成百个博客都在交流分享各自的想法和经验。这其中有适合各个层次跑步爱好者的网站,也有综合一起的网站,甚至有一些网站还设有论坛,在论坛你会认识到其他跑步爱好者,你也可以创建一个属于你的跑步小组。

8. Drive Somewhere You Love –
I want to make this the last suggestion because I highly suggest against driving somewhere to run. I try to be somewhat of an enviro-friendly person (minus flights unfortunately) so this suggestion is somewhat counterproductive. If you must though, drive to a nearby park and start hitting the trails. You will get the chance to see the seasons change and breathe in fresher air than in the city. Sometimes, getting a run in a forest is necessary for clearing one’s head from the stresses of life.

8. 开车去你喜欢的地方跑步 —— 我要说的最后一条建议就是我强烈反对开车去你要跑步的地方。我努力去做一名所谓的环保主义者(可惜除掉飞机),因此这条建议显得有些帮倒忙了。如果你坚持要开车去,那可以去附近的公园。在那里你跑在幽静的小路上,感受着季节更替,呼吸着比城市里清新的空气,意境优美。有时跑步于森林中会帮你摆脱沉重的生活压力,放松心情。

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