
Mexican media highlight China's Honor Guard role in independence parade

 3gzylon 2010-09-18

Mexican media highlight China's Honor Guard role in independence parade

15:43, September 18, 2010      

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Mexico's newspapers on Friday highlighted the performance of China's Honor Guard in the military parade marking the 200th anniversary of the country's independence.

Broadsheet Reforma featured a Chinese guard in a front-page photo captioned "China shines in the parade." On inside pages, the paper ran a story commending Chinese troops as "an example of martial elegance and good behavior" that were "impeccable" in the parade, with another photo titled "Out of this world."

China's Honor Guard, made up of 36 warriors representing the air, army and naval forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), had once served as the vanguard in the parade celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2009.

It is the first time that the PLA Honor Guard have participated in such overseas events.

Honor Guards from China and 15 other foreign nations filled streets in the historic center of Mexico City, including soldiers from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

In covering the parade, Mexico's daily newspaper Milenio headlined "China and Russia take the laurel for their synchrony," while El Sol described the parade as "magnificent," saying that "friendly nations were invited" and that their representatives "paraded proudly."

Source: Xinhua
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