
Faculty of Classics

 祥培 2010-10-03

Faculty of Classics - University of Cambridge

Text only version

The Faculty of Classics and the Museum of Classical Archaeology


  • Ancient History Seminar

    Rebecca Flemming (Jesus College, Cambridge): 'Approaching 'Population' in the Ancient World'

  • Late Antiquity Network

    Professor Greg Woolf on 'Sacred Books and Religious Pluralism in Late Antiquity'

  • Literature Seminar

    Ivana Petrovic (Durham University) Etymology and Allegory in the Homeric Hymns to Apollo (3) and Dionysus (7)

  • Cambridge Greek Play 2010

    13/10/2010 - 16/10/2010
    The 40th Cambridge Greek Play, to be staged at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, will be Aeschylus' masterpiece, Agamemnon. Don't miss this unique opportunity (only once every three years) to experience what Greek Tragedy is like!

  • Ancient Philosophy Seminar

    Plato, Laws II


  • MEMORIAL MEETING for Prof Colin Austin

    A memorial meeting for Prof Colin Austin, Fellow (1965-2008) and then Emeritus Fellow of Trinity Hall, will be held in Trinity Hall on Saturday 12 March 2011, at 11 am. Follow the link for more details.

  • New CRASSH Director

    Professor Simon Goldhill is to become Director of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities from October 2011, succeeding Professor Mary Jacobus in the role.

  • Obituaries for Professor Colin Austin

    by Professor Richard Hunter in the Guardian, 6 Sep 2010 and Professor Eric Handley in the Independent, 13 Sep 2010.

  • GCSE exam success

    Top grades for three school students who studied Ancient Greek at the Faculty of Classics. (Click for more information.)

  • The First Ladies of Rome

    Annelise Freisenbruch, a former Cambridge Classics student, discusses her new book on the BBC's Woman's Hour.



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