

 cher29 2010-12-25


Watering Tillandsias Indoors is a little more critical than outdoors because one generally cannot use a hose so the watering has to be more precise. The most common mistreatment of tillys indoors, unintentional though it may be, is to under water them. Misting the plants CAN be sufficient but it can also be OVER-sufficient or UNDER sufficient. The plants can look dry but actually remain moist in the crucial center area, in the meristematic tissue where new cells are produced. If this area remains too moist for too long the plant may rot. Likewise, one can mist the plants regularly but, in the end, it isn't enough to prevent a gradual dehydration that normally manifests itself with the edges of the leaves curling up and "pinching."

给空凤浇水, 室内的要求要比室外的更严格(我们现在的全是室内的,室外属野生的),因为人们通常无法使用软管浇水,因此,必须更加准确。常见的错误会发生就是在室内的养殖中,(这里指浇水)。人们通常会喷水到植物上, 但这样做可能会使边上的叶子已经干了,但中心的叶子还处在潮湿当中, 要注意的是,中心的叶子是要产生新的植物细胞的, 如果太长时间处在潮湿状态可能会腐烂植物.同样, 喷水的弊端可以带来空凤周边的叶子因为得不到足够的水份而无法进行氢氧化合反应.这时周边的叶尖会明显的紧缩.

The most secure way to water the plants indoors is to submerge them for a twelve hour period in "good" water, that is, water that is low in dissolved solids and salts. Rain water and bottled drinking water are the best. When the plants are under water for this length of time they have enough water availability for a long enough period of time to completely rehydrate. A soaking in this manner should suffice for ten days to two weeks in average conditions. If a mounting item is too big to submerge, attaching a velcro dot to the plant and the mounting item allows the plant to be easily removed so that it can be rehydrated. Finally, if this just isn't practical or possible, mist the plants with "good" water and try to monitor the state of hydration as best you can. Once you have the right system down that works in your given situation, watering is a breeze.

最安全的为室内的空凤浇水就是把它们放到“良好”的水里淹12个小时.低溶解固体和盐的水就可以。雨水和瓶装饮用水是最好的。当植物被泡到水里这么长的时间,他们就有足够的水分来供应给空凤在未来很长段时间的氢氧化合反应.。浸泡应在平均每十天到两个星期进行。如果被淹泡的植物太大, 就在上面系一条尼龙扣以便可以方便的拿出来(这主要是对担心伤害到空凤的叶子说的,别忘记空凤是观叶的植物,)。最后,如果这不切合实际或不可能的,就用好点的水喷雾到植物上并观察空凤的水和作用(即是否有中心叶子能够在较短的时间内吸收水份),一但你掌握的这件事,给空凤浇水就是小菜一碟。

One last note. If the plants are soaked, you can put water in a container that has a lid to prevent evaporation. This water can then be used over and over for your soakings. A small pinch of Epiphyte's Delight fertilizer in the water helps as well and it lasts indefinitely. Shake or jostle the container prior to putting the plants in, in order to remix the fertilizer evenly throughout the water. Also, as the water gets used, more can be added to keep the container full enough to submerge the plants completely.

最后, 当你的空凤被淹泡过后. 可以把多余的水储存到一个有盖子的容器里以防止蒸发. 这些水可以反复的使用(我们不用担心使用瓶装饮用水带来的浪费,可以反复使用!) 如果水中有些真菌是会帮助水保持一个更好的状态(不必担心水中的真菌!它对空凤有好处) 空凤泡水以前把容器里摇一下,以致那些真菌会作为肥料来营养空凤. 当容器里的水不满时可以在填满, 这样空凤可以完全的被泡到水里.

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