
seeing reason

 cfei 2011-02-13


   这几点学了一些有关SEEING REASON的内容,现贴出来跟大家交流:


eeing Reason is a classroom workspace for investigating cause and effect relationships in complex systems. At the heart of Seeing Reason is an interactive mapping tool that helps students map relationships and construct models of their understanding.

Seeing Reason是一个网上工作室,用于研究复杂系统中的因果关系。其核心是一个基于网络的交互式的绘图工具,该工具可以帮助学生绘制关系图并构建他们的理解模型。


A free, Web-based mapping tool called Seeing Reason . The tool helps students investigate cause-and-effect relationships. Prompted by a guiding question from their teacher, students—typically in pairs—map causal relationships between factors involved in a complex system.

Seeing Reason是一个免费的基于网络的绘图工具,这个工具可以帮助学生研究因果关系。由教师提出一个引导问题,学生(一般两人一组)来绘制该复杂系统中的诸因素间的因果关系图。

Seeing reason实际是用flash制作的一个在线软件。


1Seeing Reason was developed by Eric Baumgartner of the Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CILT) in Berkeley, California. While cognitive mapping is usually described as making thinking visible, Baumgartner developed Seeing Reason to make thinking audible. "The tool was designed to raise the level of discourse about causal relationships," he said, according to Intel's Web site.

Seeing reason是由CILT设计的。Seeing reason致力于让思想可听化。“设计这个工具的目的是提升使用者演讲水平,这与因果推理能力有关。”

2Seeing Reason was developed so that relationships are measured only by whether one factor "increases" or "decreases" another factor.

Seeing Reason中,只能用一个因素是否“增加”或“减少”了另一因素来表达因果关系。


an open-ended guiding question that will elicit factors that are definable, quantifiable, and measurable.



Seeing Reason VS  Inspiration

"One big difference between Seeing Reason and Inspiration is that it constrains your mapping to cause-and-effect relationships. So, in one way, it's not as versatile as Inspiration, but that's one of its strengths: It constrains you to just thinking about this factor increasing or decreasing that factor. Inspiration's primary use is to say that one element is associated with another; that is concept mapping."

二者之间的重要区别在于,Seeing Reason只能用于绘制因果关系图(推理图)。因此,它不象inspiration那么能用,但这正是它的一个强项:它迫使你只能思考某一因素增加还是减少了另一因素。Inspiration的主要用途是表达一个因素与另一因素相关联,那是概念地图。

"We think increasing math skills is important to any student who's going to grow up in the knowledge economy, and we know that, because it's important to people [like those] who work at Intel," says Pollard. When he and others develop teaching tools, they incorporate math processes that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has said are essential for mathematical literacy: problem solving, reasoning, communication, connection, and representation.

“我们认为对于将来要在知识经济社会中成长的学生来讲,增强数学技能是非常重要的,因为这对于intel的员工也是很重要的。” PollardSR设计者)说。在设计教学工具时,他们融入了数学处理过程,这在国家数学教师协会看来也是基本的数学素养:问题解决、推理、交流、联系和表达。

So-called "21st-century skills" derive from these mathematical processes, Pollard says.



Grade Level:    9-12

Subjects:    Math and School to Work

Topics:    Correlations, graphing, functions

Key Learnings:    What quantifiable effects are there for taking more and more difficult math courses in high school?

Time Needed:   1-3 Days

Background:   Data collection and display, line of best fit, career qualifications and salary

Curriculum Framing Questions:

Essential Questions:

  • How does academic success affect your future?

Unit questions:

  • How do the benefits of taking more math classes outweigh the disadvantages?
  • How do we define benefits and disadvantages?
  • How can causal relationships be defined and quantified?

Summary of the Unit:
Students answer the question, "Will you take more math courses? Why or why not?" and make a list of the benefits and disadvantages of taking more and more difficult math courses.

Students create a Seeing Reason map suggesting some causal relationships and the questions that require data to answer, such as, "Does college admission increase with the number of courses?" or "Does your income increase with the number of years of education?" (Census data is available the National Center for Education Statistics*). Students research in pairs one of these relationships, and create a graph displaying the relationship and defending the interpretation.

For example:

After presenting the data to the whole class, students revisit the Seeing Reason map to decide whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages and why.

The map defines the relationships and asks students to quantify some of these relationships either through surveys or collections of data. Depending on the level of the students, they can discuss correlations and types of functions that best model that relationship. 

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