

 冰姿飒飒 2011-03-23


1.    We know nothing about the newcomer____ he is abroad for more than 5 years.

A. besides  b. except   c. except that  d. except for

2.      Please take a photo____ stands a tower.

a.    in which  b. in the place  c. at the place that

d. where

3.      In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ___ she could turn for help.

A . that    B. who   C. from whom   D. to whom

4.      --- Shall we go outing this weekend?

--- Oh, with all this work ____. I don’t know if I will have time to go out.

A. to do   B. doing   C. done   D. do

5.      Her grandfather looks much_____ after a good night’s rest.

A. live     B. living   C. alive   D. lively

6.      --- They are hard working and they will become engineers in the future.

--- _____________

A. So are we   B. It is the same with us C. So will we  D. We will, too

7.      How we wish to invent _____ machine.

A. time-saving   b. time-saved   c. saving-time   d. saved-time

8.      The disease will cause blindness if____ untreated.

a. leave    b. leaving   c. to leave   d. left

9.      Although he sometimes gets angry easily, his students like him___ for it.

a. not so much   B. no so little   c. no more   d. no less

10.  I don’t think you are an actor,______

a. do you   b. are you   C. don’t you    d. aren’t you

11.  The professor knows three foreign languages,____ English, French and Japanese.

a. for example   b. such as   c. that is   d. which is

12. The accident ___ in a village ___ a hot afternoon.

a. happened;  on    b. took place ; on   c. was happened ; in

d. broke out; during

12.  can you imagine a little boy ____ a stranger ___ into the house and ___a box away?

a. notice, enter, steal    b. watching, come, taking 

c. found, steal, carry     d. seeing, steal, carry  

13.  I don’t think the curtains( 窗帘)______ the carpet(地毯)in your house.

a. go     b. suit    c. fit   d. match

14.  The price for this pen is too _____

a. expensive   b. cheap   C. high   d. dear

15.  --- He shouldn’t have been so careless.

--- The only fault ____ him his job.

a. cost   b. took   c. spent   d. lost

16.  Don’t get off the bus until it ______

a. has stopped   b. stopped   c. will stop   d. shall stop

17.  Who did the teacher have ___ how __ the computer?

A. to show ; to use    b. showed, use 

c. shown  using        d. show   to use

18.  Father was happy ____ the sight of the car after we cleaned it.

a. in    b. with    c. at    d. for

19.  There is my friend. Would you make yourself ___ hom?

a. to know    b. know    c. known by   d. known to

20.  In order to learn English well, _______

a.    it is necessary to practise a lot

b.    a lot of practice is needed.

c.    To practise a lot is necessary

d.    We need to practice a lot

21.  Not the teacher but the students ____ excited.

A is   b. are   c. remains   d. being

22.  Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may____ run over by a car.

a. have     b. get   c. become    d. turn

23.  Tom ought not to ___ me your secret. But he meant no harm.

a. have told    b. tell  c. be telling    d. having told

24.  What he said ___ us much to think about.

a. kept    b. remained   c. left   d. made

25.  No matter what you say, I’ll _____ my own opinion.

a. carry out   b. keep up   c. insist on   d. stick to


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