

 zj204 2011-04-06


(2011-04-04 06:54:20)

第十二篇    关于情绪的表达

Part 1  Being Optimistic    态度乐观

I’m quite optimistic. 我很乐观。(I’m very optimistic about this. 对此我很乐观。)

I have confidence in you. / I have faith in you. 我对你有信心。

We can do that. 我们能行。We can make it. 我们能做到。

It’s easy. / Simple. / It’s a piece of cake. 很简单。(Not difficult.不难。Nothing to it. 不成问题。)

It will work out. / It’ll be fine(OK). 会好起来的。(It will work out in the end. 事情总归会好的。)

Everything will be fine. / Everything will work itself out. 一切都会好的。(In the long run,everything will be OK. 从长远看,一切总将会好起来的。Things will get better. 事情会好转的。)

Tomorrow is another day. 明天又是另外一天了。(We have very bright future.我们的前途是非常光明的。)

There’s nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。(There’s nothing to fear. There’s nothing to be afraid of. 没什么可怕的。)

We’re bound to be successful. / We will surely succeed. / We will surely be successful. 我们一定会成功的。

There’s no doubt we will win. / Without any doubt,we will win. 毫无疑问,我们会赢的。

I’m queit sure we will win. / I’m confident about our victory. 我很有把握我们能赢。

I’m an optimist. 我是个乐观主义者。(I’m full of optimism for the future.我对未来十分乐观。)

I face everything cheerfully. 我面对一切都很乐观。

I’m hopeful about the future. 我对未来充满希望。


Jack: Do you think he’ll get promoted this time around?

Peter: Why not?

Jack: But I’ve been working hard. I feel like I should get the promotion.

Peter: Maybe you should. You do work hard.

Jack: Tanks for the optimism. It feels good to hear people say nice things sometimes.







Part 2    Expressing Happiness    表示高兴

I’m happy. / I feel happy. 我很高兴(幸福)。

I’m feeling good. / I’m feeling fine. 我的心情很愉快。

Nothing could kake me happier. / Nothing would please me more. 没有比这更让我高兴的了。

I’m on cloud nine. 我过得非常幸福。(I’m in seventh heaven. 我沉浸于快乐之中。)

I’m high on life. 我生活得很快乐。(I’m happy as can be. 我很快乐。)

I’m overjoyed that she accepted my proposal. 他接受了我的求婚,我太高兴了。

I’ve never been so happy before. 我从没有这么幸福过。(This is the happiest moment in my life. 这是我一生中最幸福的时刻了。I couldn’t be happier. 我不可能比现在更幸福了。)

I’m walking on air. 我感到非常快乐。

I really enjoyed myself on this trip. / I had a great time on this trip.这次旅行我玩得很愉快。

I’m on top of the world. / I’m sitting on top of the world. 我心满意足。

I don’t have a care in the world. / I haven’t a care. 我什么烦恼忧愁都没有。

It’s great to be alive! / It feels good just to be alive! 生活多美好啊!(What a great day! 这日子多好啊!Life’s been good to me. 生活对我来说一直都是美好的。)

My mind’s at ease. 我的心情很舒畅。I’m at peace. 我活得很安逸。


Peter: How are you?

Jack: I’m feeling good. I’ve never been so happy before.

Peter: So how’s the new car doing these days?

Jack: Perfect. Couldn’t be better!

Peter: You made a good choice,then.

Jack: Yeah. It’s just what I want.

Peter: No regrets?

Jack: No,no regrets. In fact,I’m very happy with my choice.

Peter: I’m happy that you’re happy.

Jack: Thanks.












Part 3    Expressing Excitement    表示兴奋

Wow! 哇!(Fantastic! 好极了!Gool! 真酷!Great! 太棒了!Terrific! 太妙了!)

Incredible! / Unbelievable! 太难以置信了!

Gee whiz! / Gee! 哎呀!

Goodness! / My goodness! 天哪!(Oh,my goodnedd! 哦,我的天哪!)

Heavens! / Good heavens! 老天哪!

My God! / God(Gosh!) / Oh,my God! / Oh,my! 上帝啊!

Shut my mouth! / Hush my mouth! 万万没想到!(As I live and breathe! 太意外了!)

It’s very exaciting. / It’s really thrilling! 太令人兴奋了。(I’m excited(thrilled). 我很兴奋。)

It’s too good to be true. 这太好了,简直让人难以相信是真的。

I’m very excited by the news. / The news is an excitement to me. / I’m excited to learn the news. 这消息太让我兴奋了。(That is wonderful news! 真是一个好消息啊!)


Peter: Hi,long time no see.

Jack: Hello,how are you?

Peter: Not bad.You’re pretty happy. What’s going on?

Jack: Yes,I am. I passed the GRE and I’m feeling good about it.

Peter: That is wonderful news! It’s too good to be true.







Part  4    Expressing Pessimism    表示悲观

I’m rather pessimistic. 我很悲观。(I’m not optimistic at all. 我一点也不乐观。I’m rather pessimistic about it. 我对此很悲观。I’m a pessimist. 我是个悲观主义者。)

I throw in my hand. / I’m throwing in the towel. / I give up. 我认输。

I am doomed to fail. 我注定要失败。

There’s nothing we can do. / We can do nothing. 我们无计可施了。

No way. It’s hopeless. 没办法了,没有希望了。(I’m out of luck this time.这次我没希望了。)

It’s fate. / It’s destiny. 这就是命啊。

I’m hearbroken. / My heary is broken. 我的心都碎了。

We can’t do that. 我们不行的。(We can’t make it. 我们做不到。)

It’s too difficult. 太难了。(It’s too hard for us. 对我们来讲太难了。)

It’s harder than you think. 这比你想象的要难。(It’s harder than it looks.这比看上去的要难。It’s not as easy as it seems(looks). 这可不像看上去的那么容易。)

It doesn’t stand a chance. 那是不可能做到的事。(It won’t work. 行不通的。Nnver happen. 不可能的事。)

We will probably screw it up. 我们很有可能会搞砸的。

Jack: I’m a little confused right now. Why did you give up your plan again?

Peter: We can’t do that,It’s too difficult. We’ll probably screw it up.




Part  5    Expressing depression    表示抑郁与诅丧

I feel very depressed. 我感到非常诅丧。

I’m downhearted. 我感到灰心丧气。

I don’t feel like doing anything. / I don’t have enthusiasm for anything.我提不起精神做任何事。

I’m dismayed at the bad result.我对这个坏结果感到诅丧。(I’m discouraged by the setbacks. 我因挫折而灰心了。)

I’m feeling blue. 我感到很郁闷。(I’m in the doldrums. 我现在无精打采。I’m down in the dumps. 我觉得很消沉。)

I was gloomy all day yesterday. 昨天我一整天都闷闷不乐的。(I’m out of sorts lately. 我最近心情不佳。)

I’m feeling low. / I’m feeling down. 我的情绪很低落。

Today just isn’t my day. 今天不是我的幸运日。(Today is my bad hair day.今天是我的倒霉日。)

I’ve got a lot on my mind. / My heart is heavy. 我的心情有些沉重。


Jack: I feel very depressed and don’t feel like doing anything.

Peter: Is something wrong?

Jack: My girlfriend and I just broken up.

Peter: Forget about her. Having a girlfriend isn’t everything. There really are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Jack: I know.






Part  6    Expressing Anger    表示生气

I’m angry. / I’m annoyed. 我生气了。(I’m too angry to say a word. 我气得一句话都说不出来了。)

You’re going to be the death of me. 你要把我气死了。

You are pushing my buttons. 你这是故意让我生气。

Don’t kake fun of me / Don’t tease me. / Don’t laugh at me. 不要取笑我。

You’re getting on my nerves. / You’re irriating me. 你正在惹恼我。

I lost my temper when he was lying. 他撒谎的时候我发怒了。

He really made my blood boil. / I was furious with him. 我真让他给气死了。

Right now,I’m way too angry to even talk to him,let alone say I’msorry.现在,我正在气头上,都不想和他说话,更不用说向他道歉了。

I’m quick at talking offense. / I steam easily. 我很容易生气。


Peter: What’s up? You sound a little down in dumps.

Jack: I quarreled with my roommate last night. He really made my blood boil.

Peter: Calm down.

Jack: He’s totally unreasonable.

Peter: What’s happened?

Jack: I got to the dorm last night,dead tired. So I took a shower and went to bed,but I couldn’t fall asleep because Brain was watching TV with the volume up loud. I asked him to turn it down a bit,but he snapped at me.

Peter: That sounds kind of unreasonable. Then what happened?

Jack: I’ve run out of patience and shouted back of course.

Peter: Slow down. Screaming at him won’t accomplish anything.

Jack: Right now,I’m way too angry to even talk to him,let alone say I’m sorry.












Part 7  Expressing Boredom    表示厌烦

I’m bored to death. 我烦死了。(I feel(am) bored. 我感到好烦哦。It’s boring. 好烦人啊。)

I’m fed up with his class. 我对他的课烦透了。

This is as dull as dishwater. 这令人十分厌烦。(I’m sick and tired of this.我很厌烦这一套。)

He’s like a broken record. 他真让人心烦。

It’s rather dull. / It’s rather tedious. 这非常枯燥。

Leave me alone. 让我一个人呆着。(Please go away. 请走开。Please go to another room.请你去别的房间吧。Get lost.给我消失。)

That’s really bothersome. / That’s really bothering me. / That’s really bugging me. 这真麻烦。

I’m bored to distraction. 我烦得要发疯了。(I’m bored to tears. 我烦得快哭了。)

It gave me a real pain in the neck. 这真叫人讨厌。He is a real pain.他真是个讨厌鬼。


Peter: Stop running around so much. Can’t you just sit and watch TV?

Jack: I’ve tried,but I really hate this show.I’m bored;what should I do?

Peter: How should I know? Just go someplace else to do it.





Part 8    Expressing Disappointment    表示失望

It’s a pity! / What a pity! 真遗憾!

I’m really disappointed in him. 我对他实在很失望。(I’m disappointed at this. 我对此感到很失望。)

It’s not what I expected. / It’s not what I had in mind. / It’s not what I hoped for. 这不是我期望的。(I expect  something more. 我的期望比这要高(多)。It’s not as good as I expected. 这不如我期望的好。I didn’t get what I expected for. 我没有得到我想要的。)

It was a waste of effort. 真是白费力气。(All my efforts went down the tubes.我的努力全白费了。)

What a disappointment! / What a letdown! 真让人失望!

How disappointing! 太令人失望了!

You didn’t match up to my expectations. 你没有达到我对你的期望。

You let me down. 你让我失望了。

I felt lonely and hopeless. 我感到孤独而绝望。

I’m in despair. 我绝望了。(I begin to despair. 我开始绝望了。I despair of him. 我对他绝望了。)

It can’t be helped. 实在没办法了。(There’s nothing I can do with it.我没办法了。It’s over! 完了!)


Peter: Jack,why don’t you clean your room

Jack: I’m just not in the mood.

Peter: Is something wrong?

Jack: Somebody told me there are rumors going around about me and my friend. It kind of makes me feel a little sick.

Peter: You can’t control other people. You’re just going to have to let it go.

Jack: I know,but I am still kind of disappointed that someone would say such a thing.

Peter: I know how you feel,but sometimes you just have to forget about it and move past it.








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