

 liyanweicc 2011-04-18
















来自《Programming Windows

I've talked about Windows sending messages to a window, which means that Windows calls the window procedure. But a Windows program also has a message loop that retrieves messages from a message queue by calling GetMessage and dispatches these messages to the window procedure by calling DispatchMessage.

So, does a Windows program poll for messages (much like a character-mode program polling for keyboard input) and then route these messages to some location? Or does it receive messages directly from outside the program? Well, both.

Messages can be either "queued" or "nonqueued." The queued messages are those that are placed in a program's message queue by Windows. In the program's message loop, the messages are retrieved and dispatched to the window procedure. The nonqueued messages are the results of calls by Windows directly to the window procedure. It is said that queued messages are "posted" to a message queue and that nonqueued messages are "sent" to the window procedure. In any case, the window procedure gets all the messages—both queued and nonqueued—for the window. The window procedure is "message central" for the window.

The queued messages are primarily those that result from user input in the form of keystrokes (such as the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages), characters that result from keystrokes (WM_CHAR), mouse movement (WM_MOUSEMOVE), and mouse-button clicks (WM_LBUTTONDOWN). Queued messages also include the timer message (WM_TIMER), the repaint message (WM_PAINT), and the quit message (WM_QUIT).

The nonqueued messages are everything else. Nonqueued messages often result from calling certain Windows functions. For example, when WinMain calls CreateWindow, Windows creates the window and in the process sends the window procedure a WM_CREATE message. When WinMain calls ShowWindow, Windows sends the window procedure WM_SIZE and WM_SHOWWINDOW messages. When WinMain calls UpdateWindow, Windows sends the window procedure a WM_PAINT message. Queued messages signaling keyboard or mouse input can also result in nonqueued messages. For example, when you select a menu item with the keyboard or mouse, the keyboard or mouse message is queued but the eventual WM_COMMAND message indicating that a menu item has been selected is nonqueued.

This process is obviously complex, but fortunately most of the complexity is Windows' problem rather than our program's. From the perspective of the window procedure, these messages come through in an orderly and synchronized manner. The window procedure can do something with these messages or ignore them.

When I say that messages come through in an orderly and synchronized manner, I mean first that messages are not like hardware interrupts. While processing one message in a window procedure, the program will not be suddenly interrupted by another message.

Although Windows programs can have multiple threads of execution, each thread's message queue handles messages for only the windows whose window procedures are executed in that thread. In other words, the message loop and the window procedure do not run concurrently. When a message loop retrieves a message from its message queue and calls DispatchMessage to send the message off to the window procedure, DispatchMessage does not return until the window procedure has returned control back to Windows.

However, the window procedure could call a function that sends the window procedure another message, in which case the window procedure must finish processing the second message before the function call returns, at which time the window procedure proceeds with the original message. For example, when a window procedure calls UpdateWindow, Windows calls the window procedure with a WM_PAINT message. When the window procedure finishes processing the WM_PAINT message, the UpdateWindow call will return controls back to the window procedure.

This means that window procedures must be reentrant. In most cases, this doesn't cause problems, but you should be aware of it. For example, suppose you set a static variable in the window procedure while processing a message and then you call a Windows function. Upon return from that function, can you be assured that the variable is still the same? Not necessarily—not if the particular Windows function you call generated another message and the window procedure changes the variable while processing that second message. This is one of the reasons why certain forms of compiler optimization must be turned off when compiling Windows programs.

In many cases, the window procedure must retain information it obtains in one message and use it while processing another message. This information must be saved in variables defined as static in the window procedure, or saved in global variables.


Whenever the user moves the mouse, clicks the mouse buttons, or types on the keyboard, the device driver for the mouse or keyboard converts the input into messages and places them in the system message queue. The system removes the messages, one at a time, from the system message queue, examines them to determine the destination window, and then posts them to the message queue of the thread that created the destination window. A thread's message queue receives all mouse and keyboard messages for the windows created by the thread. The thread removes messages from its queue and directs the system to send them to the appropriate window procedure for processing.

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