
AU expresses concern over situation in Sudan'...

 3gzylon 2011-05-07

AU expresses concern over situation in Sudan's Abyei

13:20, May 06, 2011      

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The Commission of the African Union (AU) noted on Thursday with grave concern over the recent violence in Abyei Area, Sudan, and deeply regretted the tragic loss. The AU also extended condolences to the families of the victims.

The AU commission said the recent violence occurred in the context of a failure to implement the Kadugli Agreement on security in Abyei.

It called on the rival parties to immediately and fully carry out the accord, including the withdrawal of any unauthorized armed force in Abyei.

At this critical juncture, the AU demanded the two parties desist from taking any unilateral actions, concerning either security in Abyei or the political future of Abyei Area, a statement said.

According to the statement, the African Union High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan has been in contact with the parties to follow the situation. The panel remains committed to achieving a negotiated settlement that meets the aspirations of the communities in Abyei, and will finalize and present its proposal in the shortest possible time.

Source: Xinhua Related Reading
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