

 昵称535749 2011-05-08


That provides a backstop against cancer. The rapidly dividing cells in a tumour soon hit the Hayflick limit and the process is brought to a screeching halt. Which is a good thing. The bad thing is that reaching the limit is one of the markers of old age. You do not want it to happen too quickly, particularly in tissues that have to do a lot of dividing in order to work properly, such as those in the immune system.


It has been known for some time that chronic stress (caring for a child with a protracted illness, for example) causes premature shortening of the telomeres. What has not been clear is whether this is a one-way trip, with each stressful period turning the telomeric ratchet irreversibly. This week, though, at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando, Florida, a group of researchers led by Edward Nelson of the University of California, Irvine, showed that it isn’t. Their research suggests that stress management not only stops telomeres from shortening, it actually promotes their repair.

众所周知,长期处于精神压力下(比如,长期照顾一个患有慢性病的孩子)会提前缩短端粒长度。人们不清楚的是,这一效应是否为单向的,即,人体所经历的每一段压力过程是否会不可逆地缩短端粒长度。本周,在佛罗里达,奥兰多召开的美国癌症研究学会的大会上,由佛罗里达大学的Edward Nelson带领的科研团队发表的他们研究结果,证明事实并非如此。他们的研究发现,有效地压力管理缓解紧张不仅能够停止端粒的减短,事实上还能促进端粒自身的修复。

Dr Nelson drew this welcome conclusion from a previous study that measured the impact of telephone counselling on women who had been treated for cervical cancer. The study found that such counselling worked, both mentally and physically. Women who had been counselled reported that the quality of their lives had improved, compared with those of a control group who had not been counselled. They also showed improvements in the strength of their immune systems.


Given those benefits, Dr Nelson wondered if he could find others, and he re-examined the participants’ samples to look at the lengths of the telomeres in their white blood cells (red cells have no nuclei, and therefore no chromosomes). What he found surprised him. Not only did counselling stop telomere shrinkage, it actually promoted telomere growth. Those women for whom counselling had worked (ie, those who reported a decrease in emotional stress) had longer telomeres at the end than they did at the beginning. Their Hayflick countdowns were being reset.


A single such result must, of course, be treated with caution. But another study reported at the meeting, by Elizabeth Blackburn of the University of California, San Francisco (who shared the Nobel prize for the discovery of the enzyme that repairs telomeres), gave some support. This showed that exercise has a similar effect to counselling on the telomeres of the stressed.

当然,单有这么一个结果不足为信,要谨慎对待。但大会上又有一报道,圣弗兰西斯科,加利福尼亚大学的Elizabeth Blackburn(因发现修复端粒的酶类而共同获得诺贝尔奖)给予一定的支持。他们的研究发现,在压力缓解方面,锻炼能够给端粒带来与电话辅导相似的效果。

If Dr Nelson’s work is successfully replicated, it will shine more light on the ill-understood relationship between the health of the mind and the health of the body. For, as he points out, nothing actually changed in the lives of the women in question. They still had cancer, albeit under treatment, and they were still under stress. Nothing, that is, except their attitude.


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