
[九零In象]>> 大新闻:复旦交大爆"口水战"

 放飞的心569 2011-07-18
Last Friday, Fudan University issued a public statement suggesting competitor Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) had deceived excellent out-of-town students into giving up applying to Fudan. It’s said that there were students who received calls from people pretending to be Fudan teachers, informing them their applications to Fudan University were invalid and suggesting they apply to SJTU instead.   
    "It's a lie," Fudan said on its official microblog. "We reserve the right to sue the engineering college in southwest Shanghai."
    Over last weekend SJTU issued a statement denying what Fudan University said, which it said damaged its reputation. SJTU also made its own accusations of dishonesty means. "We are very regretful that some teachers from some university have been sullying SJTU's image in recruitment fairs in high schools," it said.
    The war of words between the two universities is just the tip of the iceberg among well-known universities across the country while they look for excellent students. Under the current Chinese university application system, students can only receive one offer of a place. Applicants list universities by order of preference. If one applicant’s exam score is high enough for the first choice, he or she will be offered a place there. If not, it will move to the second choice, and so on.
    The number of top students enrolled has become an important benchmark to determine the ranking of domestic universities.

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