

 退休工程师 2011-08-19

Most strains of food poisoning are not life-threatening, but there are a few, such as botulism and illnesses caused by marine toxins, which can be deadly.大多数食物中毒菌株不会危及生命,但也有少,如海洋毒素,可致命的肉毒杆菌中毒和引起的疾病。 Often, food poisoning is the result of food not being properly handled during refrigeration and cooking.通常,食物中毒的食品制冷和烹饪过程中没有正确处理的结果。

  1. Identification鉴定

    • Signs and symptoms of food poisoning may include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, hives, headache, weakness, nausea and vomiting.食物中毒的症状和体征可能包括腹部绞痛,腹泻,发热,荨麻疹,头痛,乏力,恶心和呕吐。 A person suffering from food poisoning may experience some or all of these symptoms.一个人患食物中毒可能会遇到一些或所有这些症状。

    Time Frame时限

    • According to the National Library of Medicine, symptoms of common food poisoning will appear within two to six hours after eating the affected food although food poisoning from fish can occur within 20 to 30 minutes after eating.据国家医学图书馆,常见食物中毒的症状会出现2至6小时内进食受影响的食品后,虽然从鱼的食品中毒可出现进食后20至30分钟内。 Most people will recover from food poisoning within 24 to 48 hours.大多数人会在24至48小时内恢复食物中毒。 If symptoms last longer than 48 hours, a doctor should be consulted.如果症状持续时间超过48小时,应咨询医生。


    • Most people do not require medical treatment to recover from food poisoning.大多数人并不需要治疗,以恢复食物中毒。 The proper home treatment mostly consists of preventing dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting.正确的家庭治疗主要包括预防腹泻和呕吐引起的脱水。 The affected should drink plenty of fluids avoiding caffeinated beverages and dairy products as they may make diarrhea and dehydration worse.受影响的应该喝大量液体避免含咖啡因的饮料和奶制品,因为它们可能使腹泻和脱水变得更糟。


    • Food poisoning can be avoided by washing hands and cooking utensils before preparing food.食物中毒可避免准备食物之前洗手和烹调用品。 Food should be properly refrigerated and cooked to a safe internal temperature which is 140 degrees F for fish, 160 degrees F for beef, and 180 degrees F for poultry.食品应妥善冷藏和熟到一个安全的内部温度是140度F为鱼,牛肉160度F和180度F家禽。 One should also avoid eating foods past their expiration date or foods with a spoiled taste or odor.还应该避免食用的食物,他们过去的到期日期或一个被宠坏的味道或气味的食物。


    • Call 911 immediately if symptoms include difficulty breathing, paralysis, bleeding during bowel movements, slurred speech or difficulty swallowing.立即拨打911,如果症状包括呼吸困难,瘫痪,排便时出血,言语不清或吞咽困难。 These are symptoms of more dangerous forms of food poisoning and require professional medical treatment.这些是食物中毒的更危险的形式症状,需要专业的医疗。

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