
8B Unit5 Reading2

 sycuichen 2011-09-04

8B Unit5 Reading2

What to learn

How to learn


1. 理解课文意思,找出关键词或词组并试着复述。

2. 掌握课文中的重要句型和词组。


Answer the following questions:

1. How many people does blindness affect around the world ?____________

2. What can the local doctors and nurses come to the plane to learn ?


3. How many operations did Dr Ma do during his last visit?___________

4. How many operations did Dr Ma use to do when he worked in a hospital?___________

5. Why is Dr Ma proud?_______________________________________.



1. 影响全球约四千五百万人_________________

2.百分之八十的失明病案_____________3. 无钱医治_________________             

4. 一所飞行眼科医院_______________

5.志愿医生____________  5. 演示(实施/ 做)手术__________________  

6. 把它当作教学中心_______________________

7.学习有关眼科手术_______________8. 观看手术录像________________


10. 给某人做手术(2种)___________________/___________________

11. 过去常常一天只做两三例手术___________________________  


13. ……很感激 ____________14. ……感到骄傲________________

15. 尽力去帮助别人________________

16. 继续开展他们的工作_____________________



1. How many __________(手术) does Dr Ma do a day?

2. The sick boy’s parents are________(感激的)to the doctor because he saved the boy’s life.

3. Blindness a_____________cause a change in somebody or somethingabout 45 million people all over the world.

4.Today many people do not have enough money for m __________treatment.

5. You should work hard to i___________ your English.

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空

6. Why not_____________ ( organize ) a fund-raising event.

7. All we need________ (be) enough money_______(carry) on with our work.

8. We help the poor children by_________(send)__________(donate) to them.

9. Please turn off the light before_________ (leave) the classroom.

10. Dr Ma said about 40% of the cases of blindness____(be ) not very serious.

C. 完成句子

1. 他没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。

He doesn’t have ______ money for ______ __________.

2. 那儿过去有个教堂。

There _____ _____ _____ a church there.


We_______   _______ ________ buy a new car.


You can know more information____________________________________.


We’d better_______ _________ _________ our homework while the teacher is away.


1. The sick boy needs an operation.  

The sick boy needs to be_______ ________.

2. Many patients are so poor that they don’t have money to travel to hospital.(同义句)

Many patients are_______ poor________ have money to travel to hospital.

3. The patient’s family are watching the operation with video._______ (找错并改正)

4. He used to walk to school. (改为一般疑问句)

_____ he ____ to walk to school


(   ) 1. China and India are both ________countries.

A. developed       B. developing   C. to developed     D. develop        

(   ) 2. You can improve your English ______ reading more.

A. in         B. with        C. by              D. of

(   )3. Lucy said she hadn’t heard ___________music before.

     A. such a beautiful piece of                             B. a beautiful

     C. so beautiful a                                      D. such a wonderful

(   )4-- Some of the plastic bags can’t ______ after June1.

--- Yes, people will use environmental bags instead.

A. use      B. be use       C. be used   D. are used

(   )5. —What do cows eat?     —They eat__________ grass.

A. most  B. mostly  C. almost  D. main

(   )6.Do you have ____ to say about your family

Aelse anything  Belse  something 

Canything  else   Dsomething  else

(   )7. Books make us happy and bring us ____ knowledge.

A. many   B. much  C. lot  D. little

(   )8. We have ___ to make it better.

A. times enough    B. enough time  

C. enough times  D. long enough time.



















































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