

 贫穷的小悍马 2011-09-10
【Weather June 3】
Wuhan: rainy 19~27℃
Yichang: rainy 19~27℃
Shiyan: cloudy 20.2~29.4℃
【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 648.86 CNY
100 GBP = 1060.59 CNY
100 EUR = 931.11 CNY
100 HKD = 83.4 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0022 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2705.18 -38.39 -1.40%
HangSeng Stock
23253.84 -372.59 -1.58%
>Coca-Cola eyes SH listing
>JP PM offers to resign
>Olympics ticket farce
>Spain demands compensation
>Obama government loves limos
>Li in semis of French Open
>Glamour girls made of cabbage
>New craze for parents-to-be
【Cover Story】
>First 'bull' caged
A scalper at Beijing West Railway Station has become the first to be detained for trying to dogde new ticketing rules, Beijing Evening News reported. Four undercover officers snared a man surnamed Fan as he attempted to sell a high-speed train ticket heading to Xinxiang, Henan province. He was taken into custody as he was about to hand over the ticket to his customer who was allegedly prepared to pay RMB50 extra for the service. He faces 2 weeks behind bars.
Did You Know?
Starting from June 1, anyone buying tickets for high-speed trains in China will need to provide ID cards or passports so that their names can be stamped on the pass. The move is aimed at improving security and deterring scalpers.
【Top News】
>Coca-Cola eyes SH listing
Coca-Cola, the world's largest soft-drink company, said Wednesday it may explore a possible listing in Shanghai, Reuters reported. "We are interested in exploring the opportunity of listing our stock on the Shanghai Stock Exchange," an official for Coca-Cola said. HSBC, Unilever and Standard Chartered Plc have said they want to list on the international board.
>Olympics ticket farce
London Olympic organizers are facing a backlash from hundreds of thousands of fans who woke up to find they were ticketless, the Guardian of London reported. Even the mayor of London failed to secure tickets from his personal application, but said it proved the process was fair. But others were crying foul. The controversial ballot, held after 20m people applied for 6m tickets, was criticized for favoring wealthier buyers who could afford to make multiple bids.
>Spain demands compensation
Spain has demanded compensation for unfounded and financially damaging accusations that its cucumbers were the source of a deadly bacterial infection that has killed 16 people in Germany and Sweden, the Financial Times of London reported Wednesday. An official said Spain would seek compensation and might take action against authorities in Hamburg who initially blamed Spain's cucumber producers as the source of the deadly strain of the bacterium. Although no official numbers have been calculated, Spanish producers' groups say 150,000 tons of produce exported weekly is affected and they fear that they could lose close to EUR200m a week.
The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, the government's disease control agency, reported 365 new cases of E.coli infections, of which a quarter involved the haemolytic-uremic syndrome. An official said the dangers of the infection had not been contained during an emergency meeting in Germany's lower house of parliament. There were preliminary indications of "person-to-person" transmission of the bacteria, he said.
>Obama government loves limos
The number of limousines owned by the US government increased by 73% during the first 2 years of Barack Obama's administration, iWatch News reported. The increase in limos, from 238 in fiscal 2008 to 412 in 2010, came to light on the heels of an executive order from Obama last week that charges agencies to increase the fuel efficiency of their fleets. The increase reflects an enhanced effort to protect diplomats and other government officials in a dangerous world, said officials.
【In Brief】
>Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has survived a no-confidence motion in parliament, but said he is willing to resign when the country's post-tsunami recovery takes hold, AP reported.
>Li Na will take on 3-time grand slam champion Maria Sharapova in the French Open semi-finals Thursday at 8:00 pm Beijing Time. The 6th-seeded Li became the first Chinese player ever to reach a French Open semi-final after defeating 4th-seeded Victoria Azarenka of Belarus 7-5, 6-2 Wednesday.
>Toyota Motor Corp said Wednesday it will recall 105,784 early model Prius cars in Japan and overseas to fix a fault with the model's steering and gearbox, Reuters reported.
>Lenovo Group Ltd, China's biggest maker of personal computers, offered to buy control of Germany's Medion AG for EUR466m in its biggest acquisition since the purchase of PC group of International Business Machines Corp, Bloomberg reported.
据彭博社报道,中国最大电脑制造商联想集团斥资4.66亿欧元收购德国电子产品企业Medion AG股权。这是该公司买下IBM个人电脑部以来的最大收购举措。
>Microsoft showed off its next operating system "Windows 8", highlighting touchscreen features optimized for tablet computers, at the All Things Digital technology conference Wednesday, Reuters reported. The new system is expected to launch in 18 months.
据路透社报道,当地时间6月1日,微软在All Things Digital技术会议上首次展示Windows 8新一代操作系统,一大亮点是支持触屏,可用于平板电脑。Windows 8将在18个月后发布。
【Quotable Quote】
"Anyone who harms the development of football should pay for it."
>Glamour girls made of cabbage
New glamour models look good enough to eat, but won't turn women green with envy because they are made entirely of cabbage. Artist Ju Duoqi, from Beijing, created the bizarre sculptures for her project called "The Fantasies of Chinese Cabbage", the Daily Mail of London reported Wednesday. The wacky works of art show glamorous looking women in a series of poses usually found in glossy fashion magazines. Every piece of the sculptures is made from the vegetable, including their clothes, hats and jewellery.(See photo)
>New craze for parents-to-be
Setting your unborn child up with a social network page has become the latest craze among expectant mothers, KLTV in Texas reported. Ellie Greene from Texas, the US, decided 4 months into her pregnancy it was time to share her news with the world. So unborn Marriah Greene sent out hundreds of Facebook requests to everyone that Greene and her husband knew. At first the couple simply posted updates about their unborn child, but now they write messages from Marriah in the first person as if she is actually talking. On her profile, Marriah Greene is listed as growing up at God and studying delivery at Tummy University. Her sports are listed as "swimming in Ellie's belly" and football, as she is "quite the kicker".
【China Daily Radio】
今天又是电影欣赏环节,给大家推荐的是Chasing Amy,先来熟悉一下词汇:
puppy-dog way: 微不足道的
unattainable: 遥不可及
epitome: 典型的人或事物
You love me?
I love you and not, not in a friendly way.
Although, I think we're great friends.
And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way.
Although, I'm sure that's what you'll call it.
and it's not because you are unattainable
I love you,very simple,very truly.
You are the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being.
I know you think of me as just a friend, and crossing that line is the furthest thing from an option you would never consider.
【Word Power】
saltwater intrusion
Shanghai's tap water supply will not be undermined by the lingering drought and the consequent intrusion of saltwater, a local official from the water authority has said.
Brand dropping(Mentioning that you're wearing an expensive brand of clothing, using an expensive piece of technology, or bragging about other items that you own which are of high value.)
John: Dude! Watch it, if you spill that drink on my $350 Zegna shirt I'm gonna lose it.
Dave: Stop brand dropping Jon. No one cares what kind of shirt that is.
(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。)
【TOEIC Test Daily】
The bank requires_______ copies of all loan documents when performing an audit.
(A) original
(B) originals
(C) originate
(D) originates

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