

 南山松林 2011-09-19



1. interest ; interesting ; interested

(1)The book is very _____ .

(2)He became very _____ in science .

(3)He shows a great _____ in this subject .

(4)What are your _____ in life ?

2. once ; as soon as

(1)_____ a beginning is made , the work is half done .

(2)_____ I get an answer from him , I’ll ring your up .

3. over ; across ; through

(1)We walked _____ the forest .

(2)I can’t jump _____ the fence(篱笆).

(3)She swam _____ the river .

4. else ; other

(1)Are there any _____ questions ?

(2)Is there anything _____ ?

(3)The story is more interesting than the _____ one .

5. at last ; finally ; in the end

(1)I hope that everything will turn out all right _____ .

(2)We walked to the bus stop , then we took a bus and got to the station , and _____ , we got on the train .

(3)When _____ they got into the town , they found nobody in .

(4)The students made many suggestions but _____ they had to follow the teachers .

6. alive ; living ; lively

(1)His father is still _____ .

(2)His class is very interesting and _____ .

(3)Who’s the greatest man _____ ?

7. in(at)the front of ; in front ; in front of

(1)The driver is sitting _____ the bus .

(2)The grandmother walked slowly , and the children ran _____ .

(3)There are some apple trees _____ the house .

8. be used by ; be used for ; be used as

(1)English _____ a very useful working language .

(2)Knives can _____ cutting things .

(3)English _____business people all over the world .

9. the number of ; a number of

(1)_____ the pages in his book is two hundred .

(2)_____ students in our school are from cities .

10. too ; also ; either ; as well

(1)If you do not go , I shall not , _____ .

(2)He gave me advice , and money _____ .

(3)The children _____ went swimming .

(4)There was frost(霜)last night , and tomorrow , _____ !

11. try to do ; try doing

(1)He _____(climb)the tall tree , but he could not .

(2)The tree is very tall . He is _____(climb)it .

12. how many ; how much ; how long ; how often ; how soon ; how many times

(1)_____ have you been to Beijing ? Only once .

(2)_____ do you see your grandfather ? Once a week .

(3)_____ students are there in your school ? About two thousand .

(4)_____ will he be back ? In two weeks .

(5)_____ have you worked here ? For twenty years .

(6)_____ is it ? It’s fifty yuan .

13. little ; a little ; few ; a few

(1)We have _____ milk for the baby . Please go and buy some .

(2)Sorry , I can’t answer your question . I know _____ about the news .

(3)Li Lei has _____ friends , but he has _____ good friends .

(4)— Have you any friends here ? — Yes , I have _____ .

(5)The foreigner only knew _____ Chinese .

(6)A lot of us have tried , but _____ have pass the exam .

(7)— How far is it ? — Only _____ kilometres .

(8)Quite _____ people came here to see the strange animal though it was raining hard .

14. above , over

(1)Eagles fly _____ the white clouds .

(2)Don’t knock the vase _____ .

(3)Turn the table-cloth _____ .

(4)We heard a plane flying _____ .

15. no ; none ; no one

(1)There is _____ clouds in the sky .

(2)_____ other man could do the work .

(3)_____ told us about that .

(4)It’s _____ of your business !

16. besides ; except ; except for ; but

(1)We all went there _____ Tom .

(2)_____ teaching , he is in charge of school’s Youth League work .

(3)Your composition is good _____ some spelling mistakes .

(4)Last night I did nothing _____ watch TV .

17. lift ; raise ; rise

(1)Look ! The men _____ the heavy box onto the truck .

(2)Please _____ your hand .

(3)Prices _____ up already .

(4)The sun _____ in the east .

18. make from ; make of ; make into ; make up of ; make with

(1)Nylon is _____ air , coal and water .

(2)Bamboo can be _____ good walking sticks and fishing peoples .

(3)The medical team is _____ ten doctors .

(4)This cake is _____ six eggs.

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