

 storeroom 2011-09-26


http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月25日 11:43   昂立英语


  Second, a disproportional rate of male and female students in one class is conducive to class discipline and learning effect. A survey shows that when the rate of males and females in one class is 1:2, the students’ motivation for learning and the actual learning effect as well as the class discipline are the best. This research was made by comparing the situations in various kinds of male-female student ratio classes, including all-boy classes, all-girl classes, 50%-50% male-female classes and, therefore, is rather persuasive.


  Sure, it is okay to recruit the same number of male and female students just for the sake of maintaining equality between the two sexes, but the key point is: is it fair? I’m afraid this will lead to greater inequality. For instance: the English department planned to recruit 30 freshmen and it turned out that there were 200 applicants. Based on the entrance test result, among the top 30, 21 were girls while boys accounted for only 9. Does it mean that the university should insist on enrolling 15 girls and 15 boys? If so, is it fair to those six girls who were not accepted? The answer is obvious: No!


  From the foregoing discussion, we can come to the conclusion that accepting the same number of male and female students in every subject does not hold water; therefore, it is totally unadvisable.

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